The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 182: , "Sim City" planning

It is said that the new official took office in three fires. After self-proclaimed the title of game planner, Alice, who is about to become the major shareholder of the company, immediately set up a new task for everyone.

"Many games will be produced in the form of a series, because this can quickly gather fans of the previous game, and the difficulty of creation is also very low. The company can even make such a series of games into a signboard. So I think, since our Electronic Arts has It’s been in its fourth year, and Larry, vice president of sales, and I joined successively, so it’s time to make a series of games."

All the tables were scattered in the big empty room, and dozens of programmers were standing or sitting, listening to Alice's speech enthusiastically.

"My first idea is..."

Now that she named herself a game planner, Alice quickly brought herself into the role. This is really an ultra-simple task, but considering the current computer performance, many 3A masterpieces have not been published yet, but it is a pity. Up.

"...How about "Sim City"?"

EA's own products to be launched in 1989, she said with bright eyes.

"...A simulated city?"

"Simulation? How to simulate? Modeling? Or an engineering game?"

"It sounds interesting, city? It's a big handwriting, but can you bring a computer?"

Seeing everyone talking about—⊥long—⊥wind—⊥wen—⊥learning, w※◇ an endless posture, Vice President Larry coughed vigorously: “Listen to Alice honestly. , You guys!"

"Thank you, Larry."

Alice nodded at him with a smile, and then answered a programmer's mutter: "That big brother, it's not an engineering game. Ordinary players come to have fun in the game, but don't forget this."

With a chuckle, she continued: "The main content of "Sim City" is that on a fixed area of ​​land, the player assumes the position of mayor to meet the daily needs of all citizens in the city. From planning houses, Commercial and industrial land, construction of highways, MRTs, stadiums, seaports, airports, police and fire stations, and even the distribution of taxes and various public facilities expenditures are all designed by the players. At the same time, in addition to proper planning of various areas in the game, Many factors such as people, economy, survival and politics must also be considered."

Alice simply expressed her creativity, and everyone, including Hawkins, thought about her ideas.

It completely breaks the mode of most current games, that is, those "emulator games" such as Pac-Man and Snake are monotonous to the extreme. Managing a city, and being in charge of all aspects of city operations like a mayor, everyone just thinks about it, it must be an unprecedentedly complicated guy!

" do you do it?"

Even Hawkins was worried. After a long silence, he could only say this: "How should the game levels be set?"

"Planning, construction, expansion, and management are the main cyclic modes of this game. Players can freely plan their ideal city and slowly watch the city develop over time."

Seeing everyone's unsurprisingly frowning face and a posture of not giving up to the wasteland, Alice certainly knows what they are thinking, she is just looking for a breakthrough with the idea of ​​playing the game in the past. This kind of simple programmer style is fine to study the eighth generation of "Snake" and the ninth generation of "Beat the Bee", but for the later games, it is definitely not good.

"This game has no ending, and there is no specific game route to follow. Some are just the players' infinite creativity and challenge. Looking at a barren land, under my own planning, it becomes a metropolis full of tall buildings, airports, ports and MRT and other facilities have everything, this sense of accomplishment...hehe, is it much higher than just bees?"

There was a roar of laughter from the crowd, and Hawkins nodded in agreement: "If the player can really do this, the sense of accomplishment will really be very good. But Alice, when the development of a city is on the right track, the player should also be easy. Feeling boring, right? After all, you said yourself, this game has no fixed goals."

"Then make trouble for the player."

Alice said lightly: “First, there are social security issues, such as crime rates such as theft and murder, environmental pollution and industrial emissions rates, and traffic evacuation optimization during commuting. These are all challenges. Even We can also look for inspirations like "Godzilla", monster invasion, alien invasion, earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami flooding the city, if it is compiled, it will make the players have a headache!"

All of these ideas, although the EA employees originally came up with it, but which one was not the inspiration that appeared after a long time of contemplation? Now, when Alice pours beans out of a bamboo tube, spit out these settings in a head, and is madly washed away by the huge amount of information, every employee suddenly has two moods.

"It's so cool! I must make this game! Monster attack? Earthquake and tsunami? Wow, haha, I can't wait to build a Manhattan and let King Kong fly to the Empire State Building!"

"Yeah, yes, Manhattan, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, players can imitate these super metropolises. Even they can create their own hometown, I am like building exactly the same Salt Lake City! "

This group was feeling the game itself, but many more people turned their eyes on Alice as if they found gold.

"Alice, how long did it take you to come up with this idea? Did anyone help you? Under what circumstances did you get this idea?"

"Alice, hey, boss, can you make up another idea for us now? Don't be complicated, I just want to hear it, you're amazing!"

"The game is for young people to do it, no wonder Tripp agreed to be acquired so easily. Alice's mind as a screenwriter is extraordinary!"

In this way, Alice joined, or the first game after the acquisition of Electronic Arts, which was put on the production agenda. But these are not directly related to Alice. Although she has named herself a game planner, she only needs to provide creativity. The current game industry is far from clear about the division of labor as it does in the future. Those programmers who are more advanced in mathematics than anyone can take care of tasks such as testing the balance of games.

"Seeing everyone so happy, I feel relieved."

Returning to his office, this time, Hawkins took the initiative to pour Alice a glass of water: "It is unavoidable that some people will think that when the company is acquired, there will definitely be a lot of personnel changes. But since your new boss is just Being a prestigious planner, I immediately gave everyone such a brilliant idea, at least I don’t have to worry about personnel matters."

"It's fine if everything is working properly."

After talking for a long time, Alice drank the water in one sip: "Although I invested a lot of money in the company, I did not deprive you of that share. You are still the chairman and CEO of the company now? I will do it. A shareholder who comes to hang out from time to time is fine, and you can handle other things yourself."

Hawkins nodded, and took up the file Lawrence left him yesterday: "When do you plan to inject the huge sum of five million dollars?"

Yes, although agreed to be acquired, in legal procedures, the company truly belongs to Alice only after the financial records of the paid-in capital injection, and the previous stage can be referred to as the "negotiation period." Today, it is only a day since Alice and Hawkins have agreed on the acquisition intention, and of course many procedures have not been completed.

"Wait a minute, maybe a month or two."

Speaking of a time that is completely within the allowable range, Alice smiled and said, "Do you want to ask, why should I give such a time?"

Hawkins chuckled and put the file back on the coffee table: "Let me guess right? Hmm... You gave the proof of your property as the founder of Cisco yesterday. It's amazing. It's really amazing. I'm an Apple. Ex-employee of, knows what you do. It’s really amazing."

Alice was lifted to the sky by three consecutive sentences, and he went on to say: "However, even if Cisco has developed very fast in the past two years, it is not easy for you to throw away five million dollars in spare money. Even if you rely on "Ghost Records" "I made a lot of money, but the average screenwriter can only make about 5% of the harvest..."

It seemed that Hawkins didn't know that she was actually a shareholder of DreamWorks, so Alice smiled quietly, but didn't say anything.

This is of course normal, and it is not that listed companies disclose the list of senior executives. Unless people in the industry, who cares so much?

"So you must have a bigger source of property and you can't get it now. In the book industry, I haven't heard that you are going to publish a new book soon, so I think about it..."

Speaking of which, Hawkins’ eyes have become very weird, looking at Alice with quite special eyes: “As early as the end of last year, not long after Microsoft announced the news of its cooperation with IBM, it declared that the company will start this year. It goes public in March. Alice, don’t tell have a lot of shares in it."

Alice stuck her tongue out, good fellow, although there is a slight gap, Hawkins really guessed it.

But it’s normal. As a person who has worked for Apple for four years and happened to watch it grow from a small company with 50 employees to a Fortune 500 company with nearly 4,000 employees and an annual revenue of 1 billion US dollars, now he knows his identity as the boss of Cisco. It's normal to think in the direction of Microsoft's listing.

Seeing Alice's expression, Hawkins couldn't help but be surprised: "No, did I really guess it? You also became a shareholder of Microsoft!?"

Alice hummed, but did not answer his question directly: "It will be listed in early March, so hurry up and buy more. I promise you will make a lot of money!" (To be continued.)