The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 524: , Wake up, a long way to go

On the second floor of the institute, more than one person had difficulty falling asleep today. Want to read a book??··

Ada was still in a coma, but her parents still hadn't left and fell asleep next to the bed. After a day of torture, the daughter's body temperature finally dropped. Although it was still 38 degrees Celsius, it was enough to make the couple barely fall asleep.

The door opened slightly, and Alice walked into the room.

The electrocardiogram is still walking regularly, the blood pressure display is also normal, the girl's face is as usual, but she is still asleep.

"This girl can really make a lot of noise, what happened?"

Come up and take a look after everything is up, Alice's doubts are not all stark.

Obviously this is not the time to be full of thoughts. Looking at the Chinese couple with the same surname as her, she sighed softly: "It's hard for you to have such a noisy girl, if it were our Hannah. , Tusk..."

Someone had obviously forgotten himself, and opened his eyes to look at the couple. A gentle wave of mental energy ensured that they would continue to sleep peacefully. No one can guarantee what happens next, so before acting, she at least must ensure that the two people continue to serve as the background wall.

Then, Alice turned her gaze to the little **** the bed.

After several more hours of precipitation, the previously violent spiritual energy group has calmed down a lot, and it is directly manifested in the decrease in body temperature. There is still some distance from normal body temperature, but Alice knows that this girl can wake up now.

It just needs some stimulation.

Dragging a chair to sit down, she plunged a ray of mental energy into Ada's mind.

Undoubtedly, there is a spirit magician casting spells in the ward at this time, but the reality is completely different from the magic novel. There are no mysterious spells of high spirits, and there are no various air distortions or radiant five cents. Special effects. The blue eyes became black, and the pupils expanded infinitely to cover the entire eyeball. This is the only unusual external effect. Alice is looking at Little Ada with such a pair of weird eyes, and others seem to be nothing more than that. .

Then one second, two seconds.

Ada's eyelids twitched.

Then at the fifth second, she let out a soft moan|moan.

Then for the eighth second, a gap was finally opened in the thin eyelids.

"...Sister Alice?"

His eyes were only slightly cracked, and he was looking at the ceiling. However, Ada accurately said the names of the people around him: "My mom and dad, are asleep?"

"Fell asleep, and I helped them sleep more deeply. Read a book??·?? Look?? Look·??"

The dark eyes returned to normal again, and there was no sound in the surroundings, but the strange atmosphere seemed to be broken. The spiritual energy wave of the quantum state swept all around, like light sweeping through the room to bring light and warmth to people's hearts, a metaphysical atmosphere quietly appeared, and disappeared inexplicably, always so silent.

"I...I feel like I..."

Ada sat up, but still did not look at Alice, but did not interrupt the conversation: "How to describe it..."

"The strength has become stronger." Alice looked at Ada with a deep expression: "Tell me the cause and effect. Your parents said that you suddenly fell off the stairs and then fell into a coma. What happened? "

It has been a long time since I discovered that Ada had some mental powers, and Alice was in the distance, just receiving Delov's report constantly, and it was impossible for Delov to grasp everything. When any superhero is first born, his or her secrets are only known to him. Among them, those who belong to the mutant type are especially obvious.

"I don't know..." Ada's answer is really not unexpected, but there are still some goods: "I have been researching and testing these days, and I have not been affected by that flower again, sister, you said The kind of perception that I've ever had..."

As he spoke, Ada was actually stunned, and his eyes fell into a sluggish state.

Not sluggish!

Alice clearly felt that this little girl also released a wave of mental power to the Quartet. Although the purity is far from comparable to her, she has obviously realized the direct release of spiritual energy!

"I feel it!" Then I heard Ida say loudly: "Wow, sister Alice, it's like you said, the flower's presence is so obvious!"

Hold on, hold on, what's the situation?

Knowing that after I woke up Ada, there must be a lot of things to deal with, but after all, Alice couldn't predict what would happen in detail. This time is good, let alone let Ada calm down, Alice herself has to spend a lot of effort to relax herself.

Then came the specific investigation stage.

After trying to calm Ada down, Alice analyzed the information she dictated step by step.

On the day of the coma, Ada became uncomfortable from the morning, that is, her body temperature was slightly higher, but she only regarded it as a simple illness and did not disturb anyone at all. In the same way, she didn't connect this situation with her mental power at all, she just lived as usual.

Then without warning, her body temperature suddenly increased, her head suddenly became confused, and she fell off the stairs with a flicker. It is of the same nature as a heart attack. No one would hold his heart and cry every day before the onset of the illness. Even if Ada's body temperature was high since the early morning, how could it be compared with a sudden coma?

Then things became known to everyone. Now that Ada woke up, she was originally only a very observant, but she unexpectedly raised her mental power level inexplicably.

"You can now release your mental power, but don't abuse this power." Alice held Ada's hand and said very seriously: "My dear, the real world and the comics you usually watch Wei is different. They can make up random bubbles. We have to abide by the law of conservation of mass and energy. If you don’t want to be malnourished or become the big stomach king in everyone’s eyes, you must learn to control it. understand?"

Teaching a new-born vampire to suppress his own drama is by no means a simple matter. Although Ada nodded, Alice was still worried.

"Sister Alice... what the **** is going on with me..."

Ada's tone seemed to be distracted, and her eyes were apathetic, because she was completely relying on mental power to observe her surroundings.

Alice said in a bad mood: "If I can answer your question, I will also know why I had a magical brain since I was born. Okay girl, let your eyes regain control, and then immediately , Come downstairs with me!"

The sleeping parents surnamed Wang, let them continue to sleep well, but Alice knows what the state of their daughter is. This is definitely not the time for the patient's family to be grateful to her. So, after explaining all the current situation a little bit, she immediately dragged Ada to the underground area of ​​the research institute.

It was still on the b-8 floor, and the people in the office saw that Ada was brought over, and everyone was alarmed.

"Spiritual release!?" Of course, Delov is the most surprised one. He has been in charge of Ada's physical examination: "How did it happen? The cerebral cortex is more active? Gene mutations? Cell energy is completely absorbed!? "

"The first guess... is correct." Alice patted little Ada on the shoulder and smiled helplessly: "Think of the deep-sea fish that glow. You don't need any special energy source at all. As long as the cells have the corresponding functions, It allows the body to release photon waves, that is, to emit light. Ada hasn't changed anything. As long as certain parts of the brain are activated, she can easily master the ability to turn biological energy into mental power. This is nothing... What a deep secret."

That's how it is said, but when it is truly analyzed, it is as difficult to cross as a moat. Just like the discovery of gravity and the development of anti-gravity engines, knowing is one thing, mastering it and applying it is another.

"Old Ivan, you are busy." So then, Alice smiled wryly and patted Delof on the shoulder and said: "Normal Then study it in my spare time, just assign it like this. I am now There is no time to set up a special R&D team for superpowers, but it will not force you to explore the situation between me and Ada. Just treat it as a part-time job. Let's focus on the i-virus, ok?"

"Of course... I have no opinion." It took a while for Delov to calm down. "So what about Brudy here? Alice, the Superman project you asked for can't be realized in a short time, just let him come. Explore Siberia? Spy on every hidden military base under the tight defense of the Soviet military? Are you sure you want him to die?"

It can be described as an absolutely weird dialogue, thanks to Delov being fully qualified and necessary to know the cause and effect.

Alice said: "Look at Brudy's thoughts. I'm not the kind of ugly capitalist who is greedy to the limit. Regular investments can still get a lot of benefits. Sending Brudy in the past is really just icing on the cake. Man, We are also good buddies, I really, really don’t force you, you volunteer!"

So the ball was kicked and kicked, and it was kicked back in front of Brudy.

He glanced at Monica subconsciously.

Monica raised her eyebrows.

Alice noticed their little movements and blinked.

"Boss, let me ask a question first." It seems that he has prepared some thoughts, and Brudy smiled bitterly: "If I reject your Siberian expedition plan, will you still make me a little Superman?"

Alice: "..."

Delof: "..."

Monica: "..."

Ada: "............Puff haha!"

Little Ada's laughter became the fuse, and immediately the silence was broken without a trace, and everyone in the room burst into laughter.

"Nonsense! Is my old lady so stingy and lewd!" (To be continued...)