The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 521: , Ada's high fever, is this girl about t

On the second floor of the house, an Asian woman is waiting anxiously in front of the bedroom door, her hands frustrated with anxiety. The husband kept nagging about calling for an ambulance, but listening to the ups and downs of discussions among the experts in the room, he really couldn't do the act of driving people out.

"Professor Delov, what the **** is going on!"

When the door of the house opened, the woman hurriedly asked: "Our family Ada has been very healthy since she was a child, and she rarely suffers from a cold or runny nose. Why did she suddenly have a high fever!?"

It was Ivan Delof who opened the door, because Ada went to the institute to play whenever he was free, so her parents also had relevant phone calls. After receiving the call, he immediately took a team-level medical team. Experts are here. According to her parents, Ada rolled down the stairs when she was jumping downstairs. I thought it was just a simple fall, but she fell into a coma without thinking, and her body was hot.

"Because of the short period of time, we can't distinguish her fever category, but you can rest assured that Mrs. Wang, Ada is not life-threatening. Although her body temperature is very high, her various physiological indicators are always in the normal stage, which is just the cause of the illness. Need to check carefully."

The father's opening said: "Should we send her to the hospital as soon as possible? Professor, we are very grateful for your help, but if it can be sent to the hospital..."

Delof said calmly: "The diagnostic level of Exeter Hospital may not be much better than ours. Please believe in the strength of the umbrella company. If even one case of fever and coma cannot be solved, what kind of pharmaceutical company do we open? "

Mr. Wang also cares but is chaotic. After all, he rarely seeks medical attention on weekdays. After his daughter's accident, the first thing they think of is this powerful and high-end medical research institution, not a regular hospital clinic.

At exactly this moment, the door bell suddenly came downstairs, and Delov said without hesitation: "It seems that our boss, Alice-Wang is here. Mr. and Mrs. Wang, you and her are both Chinese with the same surname. Don't neglect it."

Where did I use Delof to remind him that Mr. Wang ran downstairs quickly, and his wife followed him. At the entrance of the porch, the door opened, and the pretty girl standing outside, isn't it the Alice who can be called the Chinese leader?

"Hello, uncle and aunt." Alice greeted directly in Chinese: "How is Ada? What about Mrs. Ivan Delo?"

"Alice! Oh my God, Alice, fast forward and fast forward!" Seeing her husband was in a daze, Mrs. Wang quickly stepped forward and pushed him away, and quickly invited Alice into the house: "Our house, Ada, suddenly rolled upstairs. Come down... my goodness, my mother was never noticed that she had a fever..."

There is no need to go upstairs. As early as when the Lincoln car at the door was three blocks away from here, Alice sensed Ada's mental fluctuations. I really don't know what medicine that girl had taken wrong. The brain waves were turbulent like a magnitude six or seven earthquake, as if a giant nuclear bomb was thrown into the ocean floor and detonated.

"Don't worry, she won't be okay." Alice didn't dare to care about her superpowers. She stared directly at the parents, her blue eyes turned dark, and she used hypnotism blatantly.

"We will send her to the study for further observation, and we will be able to resolve the situation. There is no need to alarm the hospital. You only need to wait for the results quietly at home."

Silently, Delov was already standing at the top of the stairs, and he could just see what happened in the hallway from this position. The Wangs turned their backs to him. Although they couldn't see their expressions, the movements of their shoulders when they relaxed were still very obvious.

"Okay, then please go into the living room now and rest on the sofa. Listen to me, yes, go."

The couple walked silently to the living room, and Alice looked up to the top of the stairs, where Delof stood still and nodded at her.

"Ivan, tell me honestly, did you bring Ada closer to the white lotus again?"

"Absolutely not. And Alice, I can tell you responsibly that our institute does not have an instrument that can measure brain waves macroscopically, so without you, I can't be sure of its radiation range. This is similar to nuclear They are not the same radiation. Ordinary reinforced concrete is definitely unstoppable. As long as Ada comes to us, there is a risk of being affected."

"However, as far as I know, the girl hasn't evolved to the point where she can feel the fluctuations of the outside world."

While talking, Alice has flown to the second floor and walked into Ada's bedroom.

The little girl lay pitifully on the bed, her short black hair was very close to her face, but now she was touching her forehead with sweat. Alice reached out and touched it. The temperature of her forehead had definitely reached 39 degrees Celsius. After touching her palms, lower abdomen, back and other parts, the temperature of her whole body was the same.

"There is no sign of organ failure." Alice murmured softly. She just stared at the girl, completely ignoring the medical equipment brought by Delof and others. By her side, the medical experts who came together did not rush in and stared directly at their big boss.

"Send her to our research institute." After a moment's pause, she quickly ordered: "As usual, set up a temporary ward on the second floor above the ground. Tell the people in the basement not to be too troublesome. Come and work!"

The staff moved quickly, and the stretcher that had been standing in the house for a long time finally came in handy. They were busy, but Delof walked slowly into the living room and looked at the Wangs and his wife who were still sitting calmly on the sofa.

"Mr? Madam?" He looked at them meaningfully, saying that he was calm, but in fact he was in a daze: "We are going to take Ada to the research institute for further treatment."

The couple turned their heads together, with a calm expression, so that even the few researchers who passed by saw it, they couldn't help but feel their hair horrified.

"Then I beg you, Professor Delov."

"Thank you, professor."

After speaking, the two of them turned their heads together again, and continued to be in a daze.

Rao Delov was so knowledgeable that he couldn't help feeling a chill.

Turning his head and looking around, Alice had already stood by his side for an unknown second.

"I don't usually do this kind of cheating, but these researchers you sent are all right?"

Alice doesn’t have to squint to know. From the inexplicable accident in the research institute before Yuexu, to the inexplicable high fever of Little Ada today, to the abnormal behavior of her anxious parents after her debut, all of this is enough for the researchers The earth's brain hole is wide open.

Delof also calmed down and laughed: "Scientists are rational, so under certain circumstances, they are more likely to accept the unknown. They all pay attention to seeing as believing. Although they don’t believe the ufo incident based on misrepresentation, if it is true. I saw it with my own eyes...such as Spider-Man, the scientist’s inquisitive spirit, you know."

Alice nodded in agreement. Those who are afraid of being sliced ​​are all street heroes. If a superpower is a big capitalist, it is too late for him to set up a scientific research team to study himself. How can he be afraid of being kidnapped by other laboratories? The same principle applies to these researchers, unless they really want to stage some of the dog-blood conspiracy theories that are common in Marvel, of course they have no choice but to pretend not to see the way.

It was an absolute accident, but it didn't take Alice too much time. Watching the researcher walk out of the house carrying the stretcher, she also returned to the extension car.

"Is that girl okay?" Brudy asked in the co-pilot immediately: "We will send her to..."

Alice said calmly: "Leave, keep up."

It's not a long journey from downtown Exeter to the comprehensive research center in the eastern suburbs. Delof's emergency dispatch also alarmed the computer programmers upstairs. So when the medical team carried the stretcher and sent the unconscious Ada into the building, everyone had been waiting at the door for a long time.

"It's Ada!" Harry was the first to squeeze the crowd away: "Alice? Boss? How about Ada? Will she be okay?"

"Please get out of the way, everyone, we are going to place the hospital beds on the second floor, so please don't bother casually."

"Ada's, here." Alice pointed to her head. She knew that the little girl had a good relationship with these otakus: "I can solve the sequelae of last month. So you all stay for me. Don't come here to disturb you, understand!?"

There is also a patio on the first floor, which is large enough to hold dozens of programmers to watch together. They walked along without getting too close, staring at little Ada all the way into a spacious office. Fortunately, there are glass walls everywhere here, but it is convenient for them to watch the sick loli!

"Have you heard about what happened last month?" The tall and thin Andermere said to his colleagues: "It stands to reason that when that group of researchers were also unlucky. Ah, how come they almost got the result of amnesia, only Ada...uh...transformed?"

"Because she comes from the mysterious east?" The colleague was short and squat Sam, and said with a gusto: "Aren't our heads know, does this really have something to do with race?"

"You guys are going to tell me, what is the rhythm of the situation now?" Another hoarse-voicing colleague approached, looking at the hospital bed surrounded by a group of white coats across the glass wall: "Mutants, there are Of all the mutant superheroes, who was hospitalized before the birth of their abilities?"

Absolute brain hole, but immediately ushered in a burst of brain replenishment actions of the same kind around him.

"The Flash was struck by lightning... but she clearly belongs to..."

"The gamma rays are quite interesting, but Ada won't turn into a Hulk, right?"

"Super Dare! Super Dare is the magical power discovered after getting up from the hospital bed! Eh...but he is blind in both eyes..."

Listening sentence after sentence, Alice stood in the girl's bed, really admiring these strange works.