The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 389: 、Our listing date is...

The impact of the stock market crash is long-lasting and far-reaching. I don't know how many people are unemployed because of this. When countless small companies went bankrupt and many medium-sized companies layoffs, many low-skilled employees had to return home to wait for work. The White House has been working hard. The Federal Reserve is also constantly mobilizing funds to stabilize the market order. The Securities Regulatory Commission has launched a complicated investigation. As for people in the news media, they are constantly trying to divert the public's attention.

They did find one, and that was about Cisco's IPO.

The first news of this company's IPO was in the summer, and it was early summer when the sun was sunny. At that time, the entire U.S. stock market was thriving. The market value of many companies rose again and again, which was extremely exciting. And when the news about Cisco came out, as another leading company in which its founder Alice-Wang Dabi took a stake, Microsoft's stock market also ushered in a high rise, which is really gratifying.

Companies that were born less than three years ago, new industries that were born less than three years ago, leaders and industry leaders that were born less than three years ago, and the background of the entire Internet development have made too many people look forward to Cisco's listing. At the same time, when the second issue of Fortune magazine was released, many readers couldn't help but remember the name Alice firmly, and then in their own brains, the two companies Cisco and Microsoft were firmly tied together.

Therefore, when that terrible Black Monday arrived, when most of the NASDAQ stocks plummeted and lost hundreds of billions of dollars, the news that this company was about to go public seemed to become the news. A tonic. Since mid-November, that is, "Black Monday" for a whole month, when most of the media no longer focus on the tragedy of the stock market crash, naturally more and more attention has been focused on this company.

So, when will it be officially listed?

Until less than a whole month before Christmas, there is still no definite answer to this matter. In the latest issue of Silicon Valley magazine, a celebrity wrote an article saying that this must be the company's use of mystery as a marketing tool, and it happened to be with Alice. -Wang Xianshao's low-key behavior in front of the public fits perfectly. As for "Popular Electronics", because it focuses more on the technical field, it hasn't paid much attention to the IPO information.

Then, when a certain press conference suddenly came out, "Popular Electronics" suddenly became busy.

"Mr. Cowan!"

There was a surging crowd at the press conference, and Zoe Barnes rushed to the front of the queue, trying his best to hear every word of the speaker clearly: "Excuse me, why does your company not choose the United States for such a cooperative act? Telecom operator, but from the UK?"

"Because of the company's honorary chairman, Ms. Alice Wang is studying in London. More details will be disclosed in the press conference of British Telecom."

"So this is true? Cisco has really reached a partnership with the UK's largest telecom operator to promote this DSL technology?"

"This lady, please don’t change the topic. The content of this press conference is merely announcing that our company holds DSL series patented technologies. The cooperation with British Telecom will be announced by the company’s press conference in London. Please also Focus more questions on the technical level."

The spokesperson's answer was gentle but sharp, and Zoe Barnes, who rushed to the front row anxiously, realized that he had made a mistake. As she rushed to the front, many of the ranting questions were focused on cooperation matters, and she was led away by those **** colleagues.

"Then, is this DSL patent the crystallization of the wisdom of all Cisco, or is it the outstanding achievement of Alice-Ms. Wang alone?"

This question is sharp enough, as if there is a posture of where the company itself is placed. After listening to Zoe's words, the reporters around who were waiting for this answer also grinned for a while.

Cowan stood on a high platform and answered very calmly: "According to the information provided by Miss Wang, her patent was registered at the end of 1984, shortly after the establishment of Cisco. The registrant is herself. All employees of our company are very Admire her talents, it is precisely because of her superb personal technical ability that has enabled Cisco to have such a rapid development as it is today. In the whole process, her personal ability has been indispensable."

Quite an official answer, it was all the well-known nonsense in the industry, but everyone present did not know the elite reporters of major TV stations, magazines, and newspapers. Many people immediately heard what was in this sentence.

"You mean, Cisco will be listed soon, right? Will it be this year? Will Cisco's listing promote this cooperation with British Telecom?"

"After Cisco's listing, will there be any new changes in the cooperation with Lucent Technologies? Will it accelerate the output efficiency of this cooperation? Will Cisco's listing have an impact on Lucent Technologies?"

"Since British Telecom will hold another press conference in London, will Alice-Wang attend? You mentioned that she is going to school in the UK. Which secondary school did she attend? Excuse me..."

"I believe that the reporter who asked the question did not read the Fortune of the relevant periodical. Among them... good."

The press conference with constant questions fell into a quiet state for the time being, because a young girl stepped onto the stage.

It is worth mentioning that this is just outside the Cisco headquarters building on a spacious open space.

The temperature is particularly low today. Fortunately, there is no snow falling from the sky, but it is enough for anyone to put on a warm windbreaker, even if it is part of Sunny California. Alice is dressed like this. Her white windbreaker is amazingly beautiful. When a cold wind blows slowly, her long black hair flutters in the wind, but it is not messy.

Zoe Barnes stood under the stage and looked around. Cisco executives stood on the edge of the high platform, and there were guard handles further away. It is not customary to hold news conferences in the open air. When thinking of the two appearances of Alice-Wang in total, it is not difficult to imagine that this idea must have come from her.

"Hello?" She was silent for only three seconds, and she said to the microphone: "First of all, I apologize to everyone, because of the snowfall in London, I didn't make it to the press conference in time. But fortunately, I picked up the end. , Otherwise this plane will be in vain."

Perhaps at this time, everyone should have a cooperative smile, but unfortunately, basically no one has this energy now.

"...Okay," So, after saying this, Alice was silent for three seconds, but couldn't get a laugh, and touched her nose in a weird way: "The horn is very loud, through Cowan's voice, I know what you are asking."

"I'll answer them one by one, so now, I said, you just remember it. You save trouble, and I save trouble, are you ready with pen and paper? Let's start now."

Standing in the audience, Zoe smiled, really a high school girl with full of personality.

"First, I chose British Telecom to better develop overseas markets. Dozens of EU countries face the UK across the sea. This is an excellent springboard for Cisco to enter the European market. That's why ,the above."

"Second," Alice continued as she listened to the recordings from the audience, "As for the specific introduction of the DLS series, I will write an article dedicated to "Volkswagen Electronics". Yes, it says on the badge. The journalist from Zoe Barnes, my good friend Bill Gates’ favorite magazine in middle school, left a very deep impression on me.”

Raising her hand to the reporter who nodded and smiled hard at herself, Alice continued: "Third, I can tell you the exact date. Don’t blame the official for not giving it to you, because of this stock market disaster, I have been deliberately deliberate. Procrastinating this process, no one else in the company knows. So, Cisco’s listing date is..."

With a high-pitched tone, watching the reporters in the audience appear as if they were licked with blood, Alice paused for another three seconds, grinning triumphantly, and said: "December 31, 1987 The last day of the year!"

It turned out to be such a day!

Zoe Barnes almost didn't laugh out loud, and he was suddenly stunned. It seems that many people have forgotten the simplest fact-Alice is only a child after all. Perhaps for ordinary entrepreneurs, the sooner the company goes public, the better the principle, but for her, who has become a billionaire at a young age, choosing a date with a good number seems to be more important. !

For a while, panting sounds could be heard everywhere in the entire square. God knows how many reporters subconsciously sighed when Alice put on that suspense. Three seconds is enough to make some people who lack inhalation and exercise feel bored. How many of them kept recording while gasping for breath? Alice counted condescendingly, whoops, exactly twelve, golden saints.

"So," then it was the time to conclude, she went on to say: "This is all about this press As for the messy questions you asked, what is the impact on Lucent after the listing? Damn, are we all prophets? Okay, the meeting is over, the company has prepared a buffet for you, you are welcome, you all know that you haven’t eaten, so hurry up!"

He flicked out the last few words, and then Alice spun off the stage lightly, got off the stage, got off the stage, got...

"Here, did you see it."

Cowan was hurriedly rushing to the stage to host the press conference. After Alice walked down, she said to the Possack couple and the surrounding senior executives: "This is just a press conference, and it's not something wrong. The government is accepting public inquiries, what is it doing so much?"

"Good idea, really good idea."

Sandy Possack stepped forward, followed Alice and other executives, and walked towards the company building: "There will be any press conferences in the future. Let's just deal with it, Elona, ​​do we? "

More than one executive smiled to cater, and slowly walked away, leaving Cowan alone on the stage, because he was responsible for leading the hungry reporters to dinner. (To be continued.)