The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 87: , "Ghost Record" is very funny (1)

   December 5th is the day when Microsoft released their long-awaited product, Windows 1.0. At the press conference, Gates excitedly introduced its functions to major media across the country and announced that the product was priced at one hundred dollars. In this way, the company received a large number of orders that floated like snowflakes on the same day. In the evening paper that day, Gates even more ostentatiously revealed the number of transactions to the media, allowing Microsoft to make a big splash in the industry across the country.

   But these have nothing to do with Harry. Although he read the relevant news and newspapers carefully, what really caught his attention was the recent movie that was very popular.

   "Ghost Record" is finally released.

   It’s so fast. It took a week from shooting to finishing, and only two weeks to editing. After being published in the newspaper, such a high-efficiency has once again aroused widespread discussion among the public. Even with many industry insiders, they have been sarcastically saying that a movie made by a middle school girl can be so popular. Doesn't anyone's movie get an Oscar?

Sour and sour, but this does not affect the general trend in the slightest. Harry also found with great approval that even though in the past few days after the news came out, many sour film critics and industry tycoons were not optimistic about the movie at all, but whether it was a dream The factory is still a small director, and he hasn't made an appearance to refute the other party's plan at all.

   That is, everything talks about results, and fights in the newspaper with those idiots who are squirting in advance. In fact, it doesn't make any sense. When the grades are good, grades are directly the best evidence, and if the grades are not good, the current impulse will only make yourself more embarrassed, right?

   So, Harry decided not to give up.

  Because, he was surprised to find that the director's name was the same as the author of "Jurassic Park" in his own hand!

   Well, it’s just the same name, otherwise it’s incredible!

   Alice-Wang, this is not such a rare name!

   On the streets of Manhattan at midnight, outside the gates of the AMC chain theaters, a long line of waiting audiences has been queued. When Harry rushed to the scene for the New York premiere, he happened to hear a young man at the end of the line complaining.

   "Why do you want to hold the premiere in Los Angeles? Didn't you know that New York is the economic center of the world? The people at DreamWorks are also true. I really want to see what the director looks like."

A hippie in front of him nodded and said, "Yes, buddy, this is a movie made by a Chinese female director. With this gimmick, let’s take a look. It’s not that the Orientals are best at creating psychological horror. I am ready to have nightmares for three nights in a row~!"

Listening to their discussion, Harry also interrupted: "It's not the place where the premiere will be held. Look, there are reporters from NBC and CBS doing live coverage. Look at our team, are there three? Ten meters long? When the people at DreamWorks learn about our New Yorkers’ enthusiasm, they will definitely change the premiere of the next movie here."

   "Yeah, buddy, you make a lot of sense, but I want to see with my own eyes what that Chinese female director looks like. I don't know when she will shoot her next movie!"

   "That's true..."

   The admission time came soon, and with anticipation, Harry followed a large number of movie crowds into the hall. In the dark space, with the orange light, he quickly found his best seat in the center of the audience. Hold the popcorn, put the freshly squeezed orange juice, and then just wait for the movie to start.

   Soon after, the lights went out, and a dreamlike one appeared first.

   In the blue sky and above the clouds, a little man sits alone at the end of the crescent moon and fishes. A line of large characters is clearly displayed at the bottom of the screen: DreamWorks.

   "Good guy, the name and title are all artistic."

   After feeling a little, Harry devoted all his energy to the plot of the movie.

   A line appeared on the black screen: DreamWorks Pictures would like to thank the family of Miga Slott and Katie Featherston, as well as the Huron Police Department.

   Seeing this line, Harry's eyes jumped vigorously. This company's movie is really close to life, and it really didn't lose its location in vain.

   Then, an ordinary residential area was displayed on the screen, and the time and location were shown: September 18, 1984, Huron, California.

   First, the heroine appeared, driving a Mazda convertible, not too beautiful, and there was a handsome guy sitting in the co-pilot, who should be his boyfriend. According to the conversation between the two, they should have just moved into their homes.

   The camera was shaking constantly, and the heroine could not be seen after the heroine got out of the car. This kind of image made Harry confused for a while. But then, when the hostess presented a fragrant kiss to the screen at the door, the audience all uttered a cry of enlightenment.

   "Oh~ great! Another kiss!"

   Of course there was boos, and Harry immediately realized that it turned out that the male protagonist was directly carrying... the camera?

  What a fresh shooting technique, but...

   "You are not too heavy."

   The female protagonist seems to know the audience’s questions, and vomits to the male protagonist for them.

   Then the male lead retorted: "Even if it sinks twice as much, it won't sink for you. I'm the captain of the football team in college!"

   Female lead: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I actually said that I am sinking!"

   Then there are all kinds of fancy show affections of the male and female protagonists. The camera even keeps shaking, and the audience can't stop howling wolves. Harry has not been able to swallow the popcorn several times.

   "Director, don't tease me, is this really a ghost movie?"

   With this kind of spitting mind, he continued to look at it with pleasure.

  Through the following plot, Harry learned that the male protagonist Mick had just bought a camera, and he wanted to become a director after being the captain of the football team for N years. As for the current selfies, it is tantamount to practice.

   "This guy must be rich. Not only can he take his girlfriend to live together in a new house, he can also buy a video recorder for selfies! Tsk tsk, don’t you need money for video tapes? Although it can be used repeatedly, yes..."

   Harry compared himself with the opponent and found that he was despised by himself...

   Next is the warm dinner time, the virtuous male lead cooks while letting the loyal camera take pictures of his cool back, and even coquettishly says: "We want to take pictures of everything that happened!"

   The hostess replied: "So, we can look back at any time in the future and look back on all the beautiful things?"

   Male lead: "Bingo~!"

  To the effect, because the movie scene has been completely stimulated by the unrestricted show affection of the male and female protagonist, someone directly shouted: "OOXX! We want to watch sex! Let us take your **** too!"

  "Yeah, yeah! Looking back on the beautiful past! Let us all review it with you! Hahaha~!"

   Director, are you really making a comedy? Please come and take a look at the scene...

   spit out in his heart, Harry couldn't help but think, um, next, I must take pictures of all the haunted things, didn't you mean to review the beautiful things?

   Tell you to show affection, all go to die!

   Harry even thought, could it be that the reason why this ghost is making trouble is because this idiot couple shows affection?

   Ah, it really is so fast that Xiu Enai will die!

   Then there was another bullshit. The male lead even spoke directly to the camera and said that he would drive it to take pictures while sleeping. The female protagonist was obviously a little unwilling, but under the unanimous wolves howling of the male audience in the audience, she lived up to expectations, and finally agreed, agreed, agreed.

   Next, the male protagonist took the camera and turned around the house on the grounds of framing, allowing the audience friends to understand the architectural structure of this haunted house carefully, paving the way for the plot that will be enjoyed in the future. During this period, the scene of the movie was finally quiet, watching the camera sway to show every detail in the house, and the atmosphere of horror and suspense finally began to rise.

   Finally, when the male protagonist connects the camera to the computer, it is time to go to bed.

   Well, there is no sex.

   The camera is facing the bed, and the time is displayed in the lower right corner. 11:23:56PM is very worthy of reverie.

   Then, the first night began.



   Suddenly typing out such a line on the screen, with the silence of the night in the dark bedroom, the hearts of the audience suddenly hanged.

Harry stared at the screen without blinking, completely forgetting the existence of popcorn and friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www. For mobile phone users, please go to read.