The Goddess Signed In For a Year, and I Turned Over

Chapter 387: China Semiconductor Alliance, domestic

Chapter 388 China Semiconductor Alliance, domestic giants join (seeking subscription for monthly pass)

However, just when everyone didn't know when the breakthrough could be completed, Lu Yunqi and Yudu Microelectronics reported a huge news.

The domestically produced lithography machine with the highest process up to 7nm is about to come out.

In the face of everyone's will, Lu Yunqi also understood very well, after all, in this parallel world, the domestically produced lithography machines are too far behind.

"Yes, just as you heard, 7nm domestic production will come out a year ago, when the first prototype will be officially off the assembly line, after passing the final test, it can be officially mass-produced and started to be supplied to the outside world."

The Chinese people cheered at once.

This news is simply incredible!

As if he hadn't had time to pay attention, Lu Yunqi brought Chenxing Technology and Yudu Microelectronics together to make the most lacking things in China.

However, the Intel executives who watched the live broadcast were directly blown up.

"Sheet, Shett, Fak...!"

They also think this news is unbelievable and there is a giant in the lithography industry in Europe, who also said that his mentality has jumped at the moment.

"Xie Te, Chenxing Technology actually has a lithography machine? And it has reached the 7nm process???"

"It's impossible. Their technology is many years behind."

As the only high-end player in the field of lithography, A company has been leading the industry for more than ten years.

At present, the only extreme ultraviolet lithography machine capable of producing 3nm chips can only be produced by Company A.

Although the 3nm lithography machine has not been officially supplied, the other two 5nm chips are also frequently overturned, but this means that the other side is leading again.

Now, C Company, the largest chip foundry in China, previously purchased a 14nm lithography machine from Company A, but the delay in delivery by Company A for various reasons is always a rogue.

Without a lithography machine, no chip foundry can produce a single chip.

And now, it only takes about three months at most for Company C to directly use the 7nm lithography machine developed by Shangyudu Microelectronics!

This greatly affected their market share.


At the press conference, the representatives of Company C who attended the press conference were standing in the background, applauding wildly.

"Go to Nima's A company and find excuses to delay delivery all day long. Starting today, the labor and capital 14nm lithography machine orders are no longer!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Yudu Microelectronics and Company C, as well as another chip generation processing plant, are located in Yudu High-tech Development Zone, not far away.

Moreover, the building of Chenxing Technology is not far away from them, which means that the new member of Huaxing Semiconductor will also join the Yudu High-tech Zone in the future.

For chip architecture, chip design, and eda software, there are Huaxing Semiconductor.

The foundry has C company and another Huaguo electronics factory.

The lithography machine has Yudu Microelectronics.

Other important suppliers in the semiconductor industry chain, such as wafer, photoresist, lithography machine lens suppliers, UV light source module suppliers, etc., are also completing difficult problems one after another.

Many of these suppliers are working with professionals from different companies and organizations.

After the most difficult hurdles were breached by Huaxing Semiconductor and Yudu Microelectronics, the difficulty of the remaining industrial chain breakthrough is actually not as far away as everyone imagined.

Some low-level processes can be achieved in the domestic supply chain, but there is still a big gap between the advanced processes. If you want to upgrade the process, you must invest a lot of money to improve the process.

And now all major companies have corresponding domestic capital in funding.

In addition to hardware equipment, there are also some industrial software that are in urgent need of breakthroughs.

No matter what kind of hardware companies are engaged in, they can't operate normally without the industrial originals.

Industrial software in the three major areas is also in urgent need of breakthroughs.

Otherwise, the alliance of giants only needs to disable industrial software, which can paralyze most companies.

Now that the wealthy Chenxing Technology has emerged, Lu Yunqi led the Chenxing Technology to solve the financial difficulties of the domestic semiconductor industry and industrial software.

The most important part was made by Lu Yunqi with people, and the others were able to be completed separately.

Lu Yun's eyes flickered, exuding strong self-confidence, and then once again announced an extremely heavy news to everyone.

"In order to support the domestic semiconductor industry and the development of domestic industrial software, under the leadership of Chenxing Technology, our Huaguo Semiconductor Alliance was formally established."

"Chenxing Technology will provide 100 billion soft sister coins to provide interest-free loans to members of the alliance. At the same time, Chenxing Technology will provide software ecological environment support for the two major industries of semiconductor and industrial software."

"The main purpose of the China Semiconductor Alliance is to support domestic semiconductors and domestic industrial software. Any domestic enterprise engaged in these two major industries can apply to join."

"The members of the alliance provide interest-free loans and technical support, while breaking through the talent barriers of major companies, and coordinating the transfer of technical personnel; the development of industrial software can be seamlessly connected with enterprises in the corresponding industry throughout the process, making the development of industrial software faster Advance quickly."

"The Semiconductor Alliance is to act as a coordinator, through multi-party efforts, to allocate resources within the alliance so that many alliance members can cooperate with each other and overcome technical barriers."

"In addition, the China Semiconductor Alliance will reach a strategic cooperation with national science and engineering colleges and universities, and jointly withdraw from the semiconductor and industrial software talent training programs."

"We will provide students, graduates, internships, jobs, premium salaries, scholarships, student loans, etc. for participating colleges and universities, so as to promote the cultivation and development of talents in the two major industries."

"This plan has been officially approved and has been included in the future development outline of the education sector."


As soon as the news of Lu Yunqi came out, the audience was completely boiling!

No one thought that Chenxing Technology's handwriting was so big. Counting the investment of Huaxing Semiconductor, Chen Xing Technology's half sentence in the semiconductor industry has exceeded 150 billion soft sister coins.

"This is 150 billion. Apart from Chenxing Technology, which has 600 million users, who else can be so domineering and confident?"

"The scope of this semiconductor alliance includes all large and small manufacturers in the upstream and downstream of the semiconductor industry chain, as well as our country's weakest industrial software field. The 100 billion interest-free loan is enough for them to survive the trough."

"The localization of the semiconductor industry chain is about to be completed, and our domestic industrial software is about to rise."

The enthusiastic applause on the scene again sounded, making many people feel that the blood in their bodies began to boil.

Today's press conference, Lu Yunqi brought too many surprises to everyone.

After everyone was shocked.

Lu Yunqi spoke again and continued:

"The first batch of members to join the China Semiconductor Alliance has reached sixty."

"Members of the semiconductor industry: Huaxing Semiconductor, Yudu Microelectronics, C Company..."

"The members of the industrial software industry include: Chenxing Technology, Long Technology (cad software developer), Jinhang (cea software developer), Haidong Power (cfd software developer), Blue Sky Software (erp software developer), Tenghui Software· ··"

All of a sudden, I read out the list of these sixty companies, and at the same time, representatives of major companies also came out from the backstage and made their official appearances.

Representatives of the semiconductor industry and the industrial software industry stand on both sides of Lu Yunqi.

And Lu Yunqi stood right in front of the representatives of these well-known companies.

At this time, Lu Yunqi, who was 26 years old, appeared to be particularly conspicuous in a group of middle-aged people.


The applause was not only from the media reporters on the, but even many netizens who were watching the live broadcast. They couldn't help but applaud.

This is the first time that Chinese enterprises have formed an alliance and are so united for the first time.

Everyone always believes that Lu Yunqi seems to have the ability to integrate these people into an existence comparable to a giant alliance, instead of the former nest fight.

Almost the entire Huaguo semiconductor industry chain, as well as well-known domestic industrial software companies, all sent representatives to the scene.

In terms of software, the addition of Jinhang and Haidong Power shocked everyone.

Because these two companies belong to the highest level of confidentiality, all their main orders are provided to Party J.

Cad, cae, eda can be said to be the three most important types of industrial software.

Among the corporate representatives in the semiconductor industry, even giants such as Warwick and HiSilicon have also appeared, and their appearance has also attracted the attention of many people on the scene.

(End of this chapter)