The Goddess Signed In For a Year, and I Turned Over

Chapter 390: The impact of the conference

Chapter 391

"Yes, today's press conference is really exhausting. Now the stock price of the overseas semiconductor industry has fallen sharply."

"Those Yingguo media, we have long wanted to scold them!"

"Don't say too much, don't talk too little, Mr. Lu, I respect you for this glass of wine!"

A representative of a company, his eyes a little ruddy at the moment, took a glass of wine and walked to Lu Yunqi.

"Without the lead of Chenxing Technology, our industrial software vendors still don't know when they will be able to rise!"

"Yes, yes, President Lu, come to us to toast you!"

All of a sudden, everyone in the audience stood up and raised their glasses.


After the press conference, the impact quickly spread.

The major media have already sent out the information on the scene as soon as the scene ended.

Chenxing Technology once again lived up to expectations, and successfully survived the new round of blockade of the giant alliance, and once again launched a strong anti-kill.

"Let’s talk about it. Chenxing Technology is really awesome. It's a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten. If you encounter a strong one, you will be strong!"

"All this is a great contribution to Yunqi!"

"Do you know that some people overseas have called Chenxing Technology the Destroy Day, that is, the ultimate monster of DC Man Huanli, the one that will never be killed as it fights stronger and stronger."

"It makes sense. I also think that Starstar Technology, under the leadership of President Lu, is more like a Hulk, who can't be killed, and the more angry the stronger."

"Each time it faces a ban, Chenxing Technology can complete a strong counter-kill. How many hole cards does Mr. Lu hide?"

"It's not just you who are curious about this question, I am afraid that people all over the world are curious about this question!"

And all the domestic forces, after watching this press conference, all took a breath.

"Good guys, last time Lu Yunqi used the i voice patent to claim a one trillion dollar claim from the fruit company, but this time, the market value of Weibusoft directly evaporated 600 billion US dollars, which is too strong. ."

"President Lu is really doing things too hard. The establishment of the China Semiconductor Alliance directly digs the foundations of those Western semiconductor companies!"

"But no wonder we, who made the other party's pressure so pressing, deserve it!"

Most of the people and life bodies in China expressed their strong support and recognition of the series of anti-killing measures taken by Chenxing Technology.

Especially in the end, Lu Yunqi opened a correspondent national female reporter in the live broadcast room. That's a refreshing!

"The trash Bibi media has long seen them not pleasing to the eye. Yunqi is so awesome, good, wonderful, and the media croaks."

"Which media knows that we are blacked out all day long. Is it true that we have no temper?"

"Too depressed. In front of hundreds of millions of people in the live broadcast room, he directly opened his mouth. Mr. Lu is really too domineering. I love it."

"This kind of junk media that reports false news all day long will sooner or later be blocked by the country."

Many people have caused intense discussions on the Internet.

Today, Chenxing Technology's press conference can be said to have been twists and turns.

First, the stock price of Weibusoft Company collapsed, and then Chenxing Technology entered the semiconductor industry, and the establishment of the China Semiconductor Alliance caused the stock price of the overseas semiconductor industry such as Intel to plummet.

At the end of the press conference, Lu Yunqi also formally tore with the fruit company, and also launched an impact on the fruit company's ios mobile phone system and Google's Android mobile phone system.

Chenxing Technology has brought too many surprises to everyone.

Picking one out at random will allow other companies to blow up for a whole year.

China celebrated, while overseas was plunged into chaos.

Many stockholders who have bought the company have blocked the door of the company.

After Lu Yunqi announced that the domestic lithography machine was about to be mass-produced three months later, launched a new chip architecture, and developed the domestic eda software, the semiconductor industry directly affected has suffered a huge impact.

Faced with the bad news that China might lose US$300 billion in the market, the stock market quickly responded. The stock prices of listed companies in the overseas semiconductor and industrial software industries have all fallen to varying degrees.

The first one was Intel. The ‘code recognition program’ they developed was only in the hands of Chenxing Technology. After less than 48 hours, it was cracked and a patch was made.

Suddenly, Intel became a laughing stock in everyone's eyes.

Following the joke that Weibusoft Inc. sold only 2,500 systems in three days under the condition of launching ultra-low discounts, Intel has also become a target of ridicule.

"Isn't Intel's ime very strong? Why is it still not an opponent of Chenxing Technology?"

"Haha, there was Microsoft 2500 before, and now there is Intel in less than 48 hours!"

The Intel, which was originally only US$200 billion, directly evaporated US$50 billion, and its market value directly shrank to US$150 billion.

Moreover, his stock price is still falling further.

In the headquarters of Weiburuan, it is even more lively.

Those stockholders who hold the stocks of the micro-soft company have already surrounded this place.

"Weiburuan deliberately concealed it, and quickly return the money that belongs to us!"

"Damn Microsoft, deceive stockholders, pay back the money, pay back the money!"

Slogans like this were raised high by many protesting investors.

The protesters with spray paint started spraying and scribbling directly on the door of the company. The huge anti-epidemic campaign made the company's executives helpless and very troubled.

According to the news from the transportation department, more investors are driving here.

"Hey, guys, Microsoft doesn't owe you money. The stock market is risky and investment needs to be cautious. Everyone knows it!"

A supervisor also wanted to explain a little bit.

However, the next moment.

It was directly smashed by what was thrown out by the crowd.

"Fuck of the code, Shet, you have the ability to repeat what you just said. Labor and management invite you to see God."


A tall man glared at the supervisor, holding a long pipe in his hand.


The supervisor no longer dared to say anything.

"Protest, protest, we need to know the truth!"

Not only the headquarters of the company, but also some stockholders went directly to the local administration and asked them to directly investigate the company's concealment.

Because they suspected that Weiburuan deliberately concealed data and maliciously sold short in this black swan incident, harvesting the legitimate interests of ordinary shareholders.

Commonly known as cutting leeks.

Many people have jumped off the roof of Wall Street Securities Company after the stock plunge of Weibusoft.

They have professional managers as well as ordinary investors, but there is no doubt that they are all investors who hold the stocks of Weibusoft.

The loss was heavy in this incident.

In the past, this scene only appeared on Wall Street during an economic crisis.

As the demonstrations of those protesting shareholders became more and more extensive, the local authority had to formally express its stance.

"We will send an investigation team to move into the company to investigate the cause of this incident."

"If the company does maliciously manipulate the story, it will be punished by a huge amount!"

Following the statement of the local authority, the stock price of Weibusoft, which had already suffered a **** collapse, plunged again.

This time, it fell directly to $130 per share.

The overall market value of the company has shrunk to US$980 billion.

The shareholders of Weibusoft, who made a fortune in this incident, are also caught in a crisis of investigation.

After this conference, the biggest losses are undoubtedly those companies under the giant alliance.


After Lu Yunqi announced the upcoming launch of the mobile phone operating system, the share prices of the two giants Fruit Company and Gu Ge also experienced huge fluctuations.

Chenxing Technology, which already has 700 million users, is already a rising giant.

At the moment, the number of users of Weibusoft, which originally had 1.5 billion users, has shrunk to 800 million.

As long as Lu Yunqi acquires another 100 million users, he may realize the anti-supermicro and non-soft company.

Faced with such a strong rise, the technology giant with the computer operating system business as its core announced its entry into the mobile operating system business, which will have an impact on Guge and Guoguo.

Gu Ge already regretted joining the action to block Chenxing Technology.

The fruit company has shown full attention to Chenxing Technology. They have sent an experienced team of lawyers from the headquarters to go directly to China and Chongqing to prepare for the subsequent infringement litigation battle.

(End of this chapter)