The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 78: , The year-end event in the eyes of an o

Harry is a typical nerd. Of course, when he declares to the public, he will of course say that he is a tall geek, and a super geek with a wide range of hobbies, not only limited to three or two fields, but not just that. The otaku can be compared with himself.

  As a student who was born and raised in New York, and now he is studying at New York University, his knowledge is of course much stronger than those of the old people in the Central Plains, such as his cousin Tom. As the most direct evidence of his extensive knowledge, Harry likes to browse the news in various newspapers and media. If it was originally just to compete with Tom, now, he has really developed this interest.

October 17 is an unforgettable day. Although it does not seem to be related at this time, if these things are linked together after a few decades, a careful person will find that although they occupy different pages and have different lengths, there are many things. News can be connected with a girl.

   Of course, by then, he will be a woman.

   First of all, with some professional journals and magazines headed by "Popular Electronics", and the science and technology section of major newspapers across the country, Microsoft invested heavily in publishing two far-reaching advertisements.

  It claimed that the company will relocate its headquarters to Redmond, Washington on November 10, which is just a short drive from Seattle. Secondly, and what people are most concerned about is that Microsoft will hold a press conference on December 5 to officially launch their long-advertised windows1.0 operating system!

The two news items are not heavyweights at all, so many people wonder when they read this news, but it is just the news of the relocation of the headquarters. Why should it be listed together with the news of their new product release? How much money is used for large-scale publicity?

The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times all published these two pieces of news. On the same day, many Wall Street people couldn’t wait and kept predicting how Microsoft will be after the listing. Generous income.

   Harry's attention to Microsoft is not a day or two. This cheating company announced as early as last year that it would release their product in the spring, but the ticket was skipped. As a result, I don't know when the jump will be the head. Harry had already scolded Bill Gates into the sea. After all, he hadn't expected this new system for a day or two!

   So, when he saw this news actually appeared on the news, he was finally relieved.

   As for Microsoft's move... I don't want many people to think that it doesn't matter, but Harry immediately analyzed something.

   Almost all Microsoft employees are Seattle natives. This is common sense to Harry, a veteran nerd and an inexperienced geek. Moving the headquarters back to Washington State will not only play a role in uniting people's hearts, but Seattle has a lot of computer talents. This move is completely equivalent to the return of the Wolf King!

   It just made Harry wonder, why did Microsoft move in Albuquerque for nearly ten years and moved as soon as Windows 1.0 was released? Is there any logical connection in this, or is it due to fate, or is there a huge conspiracy?

  Too much thinking and tired, Harry began to pay attention to the next news.

  Secondly, in the relevant section of the New York Times, the release date of the new book "Jurassic Park" has also been determined, which is November 15.

   For this novel, Harry has been looking forward to it for a long time. The whole promotion process lasted for two or three months. Not to mention, in Manhattan alone, Bantam covered the new book promotion area of ​​seven bookstores. The amount of this fee is so high that it is probably equal to the full income of some junk books, and now it is only for the promotion of a book before its release!

   Harry has read many science fiction novels. The Verne series are his enlightenment works, Asimov's "Galactic Empire" series, as well as "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", etc., are all works familiar to people in the circle. However, facing this novel written by rookie writer Alice Wang, he is somewhat difficult to classify.

   Speaking of science fiction, all dinosaurs have been created. Of course, it is science fiction, but this is completely contrary to the mainstream space fantasy. It is just talking about the ultra-modern application of cloning technology. Although the subject matter should be particularly attractive, Harry felt awkward no matter how he looked at it.

   But it's this awkwardness that made him particularly interested in this book. He has already decided that when the new book is released, he must arrive at the scene as soon as possible. One purchase is three sets!

   One for reading, one for collecting, and one for preaching!

Then there was an entertainment news article published in the Los Angeles Times. A new film company founded by a famous Wall Street venture capitalist, Roger Lawrence, DreamWorks was incorporated today and announced that they will shoot an unprecedented film. New horror film.

   The hair on Harry's whole body exploded as soon as he saw such a news.

Horror film!

  The company actually named "DreamWorks", and the first movie was still a horror film. Is this the subtext that makes all audiences have nightmares?

   But, I like it!

   Harry can be said to be a big fan of horror movies, as you can see from the huge collection of videotapes in the bedroom. For example, the originator of the classic zombie film "Night of the Living Dead" and the follow-up "Dawn of the Living Dead", as well as "The Exorcist" which was adapted from the novel of the same name in 1971 and filmed in 1973.

   Especially this Exorcist, which was rated as the scariest movie by Entertainment Weekly. At the beginning of the film’s release, many local governments in the UK banned the film from being shown, which even made some strange "exorcist bus tours" appear at the time. Travel organization convoys sent tourists to nearby cities where the film can be shown. . Even now, the government has not allowed the sale of video tapes.

  Of course, like "Alien" and "Jaws", they are indispensable collection must, as a senior otaku, Harry is not a super geek, but a keen eye, but an industry expert!

   So, Harry can't look forward to this new horror film from the film company founded by Roger Lawrence. After all, he also knows that this Lawrence is a well-known venture capitalist in the entertainment industry, and his vision is of course no doubt!

   It’s just a pity that the name of the new movie has not been announced...

   "Of course it can't be announced!"

   Downtown Los Angeles, at the foot of Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, south of Sunset Boulevard, a simple three-story building is the current location of DreamWorks. In the chairman's office, the girl's high-pitched voice could be heard clearly even in the corridor.

   "If this movie wants to make high profits, proper publicity is the most important thing. If we announce the name of the movie and even posters and other related information in advance, we will not achieve such good results!"

   The company has just been established, and there are fewer than ten employees. Fortunately, shareholders are not counted here. Therefore, despite the constant yelling and yelling in the office, it would not be known to too many people.

"However, according to this approach, the publicity costs will be very high. Alice, although horror films have always been able to achieve low investment and high benefits, the film company promotes a horror film to that extent. Things have never happened in the industry."

   Lawrence was sitting on the sofa. If it weren't for the little girl who was talking to him, he would definitely be tempted to light a cigar. There was a lot of pressure, and when Alice proposed a means of propaganda for the new movie, he suddenly felt tremendous pressure.

   "Isn't history meant to be created by people?"

Alice spreads her hands together: "I always want to find examples from the past. Are those examples themselves changed out of thin air? The industry has never done this kind of publicity, but as long as we do, won't there be such examples? "

Seeing what Lawrence wanted to say, Alice hurriedly continued: "Pioneers do suffer risks, but the benefits are proportional to the risks. Roger, you have been a venture capitalist for more than ten years, and now you take the initiative again. Entrepreneurship, you don’t even have this courage, do you?"

   After finishing, she winked at Lawrence playfully, with a sly look on her face.

   "Smelly girl, you have enough reasons, you deserve to be Sophie's daughter."

   Lawrence was speechless by her robbing, after all, his qualifications as a venture capitalist for more than ten years are obvious. Venture capital, people who have been in this industry for more than a decade have taken the initiative to start a business, but then they shy away from risk. It is indeed unreasonable.

   "But at least, you shoot the movie first, let me see it before you talk."

   Lawrence looked at the girl in front of him deeply, and he was really interested in the new movie idea proposed by the other party.

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