The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 183: Nasdaq Stock Exchange

Many manuscript papers filled with programming codes are pasted on the white walls, and many complicated materials are piled up on scattered desks. It is already late at night, and there is only one young man staying behind in the office.

Larol has been working on the Nasdaq exchange for two years, but he is not a stockbroker who is well-dressed and thrills every day. Instead, he is standing in the position of network equipment administrator of the exchange. Responsible for maintaining these high-value computer equipment.

At this time, Larol was looking bored at a magazine, because the routine inspection work had already been completed.

The stock exchange? Now that computers are so developed, and the network infrastructure is overwhelming, it is only natural that Nasdaq will introduce these high-end equipment, and it is already quite the trend. It's like the monitor in the trading hall. It was just changed at the end of last year. You know, the airport flight schedule in the same period is not like this.

"Hey, day by day, is there nothing interesting?"

After flipping through the magazine, he glanced at the Nasdaq index on the computer that closed today.

It can be said that Rome was not built in a day, and upgrades were not completed in a day. Although the exchange was only established in 1971, and the entire management is full of young people's vitality, the replacement of hardware equipment is another matter. Just like this computer, let’s not say that the machine itself is an old model. The person on it ⌒≦length⌒≦wind⌒≦text⌒≦learning, ww↑wc◆fwx.n∷et even bought a Windows system CD No plans.

The computers that Larol uses at home are still the latest Microsoft systems, but they have to use the old-fashioned DOS system in the company. This kind of return to the original feeling, anyone who has experienced it will have to complain.

After looking at the index, it was still in the position where it remained motionless. Of course, it was closed. Larol sighed again, he was really boring to get home with routine work every day.

Bored, he turned his chair and stared at the buzzing servers behind him in a daze.

Yes, the job of network management is not something ordinary people can do. Just say that the noisy fan noise of these computers is enough to leave employees with sequelae. Fortunately, the above management department is not completely out of keeping up with the times. Since the end of last year, they have replaced the same number of special computers with a batch of new types of little guys.

Cisco's router.

This is a baby, small in size, but a suitcase is as big and cheap at a mere two thousand dollars, but it can replace a whole deadly heavy, expensive, and annoyingly expensive dedicated computer. Although Laroll is just the most common network administrator, he is thankful to Cisco. After all, it has left a dozen computer fans with the noise!

Being idle is also idle, and Larol began to study this novelty.

The workmanship of the router is very exquisite, and its white metal shell is very beautiful, and the designer obviously has a strong ingenuity, very considerately to set different colors for the socket on the back of the machine. Yellow is for computer access, and blue is for access to the Internet. With such a clear design, even the most layman will use it.

The main thing that aroused Larol's interest was the flashing light bulbs on the front of the router.

The meaning of the POWER light is naturally the most obvious. It means that the router is powered on and is working.

There are also five light bulbs labeled "1, 2, 3, 4, 5", which means that up to five computers can be connected to this router, and now these five lights are all bright. Of course, the computers of the exchanges work 24 hours a day, which has nothing to do with the opening and closing of the stock market.

Then, there are the little lights in the work of the other three representatives.

Laroll knows very well that the faster these three lights flash, the more information is entering the network.

Now, because the market has closed after all, and it's early in the morning, even those financial analysts who stay up all night rarely continue to surf the Internet. Therefore, these three lights are almost completely off at this moment, and they only flicker very occasionally.

"Hey, when is this kind of work big..."

Larol, who was extremely boring, complained again. No matter how comfortable the chair was, he might even get back pain when sitting. It was early in the morning. He got up and wandered around in the spacious and narrow computer room.

There are dozens of business computers produced by IBM, each of which is priced at a level that makes Larol vomit blood to buy, but this is also normal. The quality of the stock exchange's dedicated server is unlikely to be low.

Xian was very boring, walked to the door, he looked towards the corner of the wall.

That is the surveillance probe, and the captured images will be directly transmitted to the surveillance room, where they will be repeatedly erased with video tape. In fact, Larol is very disgusted with the pervasive behavior of the exchange, and because the management wants to catch up with the trend, he completely catches up, and even the monitoring room is connected to the network.

Is this the prototype of the future office model?

Larol can't help thinking about it. Although he is not a stockbroker, he is also a person who works on the exchange. The biggest impact of keeping a close eye on the stock market is that he has a sense of the future development model of society. Although Larol is a layman, he also knows it well.

For example, among the companies that are going to go public tomorrow, there will be the famous Microsoft.

Laroll has been following Microsoft for a long time, and he also knows that there are countless stockholders in the country looking forward to its listing. Some time ago, when Microsoft's IPO was successful for the first time, even the Wall Street Journal reported on the situation in detail.

Initial public offerings, this is the most important thing a company can experience, and for some ordinary investment companies, helping a company IPO is the best proof that it has become a strong player in the industry.

The issue price is 21 US dollars, which is the valuation made for Microsoft after the CPAs of the relevant investment company have been busy for a long time. All shareholders of the company divided some shares and consolidated shares worth 2 million US dollars, accounting for 15% of the total share capital for public sale. When these stocks are all sold out, even if they are only sold at the issue price, Microsoft can immediately reap $42 million in funds and allow all investors who bought the stock to share the 15% share of the equity.

Do you want to buy a fortune?

Of course.

Speaking of which, there is one thing that attracts special attention.

As we all know, before a company goes public, it needs to announce the list of shareholders and executives to the public. After all, if a company does not even tell the public about this, how can it count on investors to buy its shares with confidence?

So, of course Microsoft did the same.

The company's largest shareholder is naturally Bill Gates.

But what surprised Larol was that the company's second largest shareholder was not the other founder he thought, Paul Allen, but a name called Alice King.

To be honest, Larol has no impression. Although he keeps the Wall Street Journal every day, every day, and every day, he also subscribes to many financial newspapers and magazines, but he can be sure that he has never heard of the name.

When did Microsoft take place with such a large degree of shareholder change! ?

Larol can only keep this question in his mind for the time being. After all, Microsoft hadn't completed its IPO at that time. As an ordinary company, it was of course not obligated to announce high-level changes to the public, and ordinary people would certainly not be interested in who the boss of a non-listed company was.

Every day, every night when he was on duty alone, Larol would always think about it like this. At this moment, when he was almost relaxed, he returned to his seat lazily.

Next, should I doze off again, doze off again, or doze off again?

The important thing is repeated three times, because Larol is really sleepy.

God, wait all night after routine server maintenance. This is not torture! ?

Thinking of this, Larol's drowsiness was dispelled by depression and depression. As soon as he sat down, he stood up again and started walking around the computer room again...

stand up……



Larol suddenly stopped.

As if Spider-Man was pulling a sticky wire, he cast his eyes on a router in the corner.

Yes, a router, although there are two other compatriots next to it, Larol only focused on this one.

Its work lights are flashing crazily.

"what the hell?"

Muttering, Larol walked to the router: "It's early in the morning now, is there anyone else using the Internet?"

This shouldn’t be. Larol has been working in the exchange for two years. This router has been in the computer room since October last year. !

"Let me think about it, let me think about it, what is the principle of a router?"

Crouching in front of the router that only flashes muttered: "Transmit data packets among multiple IP addresses, and choose the best route, and can also accommodate non-stop types of protocols. ..."

So the current situation is obvious, that is, someone is inputting data into the Nasdaq exchange server, and there is a lot of data, otherwise these three lights will not flash like permanent lights.

"And it's specifically for a certain server..."

Thinking about it, Larol's tired head began to recall.

"In the middle of the night, when no one inside the exchange should be using a computer... Suddenly someone was transferring data to a specific server in large quantities..."

Sleepy, too sleepy, Larol realized in a daze that he seemed to have forgotten to drink coffee.

"Uh, well, maybe the analysis department is preparing for tomorrow's new stock listing. Financial analysts, staying up all night is really tiring..."

Muttering like this, he lay down directly on the spot and fell asleep. (To be continued.)