The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v2 Chapter 593: Tang Tian is angry

After the game, Tang Tian and Whiteside attended the team's press conference together.

Tang Tian boasted his teammates every day.

"We all know the role that Trevor played after coming to this team, his three-pointer, his final defense against Leonard, he did all he could do, and that is what can help To the team ’s place. "

"I love Hassan. His blocking is almost textbook-like. He must be the best big man in the league. And his defense is getting better and better. He blocks Leonard ’s. That ball is really very, very crucial. "

"The only thing that makes me think that there is progress is AD. He should throw less into the middle distance, otherwise the increase in his arsenal will be exposed too early, and it will not be very good for us to play in the playoffs."


Tang Tiankuan is also getting more and more experience, and the buzzwords are continually adjusting the atmosphere of the conference very well.

Whiteside on one side was all embarrassed by Tang Tian.

Williams also laughed non-stop, this kind of team core blowing teammates every day, he can be considered a long time.

But there are always people who like to do things.

When a reporter from FOX Sports was called up to ask questions, he said some questions that were not in line with the atmosphere.

"Jokic's performance in this game was terrible. He lost the offensive end, and the defensive end was a black hole. All kinds of steps were taken. He was like a pile of fat, looking very lazy, he Did you hit the rookie wall? "

The reporter asked Williams.

Williams frowned.

"What's your name?"

But without waiting for Williams to answer, Tang Tian looked directly at the reporter and asked with uneasy eyes.

"My name is not important, I just ..."

The tone of the reporter's speech remained unchanged.

"Why isn't your name important? Isn't it a basic politeness to say your name before asking a question?"

Tang Tian interrupted him, his tone turbulent.

"Okay, my name is Corey Antrif."

The reporter replied slightly helplessly.

"Okay, I will remember this name. Other reporters can also write his name in the report. He uses fat to describe a player here? What do you think you are? How do you enter Coming here? "

Tang Tian snarled directly at the reporter, and he was obviously angry.

Jokic is working hard to lose weight, and the effort he made is also visible to the Pelicans and the coaching staff.

As for the loss of performance, it has a lot to do with his weight loss.

Not to mention that in NBA games, ordinary professional games, weight changes have a great impact on performance.

It was really impolite for this reporter to say such a comment without knowing anything inside.

There is no need to be too polite to rude people.

The reporter was stunned, and the other reporters on the stage were stunned.

Tang Tian's image at the press conference has always been witty and humorous, and he is rarely seen as angry, and he is also rude on the spot.


The reporter wanted to defend himself.

"You don't need to say anything, everyone will remember you, please remember what you said, and you will regret these words."

Tang Tian directly gambled on his mouth, even without giving him the opportunity to continue speaking, he begged the next reporter to ask questions.

Before hitting the Heat against Whiteside and now against Jokic, these reporters can't get used to them! The more you get used to the more you get!

The reporter also wanted to say that the staff had signaled to sit down.

Tang Tian's domineering side leaks on the court, and this seriousness is also resolute.

After the press conference, Tang Tian's remarks also attracted a wave of discussion among fans.

"I think the reporter was purely picky. Jokic was obviously a talented big man. He had a chance to become the next Mark Gasol, as long as he reduced his weight."

"His physical coordination looks better than Gasol!"

"Fox sports, always urinating, they just like to take some detours and engage in gimmicks!"

"It's not deliberately picking things up. To be honest, I still think that Jokic will be more suitable for Davis's inside in the future. It can help Tang share the pressure of the organization and can also shoot three-pointers.

"I think so too, of course only if he can reduce his weight and have a good defense!"

"I think so too. Although there are not many opportunities for performance, the coping ability and the quotient are really difficult for people to like or dislike!"

"Huh, we rarely have the same idea."

"Doesn't say this doesn't seem to be the focus, shouldn't the focus be Tang Tian's attitude at the press conference?"

"I like that! Tang is really the boss of the Pelicans now, and his act of maintaining his teammates is great!"

"Yes, although the way is very rough, but I really like it, this is the attitude of the team's rookies, one can imagine other people!"

"The Pelicans are becoming more and more likeable!"


The Alliance did not speak to Tang Tian at the press conference.

This also seems to continue to convey a signal that Xiao Hua's attitude towards the Pelicans has changed.

After the game with the Spurs, the Pelicans flew back to New Orleans the next day.

They have to prepare for the next game.

Finally, they won the first in the West, but they have to stay on it for a while.

Otherwise, if the buttocks are not hot, they will be replaced, and the experience will be very poor.

After the training for this day's game, Tang Tian and Davis sat there chatting.

To say that Davis' personality change is actually quite big compared to last season.

Apart from the bad hobby of patting the buttocks, although the words are still very cute, but obviously more love to say than last season.

This is also the impact of the Pelican atmosphere on him. After all, he is really still very young. In addition to his skills, people are constantly growing.

He now holds a cell phone and talks about the team rankings with Tang Tian.

Now in addition to the Spurs and Pelicans ~ ~ there is a team with strong momentum, also joined this team.


In addition to losing one game in the opening game, the Warriors have played a 7-game winning streak, and they are chasing behind them.

The Shuihua Brothers were completely formed, and the three-point shot made people doubt their lives.

As in history, Cole's entry gave Shuihua the absolute right to fire, liberating the strength of these historical pitchers.

This also shows one thing, Nash has helped the Splash Brothers' shooting, but that is not the main reason.

Or Cole himself has an understanding of projection, after all, he is also a historical three-point shooter.

But whatever the reason, the Warriors formally appeared in history.

As Davis said, the Warriors' dark horse like them will become another rival of their season.