The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 557: , Such as plot routines

The heavily guarded Pentagon has never stopped busy moments. The instant contact with nsa and cia via telephone allows them to deal with major events that happen on a global scale at all times. :乐:文:Novel 3w.しWxs520.COM Every day, a large number of calls are made to the surrounding area of ​​Washington and beyond. As more and more places are connected to the Internet, there are countless virtual data on the coaxial line. No trace in the line.

The same is true for visitors. The utilization rate of the spacious parking lot outside the building has never been sluggish. For their own purposes, countless people from the government, the military, and various departments and agencies walk into this building every day.

A black Cadillac parked peacefully in a corner, without attracting anyone's attention.

"Welcome to you, Miss Wang."

John Brown came to greet him, opened the door, and looked at the girl walking out from inside. He smiled and said, "Mr. President is waiting for you in the building, please follow me soon."

Today's meeting is very important. Alice wore a formal black suit and even rarely stepped on a pair of low heel leather shoes. The novel shoulder-length short hair still has its tail curled up. Although there is no other makeup except a little oil, it is far more gorgeous than ordinary girls without makeup.

"Okay, Mr. Brown." She glanced at the White House intern and smiled: "It's just that I'm a little curious. It's not a soldier who is in charge of welcoming it. Isn't this the Pentagon?"

Brown humbly smiled: "It's just a run of errands. It's not a big deal. Come with me."

It was really rude to make people wait for a long time, and Alice stopped talking, and walked to the Pentagon with the interns.

I haven't been here for a long time, and there is nothing to miss. The old-fashioned marble floor and plain walls, the office workers in a hurry, Alice walked forward, stupefied that no one noticed herself. Although it's a good thing not to be the focus of everyone, she rarely wears thick black stockings today, and she is ignored for the once-in-a-century feminine moment, which makes people unhappy.

Fortunately, this kind of entanglement didn't need to last too long. Following the intern, she took the elevator all the way down, and soon she came to a very famous room.

"Hey, that's not a map of the Soviet Union." On the huge display, the satellite image of Siberia cannot be ignored. A group of soldiers are busy and discussing, only a few words are coming, and they are really doing tracking tasks.

"More than one big battle has been commanded here." A man approached Alice: "John, you can leave."

"Mr. Secretary of Defense." Alice nodded to him, all old acquaintances: "Mr. President?"

"The president is in the house, come with me."

A very private room, the decoration is also very delicate, soft carpets and sound-absorbing walls, if someone fires with a muffler pistol, you may not be able to detect it outside. Walking into the room and seeing a bunch of TV faces at the conference table, Alice thought of this question for the first time.


The man stood up from the chief seat and walked towards her, and opened his arms: "It's been a long time since we have seen you! You've grown up!"

"It's been a long time, Mr. President." Lady Alice stood there, shaking hands with the old man with gray hair: "Please forgive me that most of my business has nothing to do with the military. It has been four or five years. Come here for the third time."

Everyone in the room showed meaningful smiles. Of course, Alice had noticed that among them, it was mainly military figures. Considering the main achievements of Bush Sr., this kind of list is not surprising.

"Not before, but now it's different." Bush made room for Alice and sat down: "I believe you also know why we came to you. The Soviet Union has stolen two Typhoon-class nuclear submarines. Do you have any personal opinions?"

The follow-up development of the plot did not exceed Alice’s expectations. Although I don’t know who stabbed the news out, since Rona Appula’s newspapers have published the news, why would the cia agent who was lurking inside? The reason for the headquarters report. The theft of forty intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles definitely scared Bush Sr. As for the follow-up work, it is indispensable to refer to her Alice-Wang's opinion.

"I believe everyone knows that no matter which strength steals these two submarines, it will not keep all the missiles intact. Forty missiles and 400 nuclear bombs, unless they are really caught by the extreme world-weary, or even just One can basically enable them to achieve those strategic goals that they don’t know."

"So, no matter who gets them, there is a high probability that they will sell the warheads. Is a 100,000 tons equivalent also a nuclear bomb? The unit price of 40-50 million US dollars is not more than enough, even if you just sell one or two of them, it is a lot of money. , And they have four hundred...tsk."

No one can laugh out loud. Everyone here knows that with the current urinary **** in the Soviet Union, there must be no energy to play this inferior treasure game. What happened? It was announced that two submarines were stolen, and then NATO really thought that the typhoon class had been reduced by two, and the nuclear bomb was missing four hundred?

"If criminals want to successfully commit a crime, they must constantly learn the latest technology to prevent them from being discovered and captured. Therefore, the most likely channel for them to sell nuclear bombs is the Internet."

In a word, it reflects the value of a person, calling Alice from all walks of life, waiting for her insights in this field. Bush sullenly nodded silently, "Please continue."

"So the next step is the sales method. If it were me, I would first write a phishing website, that is... Use a'sell everything' website as a cover to see which customers will search for lethal weapons. Obviously, I will I provide some small items such as grenades and pistols on the website. After those customers who buy guns buy more, I will provide them with a second website privately."

"The second website sells further contraband. As a criminal who stole nuclear submarines, of course I can really provide goods to people who enter this website. Then appropriately, when I screen out After a group of more dangerous customers, I will provide them with a third website."

"Point to the nuclear bomb step by step?"

"Yes, point to the nuclear bomb step by step." Faced with the defense secretary's rhetorical question, Alice shrugged and said: "This is normal? The escalation system within the gang, especially when they are recruiting newcomers like a drug gang, must not play publicly. Hiring? Hey, buddy, look, I have a nuclear bomb here, do you want to hit it?"

The most worrying thing for the Ministry of National Defense is nothing more than the whereabouts of the nuclear bomb. Without even knowing the real culprit, the most preferred channel has naturally become the Internet. But in this field, if anyone doesn't want to listen to Alice-Wang's opinion, he really doesn't have to work here at all.

Set up one website after another, which is an excellent way to sell stolen goods in the category of online channels. After hearing Alice's words, everyone in the audience quickly exchanged glances.

"You mean let's find one by one website? Who can afford that kind of workload?"

"Of course not manually." Alice smiled and said: "I have a technology for searching websites quickly. I named it a web spider. The principle is to automatically grab the program or script of the World Wide Web according to certain rules, and finally automatically Extract web pages. If you adopt this technology, I believe your search speed can increase countless times."

Even if she came to help, Alice never forgot her identity. The merchant did not do anything unprofitable. People from the Ministry of National Defense asked her to come over today, so she was naturally prepared for a deal.

"Web spider technology?"

"In fact, it is more appropriate to call a search engine. I have already registered a patent for the technology. It is very simple to use. For example, if there is the word "Bush" in the URL or web content of a certain website, your Excellency, when The searcher enters the word'Bush' into the search engine, this related website will be caught by the web spider, and the results will be displayed."

"Show, show the results... Bush?" Alice just gave an example for search engines, but the President had to think more: "In other words, if my voters want to know me, when they use that engine to input After I have my name, all web pages about me in the entire Internet will be..."

"Hey, Mr. President." The Secretary of Defense hurriedly held down the excited senior Bush: "We can talk about this later. So Miss Wang, you have registered a patent for the technology called web spiders?"

No one doubts that this is definitely an excellent way to find stolen nuclear bombs, especially as Alice said, UU reading www.uukanshu. com criminals will always use the most advanced and innovative technology to commit crimes. According to her narration, as long as the criminals really use the Internet as a nuclear bomb sales channel, then this spider can definitely catch them!

"The patent has been registered, but the company has not been established yet, and all related businesses have not yet started. Mr. Minister, believe me, the website inclusion and statistics work is by no means a simple matter."

"So what do you mean?"

"I can train people in the Information Security Department of the Pentagon. By the way, I can set up a new Silicon Valley company to do the search engine market. The loss of four hundred nuclear bombs is not a trivial matter. As a U.S. citizen, I certainly cooperate with the government. obligation."

These remarks are really righteous, enough to be included in the patriotic quotation template. However, everyone here is a foolish elementary school who is in need of brainwashing. Based on the basic principle of courtesy, they must also pay a price.

Bush nodded naturally and said: "What do you want, just say it, as long as it is within the scope of authority, we will definitely be able to satisfy you as much as possible."

The art of speaking, Alice smiled slightly, and the double face of her face was even more vivid. (To be continued...)