The Goddess Sister Loves Me So Much

Chapter 1389: They rocked!

After the passage was pitch-dark, Ye Xuan had already felt that the wind was blowing in the passage!

Ye Xuan felt a cold wind blowing on his face, making him goosebumps.


Then of course something came! !

This passage is closed all around! There is only one possibility, then, in which something is moving fast!

Anything that is stationary does not generate wind!

Ye Xuan's muscles were tense, and he felt that his energy was extremely tense! His eyes narrowed into a gap.

Ye Xuan held the middle long knife tightly. At this moment, because he was too nervous, sweat seeped out of his palms, and they were wet!

The power of destruction can't be used now, and many magic weapons can't be used. It's reasonable for Ye Xuan to be nervous, because if he doesn't pay attention, he will hang in it.

Ye Xuan's knees and knees have been bent, and the strength is accumulated in the muscles of his legs. In this way, he is like a fierce tiger. When he encounters a crisis, he can instantly explode his physical strength!

In Ye Xuan's eyes, Xuan Ming's eyes opened.

In Xuan Ming's eyes, he saw something in the dark passage in the distance, which was flashing rapidly. It was dark red, like a figure, but it was definitely not a person. Could it be something like armor?

The opponent's speed is very fast, and he is not on the ground, but in the void, flying quickly!

And he stayed five meters in front of Ye Xuan, suspended in the void, and did not move, as if he was also observing Ye Xuan!

What the hell!

The other party is self-aware!

It is much more powerful than the armored puppets I encountered before!

The old man said before that if they die or they die, they will also care about life and death!

alive people?

or something?

On Ye Xuan's forehead, a fine cold sweat has penetrated!

At this moment, when Ye Xuan was in his coffin, in the passage in the distance, there were three dark red figures flashing towards this side!

They stood side by side with the dark red phantom that came first!

Then, they were separated!

The other three, in the void, slowly and elegantly, like ghosts, came behind Ye Xuan, left and right, and so on!

There are invisible dark red figures surrounding him on all sides!

Ye Xuan thought they were going to start!

However, they continued to stand and still did not move! ! !

That's it, floating around!


Is this testing me?

damn thing! ! !

I don't move!

See what tricks you can play!

Now Ye Xuan is ready to respond to changes without change!

The other party wants to detect his strength!

He has already determined in his heart that this is not a puppet, but a living thing. As for what it is, Ye Xuan's Xuanming eyes can't see clearly, he can only see that they are dark red figures.

At this moment, finally, from the end of the passage, another dark red figure floated over!


besides? ? ? ?

Ye Xuan was shocked!

He originally thought that there were only four!

But, the last one is the big brother!

Because his dark red figure is burly and taller than the other guys, it feels like a dark red figure one size larger!

He also came to Ye Xuan, observed Ye Xuan, and then slowly floated towards Ye Xuan's head!

Ye Xuan's heart was hanging in his throat!

I have Xuanming eyes, and I can see the existence of each other!

However, Du Sanmei, Goat, Yingfeng, these three people don't have it!

Among the other three passages, there must be five such dark red figures. When they met, they were absolutely fierce, and Ye Xuan broke into a cold sweat for them.

And the big one who was floating above Ye Xuan's head, just like that, looked at Ye Xuan quietly, he should have the most attack power, the existence that gave Ye Xuan a thunderous blow!

Ye Xuan divided them into primary and secondary attack targets!

Want to **** me, right?

Then look, in the end who is yin and who is dead!

Now that he is able to use the spit fire, the golden hand, he can't believe it, and he can't kill these five things!

It was when he saw that the dark red figure in front of Ye Xuan rushed towards Ye Xuan in an instant, and a dark light suddenly appeared in his hand. Ye Xuan felt that it was something like a blade, with a sharp gas!


He slashed at Ye Xuan's head in an instant!

However, Ye Xuan suddenly jumped up, and the long knife in his hand immediately collided with the opponent's dark long knife in the void!

boom! ! !

A powerful attack wave rang out in the dark passage!

Ye Xuan and the other's body retreated at the same time!

However, the dark red figures on the left and right sides attacked at the same time!

Ye Xuan snorted coldly, his body bent at the same time, and the long knife immediately swept away!

Cut to their thighs!

However, the two guys resisted with long knives at the same time!

boom! ! !

The figure of the two guys, step back at the same time!

And the guy behind him slashed at Ye Xuan's head with a knife!

His speed is even faster! !

Ye Xuan's body was on the ground, and he rolled!

boom! !

The long knife landed on the place where his body was a moment ago, and burst out with a golden light, but the other three slashed towards his body at the same time!

The long knife in Ye Xuan's hand blocked frantically!

Ding Ding Ding! ! !

Their attack speed is very fast!

At this moment, Ye Xuan alone, resisted the rapid cutting of the four long knives!

In front of him, only the light of the knife is constantly flashing!

Ye Xuan's body kept retreating!

But at the moment when Ye Xuan was about to retreat to the wall, the one-size-up dark-red figure that was hovering above his head instantly stabbed Ye Xuan's head with a knife! ! !

Faster and stronger! ! !

The air is shaking!

This is the moment! ! !

Ye Xuan's face is happy!

I'm waiting for you to attack me!


Ye Xuan's body shook, and from his mind, the golden hand appeared!

His golden hands can pop out of his body.

Just saw the appearance of the golden hand, instantly making the dark cave, golden light, and the golden hand smashed the opponent's long knife with one punch.


The other party made a shocking sound!

However, the golden hands continue to push forward!

The other party wanted to retreat, but he was diving down, how could he suddenly escape the sneak attack of Ye Xuan's golden hand at close range?

puff! ! ! !

When he saw the golden hand, he pierced through his body on the spot. Ye Xuan's golden hand could feel the blood flowing down, with a warm feeling!

The other four slashed towards Ye Xuan's body in an instant!

Ye Xuan suddenly roared.

Roar! ! !

Spit out fire! ! !

The dark red thing in front of him was instantly enveloped by his strange fire! !


He let out a heart-piercing scream and turned into a fire man, but Ye Xuan's long knife was already on the opponent's neck, cutting away!

The guy behind him stabbed Ye Xuan in the back!

However, the golden hand came out of his back again!

One step faster than his knife! ! !

puff! ! !

Pierce his chest!


The opponent was shocked!

What, didn't he just pop out of his head? Why did it come out of the back again?

In the blink of an eye, three dark red figures were beheaded!

See this for the other two, fast back!

Ye Xuan roared and rushed towards them.

He spit out strange fire again, wrapping a guy's body, and the other party turned into a fire man, struggling, rolling, and roaring, but Ye Xuan ripped his body with a sword.

Following that, Ye Xuan kicked the opponent with his thigh!

The opponent's dark-colored long knife slashed towards Ye Xuan's thigh!

However, from the soles of Ye Xuan's feet, the golden hand came out again and pinched it directly on the opponent's neck. With a click, it was clearly heard that his neck was crushed!

At this moment, the five dark red figures were instantly killed! ! !

Ye Xuan directly collapsed and sat on the ground, panting and sweating profusely!

After all, the battle just now seemed to be slow, but it was actually completed in the blink of an eye!

It is a life-and-death battle in the limit!

It was a great test of his reflexes, his ability to adapt to emergencies, his ability to kill, his ability to think, etc. Now his body felt weak, and the muscles in his legs were a little sore!