The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 558: , Simple errands to win the White House

Therefore, everything was as expected by Alice. As soon as the news about the "stolen" of the two Typhoon-class submarines was learned by the Ministry of National Defense, she was found in less than a week. "Le" Wen "Small "Said|Among them, there are still treatment batches. The CIAs stationed abroad are really the first to be alerted. The NSA is also madly investigating various suspicious clues, even the FBI. I was also not idle, and began to conduct investigations in the country very professionally.

Four hundred nuclear bombs fell into the hands of others. This is indeed not something that can be ignored by anyone. Fortunately, the mainstream media did not get the relevant news, and even if they got it, they could not play it at will. The public is like this. Since Alice was invited to the Pentagon, she naturally couldn't just leave. She really had to live in Washington before actually giving a solution.

It is always easy for professionals to fool laymen. There is only one job that Alice really needs to do, and that is to build a search engine shell. As for how to use it to find a needle in a haystack to find websites that sell nuclear bombs, it has nothing to do with her.

However, related supporting work still needs to be carried out. Alice did not lie. She did register a patent for the related technology of the search engine early. The poor people in the Patent Office are just experts in the administrative field. They don't really have a deep understanding of what search engine technology means. They only care about whether this technology has existed before.

Therefore, on the first night after leaving the Pentagon, Alice immediately called Los Angeles and asked Sophie to find an office in the Alice Building and register a company named Google. The company category was assigned to the computer field, but for the time being Don't recruit any employees, just keep an empty shell.

With a company and patents, everything is easier to handle.

However, patent registration is very simple, but it is really troublesome to practice it. The development of the Internet search engine is a process, not a genius overnight, although the entire period of time is not ten years, but it is only a microcosm of the overall situation of the computer industry, does not mean that it is really a one-time technology.

The earliest example of a search engine is Yahoo. In 1994, the company's founders Yang Zhiyuan and Ferrosan were studying at Stanford. They became obsessed with the Internet in order to complete their thesis, and they spent the entire day searching for information on the Internet. In the process, they collected many sites of interest to them and bookmarked them, such as scientific research projects, tennis matches, etc., to find them.

However, as more and more sites were collected, they began to feel that finding information became very inconvenient, so they organized these bookmarks into categories, and when each directory could not fit, they were subdivided into subdirectories. . This core approach has always been Yahoo's tradition.

Soon, these two talented young people compiled relevant information into software and put it on the Internet for other surfers to enjoy. Soon after, their website attracted many users and received great attention and widespread welcome. People gave feedback and attached constructive comments to make the content more perfect. At the time of the 1990s, such an inevitable sudden event made the two of them embark on the road of entrepreneurship without hesitation, and thus realized the birth of a giant company called Yahoo.

However, despite Yahoo's success, in the field of search engine technology, it is just the beginning. In fact, in a strict sense, it is not even a search engine. It uses human resources to classify a large number of well-known websites. Yahoo is actually just a database website, which is far from what people usually understand.

Alice took a coincidence, because she knew that for a long time, people in Silicon Valley really had no idea about patents.

In the later period, what was really considered to be the originator of search engines was actually the little-known Archie-except for those in the industry. It was in 1990 that teachers and students from the School of Computer Science at McGill University in Canada developed this program.

In this idea, people use FTP to share communication resources. Archie can collect and analyze the file name information on the FTP server on a regular basis, and provide searching for files in each FTP host. The user must enter the exact file name to search, Archie tells the user which FTP server can download the file.

In general, although the information resources collected by Archie are not web pages, the basic working methods are the same as those of search engines: automatically collect information resources, build indexes, and provide retrieval services.

However, just like Alice Lede, this group of teachers and students has no plans to immediately register a patent right now. Fortunately, she had time to register related patents earlier, and now it's only February and March, and she has **** the technology and the company, and there won't be too many potential troubles in the future.

So the question is, what kind of search engine should she provide to the Department of Defense?


Google it?

Just kidding, the software is so high-end, and the hardware is basically tasteless, isn't it?

Therefore, Alice really just wrote Archie, of course, the enhanced and optimized version. Once the product is provided, her work ends here. Finding illegal websites should be handled by the NSA. She has other things to do.

For example, having a meal with the Bush couple at the White House.

"Thank you very much, Alice."

In the private dining room of the White House, Bush Sr. toasted to her: "Without your help, God knows how many detours those people would make!"

The members of the Secret Service and the waiters who serve the dishes will only show up when they are needed. The elegantly decorated restaurant, rich and delicious cuisine, except for the Bush family and Alice, only the light music played by the record player can be used as the third Those who have so little sense of existence.

"It's just a civic duty, Mr. President." Alice clinked glasses with him, playing tricks and making tunes: "Well, do I have the style of the Marine Corps when I say this?"

Everyone laughed. As one of the accompany tonight, Bush Jr., who Alice is so familiar with, is of course also present. The future 43rd president of the United States and the most brainless president in the history of the United States, this year is still in his early forties. Hair growth is limited.

"Alice, I heard some news about Manhattan's real estate industry recently. You seem to be building a Vanda Plaza in Midtown?"

Alice put down the glass, swallowed the orange juice that was just in the mouth, and looked at Bush: "Oh, we are going to talk about this now? You must have visited my first square in London?"

Bush shook his head and smiled: "That's not the case. My father has been busy with Soviet affairs recently. Now that Gorbachev has stabbed such a big man, we have to lose a lot of hair for him here."

So, you stupid child suddenly talked about what this meant. Alice had a smirk on her face, resisting the urge to pour orange juice on his face.

Sure enough, Bush Sr. immediately rounded up for his bear kid: "Haha, Alice's career is really getting better and better. She has been rapidly moving from the computer industry to real estate, and she also moved her territory from the West Coast to the East Coast. However, Midtown Manhattan is absolutely expensive. If you really want to build Vanda Plaza there, it will cost a lot, right?"

Seeing that it was "Vanda Plaza" when talking to her father and son, the name of such a project was not based on the noun unit of "Vanda Company's industry", Alice knew it well.

Needless to say, how can politicians invite capitalists to a family dinner just to thank them for routines?

Just listen to Bush Sr. continuing to say: "At the same time, your contacts with arms dealers have become closer. Northrop Grumman specializes in the production of warships and radars, and has taken over the construction of Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. The military industry has made a lot of achievements. They should be able to find you to cooperate, and it should be reasonable. The role that computers will play in the future is really becoming more and more obvious."

Bush spoke slowly, and Alice thought quickly, so as expected, the next topic began to focus on the military industry. Bush was chatting, and Alice was thinking about it. The Soviet Union was crumbling, two Typhoon-class nuclear submarines were stolen, the Iran-Iraq War has ended, but the relationship between Iraq and Kuwait has become tense again. Considering the most important measures made by Bush Sr. in the four years in power, the purpose of this dinner is obviously extremely.

"Modern warfare is relying more and more on information superiority, and this is all dependent on the advanced development of computer technology. Alice, I heard that you have established a computer research institute in the UK. In the past three or two years, it has been more or less productive. There are some interesting patents, such as the USB standard at the beginning of the year. So I am curious, do you plan to seize the IBM supercomputer market?"


Alice is waiting for Bush Sr. to go deep into her military How did the style of painting suddenly change?

Ah no, why did the talk suddenly change?


Alice blinked her eyes twice: "If I can get more advanced industrial machine tools and design them by myself, Intel can indeed produce inter-generational CPUs immediately. So if you want to kill's totally Yes……"

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I didn't want you to compete with IBM. That has nothing to do with me, right?" Bush laughed and said, "Just you have to know, child, the stronger the United States is, we The more powerful military power is needed to support this powerful force. Modern warfare, however, will rely heavily on computer performance. If you can provide the Ministry of National Defense with a batch of supercomputers with exceptional performance, I believe this will be beneficial to the future development of each of us. All have great benefits, right?"

It turns out that I made such a big circle for this kind of thing.

Alice quickly realized that the Gulf War was about to start in ten months. It is said that the Gulf War changed the mode of warfare since World War II, but it was only presented to the world as a result. The White House and the high-level military must have established a new combat system long ago!