The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 254: Cameron worried about Microsoft

"I have been thinking about why you want to embed the computer monitor in the screen. After all, for the current audience, this should definitely not be what a computer should look like."

Cameron looked at the computer screen. In fact, according to the development of the plot, before the hibernation cabin starts, the computer should automatically display the startup program. According to Cameron's idea, it is undoubtedly a very advanced method to use the dormant cabin in a spacecraft, and then automatically control the opening time with a computer program.

But it was rejected by Alice. Instead, he moved the computer installed in the "tin cabinet" to the wall. Although Cameron didn't care about such trivial matters with her, he has been pondering the reasons for this change. .

Alice smiled slightly: "Then you are telling me about this now, did you figure out the reason?"

Cameron nodded. Although the magnitude is small, it is undoubtedly a little bit up and down: "A classic movie should be able to cross the era, and as a science fiction movie, no matter what story it tells, if the details are true It is more in line with the future, and will become a classic among classics. This screen..."

He pondered for a moment and said: "Future TVs and computer monitors will definitely become thinner and thinner, right?"

Alice really laughed now, of course, not a mocking smile at all, but a smile of admiration.

As early as when Cameron corrected her original thoughts, she didn't spend so much effort explaining the reason, but simply said that she learned ⑥long ⑥wind ⑥wen ⑥, w⊕ww.c▽≦t, and embedded the monitor. It will be cooler in the wall. There is nothing wrong with this reason, so Cameron did not put forward any objection reasons at the time. Alice thought that this would just pass away. Who knows he has been thinking about it, and he has figured out some reasons?

"As early as the "Terminator" was released, the industry had commented that James Cameron was very interested in advanced technology and the frontier of science, and was a typical supporter of the theory that technology benefits mankind. From now on, he is indeed well-deserved. , I just said one sentence at the time, and you can make such an advanced inference, tusk tusk~"

"Nonsense, you have only seen how much Lao Tzu's ability is, that's nothing."

After being praised, Cameron curled his lips in disdain, and proudly folded his arms: "The monitors of the future will become thinner and thinner, but the monitors now are still very bulky. They are embedded in the wall to hide their thickness. Get up, don't you just do it for this."

As he said, he tapped the monitor screen lightly: "Panasonic's TV...Almost from the beginning, the American electrical appliance market was suppressed by Japan and unable to fight back. Alice, just look at the TV, Refrigerators, cameras, and even Nissan and Toyota are still suppressing our General Motors! These **** guys have created a lot of unemployed people in China!"

"Um... James, this is an HP computer monitor, not a Panasonic TV..."

"I just tapped it and said it, can you control it?"

Cameron glared at Alice, but then he rolled his eyes and said: "By the way...Alice, when will Microsoft's Windows system enter the Japanese market? It's so special, just look at this. We should also make a lot of their money to help small Japan invest in the United States!"

Alice nodded and said: "In July, Gates told me about this. But James, don’t think Microsoft is already a listed company, but the main market has always been Europe and America. After all, the Japanese version of the system It’s not that easy to develop. Did you read the speculation on "Volkswagen Electronics"? What does it say?"

Cameron hummed: "If you say that 2.0 can maintain half of the 1.0 system's sales, it will be qualified. Then there is some nonsense, disappointed with Microsoft, disappointed with Gates, and some people question why you should not be responsible for development early, my dear Miss Microsoft Technical Advisor."

Wow, Cameron, what a grudge.

Alice couldn't help having a good time, but it's no wonder people are full of grievances. Cameron is now Microsoft's largest retail shareholder.

Recently, I have been busy. Regarding the issue of "Popular Electronics", Alice bought it once when Windows 2.0 was released in July. Let’s see what people in the industry think of this "the crystallization of the wisdom of all Microsoft employees." "of.

The result is not unexpected. This product based on 1.0 system improvement and upgrade has no essential changes, and the key is that since it is entirely the struggle of Gates and its employees without Alice's intervention, the system interface is also the same as the original one. The historical development is the same, it is too close to the Apple Macintosh computer system.

You know, although Alice is a shareholder of Microsoft, she has been in Los Angeles almost all the time, but she has no energy to stare at Gates' every move. After all, Jobs was kicked out of Apple in 1985, and he had handed over Windows 1.0 to Microsoft long before that. It doesn’t cost much for a flight. Gates is completely like the original history. He took time to take a stroll to Apple and copy the Macintosh system by the way~

Therefore, although Apple has not taken immediate action, the weak sales of Microsoft have caused the stock price to temporarily fall. After all, compared with the groundbreaking of 1.0, this one is too imitating the Macintosh. It is clear that Alice has tried to avoid similarity to Apple in the former, but Gates and others still go back to the old path.

"It is difficult to expect 2.0 to open the Japanese market."

Alice decisively judged: "The DOS system is okay. It has a history of many years, but it is attached to IBM after all. As for the 1.0 system release, Microsoft was not even a listed company, and could buy the goods. Even though Europe is not bad, 2.0 is so weak now, really waiting for those guys to develop the Japanese version..."

"Haha, then 3.0 should come out!"

Cameron laughed and took the stubbornly, but then, his brows frowned again: "However, I haven't used the 2.0 system yet. Is it really so rubbish?"

Alice pouted and looked around. At this moment, the members of the crew saw that the director and the young boss of the company were chatting happily, so they were also happy to take time to rest.

"It can't be said to be rubbish, of course there is no problem in terms of performance. It is just that its imitation of Macintosh is too serious. On the one hand, it causes customer dissatisfaction and thinks Gates is suspected of deceiving consumers. Furthermore, the performance improvement is not large. So many people don’t need to buy new ones, and many people already have Macintoshes as substitutes, so sales are naturally low."

Cameron nodded and looked around. After a few strokes, he patted his head in annoyance: "Damn, why did I forget to bring a copy of "Volkswagen Electronics" here. I said girl, you are a Microsoft shareholder. With the executives, did the kid at Gates think about what to do next? I can hold a lot of stock in your company, don't let me lose it!"

"Don't worry, buddy, these are blue chips. Just hold them and you will make a fortune in the future."

Alice held back a smile, patted Cameron on the shoulder and said, "There is nothing to consider when planning this kind of thing next. We are in the computer industry. Update is vitality. The 2.0 system just started to go on sale in July, and it will take a while. Regardless of its specific sales, we will start the development of 3.0."

Cameron couldn’t help being nervous. No matter how he is a newcomer in the film art industry, no matter how he is the creator of "Terminator", a box office film with a tenfold yield of 70-80 million, a single stock will bring four Tens of millions of dollars is not a trivial matter. Microsoft's business prospects could not help but he didn't care about it.

"Then when 3.0 is re-developed, they should hold you in charge again, right?"

So, he said doubtfully: "If Microsoft's two products are going downhill in a row, unless the kid Gates turns into an idiot, he will definitely do his best to change the situation, right?"

"Actually, I am not idle for Microsoft's business."

Alice said: "After IBM's situation, the company has worked hard to develop the NT system. Hundreds of people have been recruited from HR. I am a technical consultant who continuously receives emails around the clock. The Internet operating system must focus on security. As a result, this project must be long-term, and there will be no results at all within three or two years. If Gates gives me the task of 3.0..."

She couldn’t help thinking about it. After all, look at the time. It’s September, and it’s been two months since the release of It won’t be long, and it’s indeed time for the 3.0 R&D team to be established. , It’s time to think about related issues.

Therefore, after swaying the crew of "Alien II" as usual, Alice realized that she really needed to greatly accelerate the development of the Internet.

Well, yes, not complaining that I am busy again, but just complaining that the 21st century has not come soon.

You know, for the global village era, it is truly 100% office globalization. Lying on the sunny beach of Miami to program, and then use the speed of 100MB/S to transfer the data to the laboratory in Antarctica. Don't be too easy!

Oh, by the way, if you really want to be an Antarctic laboratory, considering the signal coverage time, the transmission rate must be GB-level, but a mere 100M broadband is not enough.

However, even if the 21st century has not yet arrived, it is the 1980s anyway.

Strolling back to the Eton Public School campus, Alice couldn't help feeling that the school’s practice of equipping each student with a single dormitory was really great. If it's just an ordinary four-person bed, it's not easy for her to start work. (To be continued.)