The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 336: , Full of Hogwarts sense of sight

The bells of the ancient church rang on time in the ancient campus with red tiles and stone walls. Groups of boys in exquisite tuxedos filed out of the dormitory, holding elegant plastic folders, carrying four or five textbooks needed for class, towards them Walk to their respective classrooms. Such a scene has continued for 500 years, but in the last two or three years, a new touch of beautiful scenery has been added.

That is the girls, brown leather shoes and black pantyhose, plus a knee-length skirt and a black outer shirt like a sailor suit. Whenever the girls line up in surprisingly wide lines, they walk through the buildings of this ancient campus in groups. When in the body, it always attracts the amazing eyes of countless gentlemen and boys, especially those who are older.

   "Did you see that girl?"

   At this time, the boy next to James Kent, Slimes said: "That Asian girl?"

   James Kent has brilliant blond hair, he has just turned eighteen years old, and his height is just enough to reach the bottom line of a basketball player. His shoulders are broad and his face is full of men's masculine beauty. When he looks at the marching team that is particularly petite compared to other large groups of girls in the distance, a pair of emerald-green eyeballs seem to be crystal clear.

   "Ah, that's not King Alice, I know her, what's wrong?"

Seeing that James seemed to be interested in her, Slimes immediately said: "My uncle at Standard Chartered has been telling me recently. Now in the London stock market, this girl has done short arbitrage, and now she has made money. It's more than 60 million."

   "Are you tens of millions on two Saturdays?"

   The two girls who go side by side do not go too fast, but their hair is also black, which makes it easy to make people confused. Looking at their backs standing side by side, James smiled slightly, and his expression was slightly solemn: "I have been a little concerned about this girl's actions recently, but she invested 400 million U.S. dollars in Intel. Slimes, London Stock Exchange Here, what is her initial capital flow?"

Slimes has an uncle as a source of information, and he has a lot of knowledge about the industry. He pursed his lips and said with a sullen face: "Forty million, James, and it was thrown in in three batches. Then two. In a week, it became 60 million!"

   "What about the main investment areas?"

"What to invest in for money? Last Tuesday, when Iran bombed another country's tanker, didn't BP's share price drop by 4%. Then on Friday, it just rose back to 17%. When the time came, the girl immediately withdrew from the capital and made tens of millions in this item alone!"

   What the companion said is actually somewhat difficult for James to understand. As one of the last heirs of a member of the British royal family, his ambition is neither in politics nor business, but in the cultural field. For a typical literary teenager, those things in the financial circle are really not literary, and his attention is really limited.

   As for the name of King Alice, when he saw and bought Jurassic Park on the New York Times bestseller list, he had already remembered it deeply. An excellent novel, a mysterious female Chinese writer with only one name left to the reader, everything can't help James feel curious. So, when the Times finally published all the details about her, he was not a little surprised.

   And who could have imagined that the small house can develop to the present point?

   In fact, after learning about Alice a little bit, James Kent was dumbfounded and found out that when the girl became a best-selling author, she was already a heavyweight for Cisco and Microsoft.

   "It's amazing"

   Looking deeply at the figure of Alice going away, James murmured: "And so beautiful"

   Slimes looked at his companion strangely: "James, you won't like this girl, will you?"

"Why not?"

Looking at James’ appearance, he was puzzled by Slime’s question: “I’m eighteen years old this year, and Alice is now fifteen years old, right? Although it’s worse now, when we enter society , The difference of three years is nothing at all."

   "But she is Asian, and she is also American"

   James smiled, and he waved his hand and said, "No one cares, Slimes. I'm just a grandnephew of Her Majesty the Queen. You think the House of Lords will

Do you care who I marry? Believe me, maybe this matter will occupy a corner in the Times, but it will be forgotten in three days. "

   This conversation was only conducted between the two "hairy monsters", even if the ears are as bright as Alice, she is not always on her omnipotent radar. However, perhaps it was because of the providence in the dark. When the young man in the distance was looking at herself with lustful eyes, she still felt something after all.


   Cici stopped and looked at Alice with her nose wrinkled: "What's wrong with you?"

   Alice rubbed her nose vigorously, and took a snort: "It must be Ashley who was angry that we didn't play with her last night, and we didn't accompany her to dinner this morning. I'm talking about me!"

   "No, I just want to ask, why are you sneezing so sound"

   "Ah! Ah! Damn, is Ashley talking about me like that!?"

   This is already inside the teaching building, surrounded by students and classrooms. Of course, the noise and speech should be a little bit quieter. After Alice murmured a few more words, she stopped saying anything, and continued to walk towards the target classroom with Cici.

It is worth mentioning that, at least according to Alice’s own thoughts that she did not leak to anyone, with Eton College as the leader, many private high schools that have also been handed down from the Middle Ages, absolutely let her find a kind of education in Huo. The feeling of Gewarts studying.

   are all ancient buildings in the Middle Ages, and they are all traditional costumes that seem to have passed through a century. At this moment, I am at Eton College, just like Qiu Zhang who is visiting Hogwarts to study. This feeling is really wonderful.

   Of course, Rowling was originally a British, so it is not surprising that Hogwarts would be conceived according to this type of school. In fact, a certain boy from Muggle in the Secret Chamber, didn't he voluntarily abandon the admission to Eton College after receiving the admission notice from Hogwarts and transferred?

   Now recalling the real situation in the wizarding world written by Rowling, I really don’t know whether the boy’s approach is wise or ignorant. Maybe the wizarding world in the United States will be more advanced. Anyway, as far as the United Kingdom is concerned, of course, every trace of air is filled with the current situation of the coexistence of progress and conservation in contemporary Britain. Nobles and Muggles, Slytherin and Gryffindor, it’s a big joke in America.

   It's a pity that although Rowling's idea must be borrowed from Eton College, such as the all-black wizard school uniform, as a school in reality, there is no real potions class to learn after all.

   Alice is actually quite resentful about this. Fortunately, when she was a boy in her previous life, she even read a lot of fanarts written by literary and artistic girls. The result is good. Looking at the whole school, you can't even see an abominable professor who is close to the old bat, let alone the same person.

  Well, Evandeloff might remind her of Gidro Lockhart, but that's just in terms of appearance, character and talent are completely two extremes.

   Another thing worth mentioning is that many courses are actually so boring.

   Among them, the 90-minute microcomputer class this morning was the most boring class for Alice.

  Compared with other classes, the area of ​​the microcomputer classroom is still relatively large, and the desks and chairs are arranged relatively neatly, which is enough to remind Alice of her school life in China in her previous life. However, like other classes, there are only 20 students in the classroom of the microcomputer class, and they are the 20 students with the best computer skills in the entire grade.

   When Alice first walked into the classroom, a slightly chubby teenager waved his hand: "Hey Alice, did you have fun last night?"

   "Ah, very happy!"

Alice’s face was almost smiling like a flower, so immediately, the boy in another position said immediately: "Hey, Alice, I saw you in your role last night, you are so beautiful. It's a pity that I didn't have time to say hello to you last night. Where's the sickle? Shouldn't it be thrown? Can you let me see it?"

Alice sits in her seat and prepares to turn on. Since the current microcomputer class is learning programming, the system is still the old The process is quite complicated: "Ah, of course I didn’t throw it away, you sure want to watch it. ?"

   "I want to watch, I want to watch too!"

   "Oh yes, that sickle! Hey Hampton, the girl with the sickle last night was Alice!?"

   "Cool Woo"

   because of someone

The props that pulled the wind last night immediately plunged into a tumult in the classroom before class. Therefore, when Professor Hamand, who had kept his beard, came to the podium, he had to cough twice to get everyone's attention.

   "Halloween Eve is over, students, let me take your thoughts back."

  Since the teacher is here, of course the students have to calm down immediately. Seeing everyone finally sitting down, Professor Hardman said unhurriedly: "Students, the code we are going to talk about today involves a very deep theory of higher numbers."

   At least four or five boys' eyes started to turn around, and it was obvious from the podium that seven or eight students glanced at Alice.

Just listen to Professor Hardman continuing to say: “So I don’t force you to understand too much. Of course, you can ask if you don’t understand, and it’s absolutely forbidden if you don’t understand. Although we have classmate Alice in our class, she Wouldn’t you be hired to go to work in Silicon Valley in advance because you didn’t know how to pretend, do you understand?"

   Alice lowered her head slightly, because the laughter of the boys around was not just a little embarrassed by them. To be continued.