The Goddess Sister Loves Me So Much

Chapter 621: scared!

Ye Xuan was speechless when he heard these words next to him. He hadn't noticed before that this Huo Feng was such a greedy person.

What happened to the people from the Star Digging Department to check it out? Even let people give something!

It is estimated that he used to follow Wu Peng, he did not show his true character! It seems that this kid is a scheming person! In fact, I wanted to fly away alone from Wu Peng's side a long time ago.

And this time to explore Longyuan Ancient City, it gave him a chance.

Now that Ye Xuan knew about killing himself and colluding with other forces, he would definitely not join the Star Digging Department again after he went out.

Huo Feng is not stupid, how could it be possible for them to contribute for free?

At that time, other forces will have a share of the pie! He can't do it!

Suddenly Qin Feiyang frowned and said, "Huo Feng! What benefits do you want?"

Huo Feng smiled and said, "We all killed the puppet wolves outside here. Then, every force will give us two red gems!"

Suddenly, some people were dissatisfied.

Zuoqiuxue was the beginning.

"Also let us give you two red gems? Are you taking yourself too seriously? This expedition, everyone will do your best!"

"Haha!" Huo Feng sneered: "Of course, we can contribute! We can contribute with money! Why do you let us contribute? You enjoy the benefits? Those of us who want to break the formation of stars naturally have to pay some. What!"

There is nothing wrong with what Huo Feng said!

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: "You don't want to do it! Can someone help to see the formation for free?"

At this time, Wang Hai snorted coldly, and stood up and said, "President Qin, let me take a look! Our Star Digging Department is no longer the former Star Digging Department! But Wang Hai, I will never betray the Star Digging Department. Department!"

With that said, he walked towards the formation!

When Huo Feng saw Wang Hai doing this, he suddenly frowned!

But nothing to say!

Wang Hai came to the front of the red formation!

I saw something like a compass in his hand, as if he was telling something!

Immediately afterwards, he pinched the tactics with both hands, and a faint golden energy was injected into the red formation!

boom! ! !

However, suddenly suffered a backlash from the formation!

A burst of red energy hit his body suddenly!

I saw Wang Hai backing three steps in a row!

He squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice: "This formation is very powerful! Only powerful attack power can be used! A crack is briefly broken! Everyone enters it, and then it will recover itself!"

Qin Feiyang looked at Wang Hai and said, "Is there no other way?"

Wang Hai shook his head and said: "No! This red energy formation covers the entire ancient city of Longyuan, and his energy source is the mysterious energy in this ancient city! Moreover, the energy should be in the ancient city! Want to completely break open, Unless at the innermost, cut off his energy source!"

When everyone heard Wang Hai's explanation, they all nodded.

At this moment, Qin Fei said loudly: "The people of all major forces, let's take action together! Break a crack in the formation! Everyone enters it, and then think of a way to break the golden gate!"

Immediately, Ye Xuan saw people from all major forces, and they all sent a member!

They are standing together!

Join hands and slash out!

boom! ! !

The dazzling blade light fell on the red energy formation, and a crack appeared!

Someone yelled at the scene: "Get in!"

I saw everyone moving in their bodies, flashing into the formation quickly!

There is no hesitation at this time!

After all, it can be seen that they have paid a lot for attacking this sword!

Persevering hard not to let the energy formation heal!

In the blink of an eye, everyone entered the red energy array!

However, several pale-faced strong men immediately put away their attacking moves! At the same time rushed towards the crack of the broken formation!

I saw that the cracks in the formation were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!


A group of people have entered!

At this time, they are all panting!

Nearly a thousand people on the scene did not say anything!

Qin Feiyang swallowed a pill and recovered some vitality before looking at the golden gate!

Wang Hai didn't need anyone to say anything, he went to the golden gate, checked it, and then said, "This golden gate is not easy to break!"

Qin Feiyang questioned: "What do you say?"

Wang Haidao: "This golden door has a very special material! And it needs to be opened from the inside! If you open it from the outside, you need a key!"

"Key?" Everyone showed a puzzled look!

Wang Hai looked at the golden gate and pointed to a certain pattern. "Have you seen this palm-sized pattern? Look carefully, these are two palms! It should be the exact same palm to open it from the outside. !"

"And look at the lines on these two palm marks! Very detailed! According to my observation, the lines need to be matched, otherwise, it won't open at all!"

"And there is no way to fly inside! This city wall is nearly a hundred meters high! For us, from the outside, it cannot be opened with force!!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's complexion became serious!

Could it be that this expedition to Longyuan Ancient City just stopped?

Can't be broken by force! A special palm imprint?

But the existence of this ancient city of Longyuan can be traced back 50,000 years ago!

Who has the palm of that period?

It's impossible! ! !

At the moment, there are discussions on the spot!

Thinking about what method to use!

Currently deadlocked!

But at this moment, a black-robed man from the Shanhe Dynasty made a sound.

This is the voice of a middle-aged woman, with a coquettish and weak feeling.

"The opening of this kind of secret land! It requires induction! He opened this time, so it means that this ancient city has felt that there are people in our crowd and have something to do with him!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the black-robed man!

His face was also shrouded in black robe, and he couldn't see the other side's appearance!

However, Ye Xuan frowned upon hearing the other party's voice, and there was a big earthquake in his heart!

This voice is somewhat familiar! ! !

Whose voice is this? ? ?

Too familiar! ! !

Ye Xuan definitely heard it!

But for a moment, he couldn't remember who the other party was!

Anyone familiar with Shanhe Dynasty? Qingyuan County Government? ? ?


Ye Xuan's eyes lit up, he knew it!

Blood Corpse Mountain! ! !

He put on the dog's skin before and entered the Blood Corpse Mountain, then buried himself in the mud!

He saw the soul guy coming out of the copper coffin with his own eyes! Then there were a few more voices on the scene!

They are all the people surrounded by the Blood Corpse Mountain, and they are all beings who have lived for 50,000 years!

Among them, there is a woman's voice!

It's her! ! ! !


Ye Xuan looked at the four men in black robes next to Zhu Yuhe, he swallowed! This time from the Blood Corpse Mountain, did four guys who have lived for 50,000 years come to Longyuan Ancient City?

But isn't there any restrictions in Longyuan Ancient City? People over fifty years old cannot enter it!

When Ye Xuan and the others entered the tornado before, they also saw special restrictions!

People over fifty years old, once stepped in, their body exploded and died!

But these four guys who have lived for 50,000 years are not dead? How can this be? ? ?

Ye Xuan suddenly felt that this expedition to Longyuan Ancient City was far more dangerous than he thought!

Ye Xuan immediately looked at Gu Youwei and Liu Qingqing next to him, and whispered: "We will enter the ancient city of Longyuan in a while, and we must leave the army! Act alone!"

Seeing Ye Xuan's solemn expression, the two frowned and said, "Why?"

According to reason, the soldiers following Qin Feiyang will be safe!

However, Ye Xuan had to act alone!

Ye Xuan and the people of the Shanhe Dynasty have a deep hatred!

Now those guys must have seen themselves following Qin Feiyang!

Then, such a large force can naturally attract their attention!

Those are four old monsters who have lived for fifty thousand years!

It is definitely the existence that has reached the peak of the ancient sage!

This is invincible in the ancient city of Longyuan!

Even if the mysterious power in Longyuan Ancient City suppressed their strength!

However, it is definitely not something Ye Xuan can contend!

Older gingers are more spicy!

Ye Xuan knows that this principle is practical everywhere!

People have walked more bridges than he has crossed! That is absolute! ! !

Ye Xuan whispered: "This time the Shanhe Dynasty, there are real scary figures! They are not controlled by the mysterious power of Longyuan Ancient City!"

As soon as these words came out, both of them changed their faces!

This is terrifying! ! !

Not controlled by mysterious powers!

Isn't this invincible in it?

Both of them nodded solemnly!

Especially after the black-robed woman said this, Qin Feiyang looked at the other person and said, "This friend, are you serious?"

The black-robed woman smiled and said, "Of course! This ancient and mysterious power of the ancient city! He has self-awareness! Since he is turned on, he will naturally let people enter it!"

"The ancient mysterious power is far beyond your imagination! So, I suggest that everyone on the scene put their hands on it and give it a try! Maybe it will succeed? After all, now there is no other way except this way! "

Looking at the material of the golden gate, it can't be broken open by ordinary weapons!

Suddenly, the words of this black-robed woman were endorsed by the leaders of all major forces!

I saw that the people who took the lead in the blood dragon guard began to dispatch!

Just put the palm on the door, the speed is also very fast!

There were only close to a thousand people at the scene!

Not long after, it was Ye Xuan's turn!

Ye Xuan stood among the troops of the Lanling Provincial Government, and they were also the last force!

At the moment, there are people talking on the scene.

"I think this plan will fail!"

"Yes, the palms of so many of us are put on! But there is no movement at all!"

"It won't be such a coincidence! This is an ancient city that existed tens of thousands of years ago. Can the palms of our modern people match?"

"It seems that this exploration of Longyuan Ancient City may be a failure!"

While everyone was talking, it was Ye Xuan's turn to line up! ! !