The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 562: , Occasions of staggering

Sacramento, the capital of California, is located in central California on the Sacramento River basin. It is the seat of the county seat of Sacramento County and the seat of the state capital of California. It established a residential area in 1839, discovered gold in 1848 and set off a gold rush. It was officially established as a city in December 1849 and developed rapidly. It was designated as a state capital in 1854 and a city in 1863.

Today, it is also the fifth most populous city in California. Five hundred thousand, this is a joke in China and India, but it is enough to make it enjoy such a status.

Today is the time for Republicans to gather together. As of next year, the term of the current Governor Dekmeijin will end, and the state ZF will then usher in another person's seven-year residency. The matter is very important. All careerists have officially launched operations as early as a few years ago. Although no one talks about it, today's gathering is the time for many parliamentarians to seek supporters for themselves.

So naturally, when the messengers in the hotel lobby shuttle constantly, looking around, there are not only political elites, but also a large number of business people.

"I assure you that as long as Mr. President can win re-election, he will never treat his own people badly. Now is the time when the Soviet Union is precarious, and the next few years will be crucial, and California faces the Pacific Ocean and will be directly affected. The impact from Asia..."

Peter Wilson stood in a prominent position surrounded by many well-known celebrities. He boasted: "It's like Japan. Don't look at them for the past two years. They have been so arrogant. Who doesn't know it's just a real estate bubble. Three years! In three years at most, their economy should have fallen to the bottom. When we take back the companies and real estate purchased by them, the ruling concept of the Republican Party will definitely open the door to everyone!"

His voice fell, and there was a burst of warm applause around him.

But not everyone in the vicinity gave him applause.

"Mr. Lockheed." Alice said to the young man in front of him: "This is the meeting place for California Republicans. Why did you travel all the way from the East Coast?"

Oren Lockheed in a suit and leather shoes, with champagne in his hand, is handsome and unrestrained. As soon as he enters, he attracts the favor of countless big girls and little wives. However, he ignored everyone and went straight to Alice-Wang who was walking around the audience.

"I'm here to congratulate you, Andra Adams is a scheming arms dealer. I heard you have a lot of big moves recently?"

The situation is really delicate. "How have you treated me these past few years" sounds terrible, and it's really ambiguous to the limit, but it's exactly what Alice can use to question this man. Lockheed, what a technical consultant's name, within three or two years, this arms dealer has never given her much further opportunities. Although this period of time is not long, it is undoubtedly very slow compared to Alice's cumulative development speed of six years.

"Oh, big action." She looked at Oren with a faint smile: "Yes, it's a big action. Now the Soviet Union is getting more and more lively, and the Balkans and the Middle East are also in constant contradictions. It's all you and me. A moment to show off, isn't it?"

Oren Lockheed's visit today, not with a mentality of finding fault, he keenly captured the key points of Alice's words. The situation in California is indeed different from the past, as he observed it during the half an hour when he entered the door. Although Alice-Wang was only involved in a few conversations, almost everyone in the audience looked at her from time to time. A few glances.

Among them, there is no shortage of Bank of America presidents, people of this level.

"Yes, the Pentagon has been urging the development of the new machine recently. Looking at their appearance, it seems that they are determined to send it to the battlefield directly in the past two years. Alice, do you have any new news here?"

"Me? Oh, yes, yes, I have seen the Ministry of Defense's orders for Northrop Grumman in the past few years. They have indeed purchased large quantities of radar equipment, and the demand for new early warning aircraft is higher than that of bombers. . In fact, counting the years, the Korean War, and then the Vietnam War, the 1980s were calm for so long... It seems that there should be new activities again, right?"

The words are full of words, which is a high-level summary of the situation in decades. Alice knows, and Oren Lockheed also knows that in the past ten years, although the country has been peaceful as a whole, the global strategic layout has never stopped. Just like Blackwater can obtain two thousand soldiers from the Ministry of National Defense, secretly launching armed operations against conflict areas of interest in the name of a security company has never been uncommon.

But I really want to say that the state's officially announced combat actions have really been nothing since North Korea and Vietnam.

Is it really time for a new era again?

But it's hard to see, just when Oren was about to say something more, a person interjected.

"Mr. Lockheed!"

State Assemblyman Peter Wilson stepped forward: "It's amazing to see you in Sacramento! What wind brought you here? Is California's climate accustomed to it?"

Oren shakes hands with him, and still has the basic etiquette for the arrival of uninvited guests: "Excuse me, are you?"

"I'm very optimistic about you, Mr. Wilson." Alice interrupted: "Your speech just now was very imposing. Did you see me applauding for you?"

Oren laughed dumbstruck as soon as he heard it. He had been staring at Alice. When did he applaud when he saw her?

"You support my opinion just now? Thank you very much, thank you very much!" As soon as he shook Alice's hand, Wilson put Oren aside directly: "As an excellent investor, I believe you There should be some unique insights into the economic situation in the next two years, right?"

Alice’s journey has always been seen by many people around him. Oren Lockheed may not be well-known to everyone, but seeing Wilson actually leaned forward, many lower-level merchants immediately rose up. Twelve points of interest. Everyone knows what Wilson is planning. He is still talking to Alice Wang. Whether it succeeds or not, it definitely deserves their careful attention.

Watching her sister and politicians boasting from a distance, Oscar stood in the distance and had no plans to join in the fun in the past.

"Feeling pressure?" A girl with long burgundy hair came to him and said politely: "Actually, with Alice's ability, we really have reached the level that we can't be jealous at all."

Oscar recognized this girl, Alice's pen pal, and the daughter of Universal Cinemas, Frey Swann.

He smiled bitterly: "Trust me, Miss Swann, if you really understand my sister, you will know that as long as you are a normal earth person, there is no possibility of competing with her."

Frey-Swan blinked and said with a faint smile: "You mean, I am Alice's good pen pal, good girlfriend, don't you know her as a brother yet?"

This sentence really made Oscar speechless. Yes, he is Alice's younger brother, or Hannah's older brother, but even the relatives who kiss each other can't know everything about a person. Not to mention gender differences, some things are really kept secret from family members.

Especially the last definition, Oscar knows that their whole family has recently refreshed their understanding of it.

So he immediately changed the subject: "Miss Swann, are you also invited to attend this gathering?"

"Oh, my father is there." Frey pointed to the corner, and Oscar looked around. The chairman of Universal Pictures was holding a wine glass and chatting with other wealthy businessmen who were quite familiar. Near him, Oscar even saw Li Ka-shing himself.

"Oh, that one." Frey Swan also saw Li Ka-shing: "Yangtze River Group, Hutchison Whampoa, is this company's recent disturbances in California? You seem to be doing mergers and acquisitions with South Korean shipbuilding companies? "

"Korea? Oh, yes, yes, right, Umbrella Capital is directly involved. Our investment experts are all directly hired from the high salaries of Wall Street. Then we also set up a large shipyard in the industrial area of ​​Los Angeles County. Alice is planning To FedEx..."


Frey quietly stopped Oscar's endless talk, then put down her and smiled softly: "I'm from Hollywood, Oscar-King. It's rare that DreamWorks is currently in dystocia, isn't it? Don't you want to set some interesting scripts from me?"

It wasn't his own lips, but seeing Frey put his finger down, the blood in Oscar's whole body couldn't help pouring in both directions.

"Ah! Well, it makes sense, maybe we can consider putting "Jurassic Park" on the screen? The special effects software of a&a is very good. Alice was doing "Alien II" when she was filming..."

"Oh oh oh, this is not Frey."

Poor Oscar, was interrupted both times. Alice was like a white hanged ghost, ah, not a white elf, and jumped here lightly.


As soon as she saw the visitor, Frey immediately abandoned Oscar and stretched her arms out to hug his sister: "It's been a long time, let me think about it, which party was the last time we met? "

"It should be said, which was the last meeting in the past few months." Alice looked like a fool: "Also, short-term memory is not good. Is your long-term memory also shrinking? Oh, this is my brother. Rabbits don’t understand if they don’t eat grass at the edge of their nest?"

Oscar: "Ah hello..."

"Ah, my mistake, my mistake." Frey smiled softly, giving Oscar a back of his head, and at the same time blocking Alice's face strictly: "Come on Alice, look at you just now. After talking for so long, a member of the Congress didn’t want to tell me, what secret agreements did you have to talk about with him~?"

In this way, Oscar watched. When his old sister came over, the beautiful woman with an Oxford accent suddenly appeared, and then floated away like an elf.

"Ah hello..." (to be continued...) rw