The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 350: , Cisco’s buy-buy-buy strategy

"Is it snowing heavily in London?"

"It's not too big, but the frost is not small. The visibility of the plane is really not complimented. I almost fell asleep in the waiting room."

A group of people walked quickly into the company building, crossed the front desk and went straight to the elevator, while Alice hadn't been to the company for a long time and was also looking around. The noisy voices of reporters can be heard outside the house. It is necessary for them to avoid the peak dining period of the guests, so of course the best way is to work for a while first.

"This work... said it's complicated and complicated, but it's actually simple."

As the elevator went up, Possack said: "We, or even British Telecom, are absolutely not enough to promote the new standard. We must unite most companies and form an organization like a trade union. Through this method, the standard is spread. Interpersonal handling..."

"We will be on the market soon, less than a month later." The elevator door opened and Alice walked out first. This is not the cafeteria, but the top office area: "So it is better to wait for the new CEO to arrive. ."

This sentence made the executives behind them all trembled.

Up to now, of course, Cisco has always been Alice’s company, and it holds about 70% of the shares. The other two big heads are equally divided by the Bossacks, one is the director of the technical department and the other is the manager of the customer service department. The company is operated in one place and one outside place.

As for the traditional CEO position, strictly speaking, the company has not established this position, and the actual responsibilities are basically divided between Alice and Sandy Bosak. One is the development plan in the general direction, and the other is the actual dealing with many customers every day. The daily work of the CEO is nothing more than these two.

In fact, think about it, the current Cisco and it in history are quite similar, that is, the management system is slightly chaotic, and the absolute technical supremacy.

Among the current total of about 1,000 employees, programmers and engineers occupy a full 600 seats, and they are all managed by Bosak, an internal minister, external director, and almost such a person anyway. The other 400 people sorted out the remaining parts such as customer service, product market research and operation promotion, and even the accounting department and logistics personnel. Most of the daily chores are managed by Sandy Boss, which feels like a good help in the house.

Of course, no one can ignore the existence of Alice. Regardless of how many days she can't stay in the company in a year, the most important progress of the company is all brought by her.

The most decisive order is provided by her, whether it is the initial income of the entire company, the order from the college campuses in the entire California area, or the order introduced by Vice President Bush, which is a half of the East Coast government agencies at all levels. , Kedu has brought new changes to the company.

Furthermore, all the technologies are also brought by her. Routers, switches, firewalls, these three main product patents are all personally owned by Alice, and when she threw the product to the technical department, it was either a finished product, or almost complete technical information, or in She continued to research and develop semi-finished products under her guidance. I really want to say what practical achievements this 600-person team has achieved under the leadership of Bosak...

Only recently has the cooperation with Lucent Technology. For things like network card modules and optical modules, Alice bluntly claimed that she was not interested, so she left it to the technical department to study it slowly.

Well, thank you...

And now, finally there is a professional ceo to enter the company?

"Indeed, when the company goes public, the scale will definitely expand countless times." Alona, ​​who was introduced by Sandy and approved by Alice to join the company's finance minister, laughed: "According to the current market conditions, we will definitely become the second. Apple. Now there are a thousand employees. I don't know how many changes will happen in the future, but Alice..."

The door to the meeting room was opened, and Elona said, "Don't you take the position of CEO personally?"

This question was not answered immediately. Everyone filed into the conference room. Alice took the first place. Sandy and Leonardo each took the lead, and the others soon took their seats, almost all of Cisco. The senior management of the company.

"The situation is like this now." There was no more than three to five seconds of silence, and Alice said: "You all know how many companies I have invested in. I honestly work as a full-time CEO in a certain company, but it's too much to use. That, much. Well, a cup of milk tea."

Instructing the head of the technical department who was personally mentioned by Boss to attend the meeting, and speaking what seemed to be extremely arrogant, Alice continued: "As for the company’s business strategy, in fact, I have already agreed with Sandy. It’s the same with Leon. I think some of you have only joined the company in recent months. It’s normal if you don’t understand the situation. Well... first congratulations on the company’s expansion speed.

There was a burst of kind laughter from everyone. At the same time, in minutes and seconds, the technical team leader Dorn had already poured the milk tea, and quickly brought it to Alice, and then ran back to the end of the conference table to sit down. This is a meeting of high-level officials, and I can be brought by the minister to listen to it, and it is clear that it will become soaring in the future!

Of course, Alice took Dorn’s mentality into her eyes and glanced at Bossack. She continued her topic: "The first thing we must be clear is that Cisco is facing a huge market worth at least $200 billion."

"The Internet hardware industry, and we are still the pioneer and leader, which means that our business scope can cover almost every part of network construction. Including the routers, switches and other network equipment markets that make up the Internet and data transmission, almost all It can be controlled by Cisco."

"At&t, British Telecom, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, etc.... As the network infrastructure continues to be laid, the amount of network information will double every few months, accompanied by massive hardware equipment requirements. This means that our company’s business needs will continue to expand, but it also means greater challenges."

The sentence is quite incisive, and it is by no means an outsider, Hanergy, who is completely ignorant of the industry. Several new executives sitting in distant seats could not help but blink. Don't look at the small bosses who rarely come to the company, but her understanding of the industry is no worse than that of professionals.

"As an equipment supplier, we must master high and new technology and continue to innovate in order to maintain our leading position. But obviously, no one can invent all the technologies one by one, even if the existing technical team is expanded three or four times. Therefore, the path we should take after listing is to acquire companies that are developing new equipment."

As the second founders, the Bossacs had only smiles at this time, and the eyes of the executives had already flickered, and they couldn't help but leaned forward, listening to Alice's further explanation of the plan.

"The biggest advantage of the company right now is not the identity of the industry leader, but the identity of the founder of the industry." After a moment, Alice continued: "Whether it is a router or a switch, we are the first to invent them. The firewall is currently not manufactured by other vendors. Only Lucent is working with us on some more basic levels. It can be said that the company is expanding very quickly and directly occupying most of the market in this newly emerging industry. What kind of situation is this?"

Seeing that the Minister of Marketing was about to speak, Alice raised her hand slightly to stop him, and directly concluded: "That is, we actually have some redundant staff. Bossack, it is reasonable, in terms of the current work intensity of the technical department. In fact, it’s okay to cut the number of people in half, right?"

Bosak nodded and said: "I understand what you mean. The new products manufactured by the R&D department are completely unavailable in the industry, and we are unique. In other words, under the premise of no competitive pressure, even if we use the current It's okay to use half of the staff to develop those products in twice the time now."

The conversation between the two of them was quite dumb, and the personnel director and other executives began to feel strenuous.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Alice directly threw a whole set of switch technology to Cisco around 85 years ago, allowing them to expand financial channels, but Cisco did not develop in this way in history.

To be fair, if it hadn't been for Alice to set up Cisco in advance, the first generation of routers would have been born at the end of 1986, and the switch would be a foreign technology acquired by Cisco from a small emerging company around 1993. The objective events were there. At that time, Cisco had already faced a situation where the top 100 was contending for hegemony. However, it was only at the end of 1987, and it was already racing in this emerging market.

Then the question is: Is there any difference between developing a product in three months and using it in six months?

From the perspective of industry competition, there is no such thing, because when Cisco developed switches, there were no similar products on the market. That is, the network card modules and optical modules that are currently being jointly developed with Lucent are old products that have been in the market for a long time and are competitive.

"So, after we go public, it is necessary to change the focus of the company's development."

Alice concluded: "After the listing, we are completely different from the scale before the listing. Our new and old products will be imitated by countless companies. At that time, the best way to maintain core competitiveness will no longer be It’s centered on Leon’s technical department-of course, it is also important-but... Edes, your marketing department."

Seeing the minister’s reluctantly excited expression, Alice smiled and said: "Give me a planning book to form a cia belonging to our Cisco. What new products appear in the industry, any new competitors appear, you can all. Let us know at the first time."

"Then we will buy them!" (To be continued.)