The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v2 Chapter 624: Kobe leaning back

Thinking again and again, Tang Tian still decided to exchange for Kobe.

Legend helped a lot, but its urgency is not as big as Kobe's back.

He now has a lot of offensive skills, but there are no moves that can really kill his opponents, which will become the winner of the game in the playoffs.

If he had such a killing move in the playoffs last year, the Pelicans would not lose to the Grizzlies.

Put another way, redeeming a legend is to prepare for a protracted battle with your opponent.

兑换 And exchange Kobe back, it is just head-on, ending the game in the regular season or even halftime.

Tangtian has passed his whole life. He likes to take risks in this life, which is also in line with his inner thoughts.

He chose Kobe to lean back and exchange directly.

With 50 million yuan worth of gold going down, Tang Tian's eyelids followed.

After successfully redeeming, he opened his own property interface version.

First level page

Name: Tang Tian

Height: 2 meters 03

Weight: 100.5kg (just after eating)

Wingspan: 211cm

Strength: 72; Speed: 75; Dexterity: 75; Bounce: 90; Stamina: 77

Possession: 80; pass: 76; dunk: 80; layup: 60; close range: 40; middle distance: 80; free throws: 95; three points: 72

Defense: 80; Block: 60; Steal: 70; Rebound: 60; Foul: 60

secondary page

Speed: sprint speed 70; traverse speed 65

Defense: single defense 85; cooperative defense 60

Rebounds: 42 offensive rebounds; 65 defensive rebounds

Making fouls: 80 offensive fouls; 50 defensive fouls

Dunk: Dunk in place 85; Sprint dunk 77; Dunk 72

Layup: layup 60 in place; break through layup 60

Close range: 40 throws; 40 hooks; 40 hits

Middle distance: 81 open; 70 catches and 83 shots after confrontation;

Three points: open 95; 65 catches; 71 shots after confrontation; 0 long three

注 (Note: The attributes range from 0 to 100, attributes are related to physical fitness, ball quotient, etc.)

The changes in the attributes brought by Kobe Bryant's back, both the middle distance and the three-pointer in the first-level page have been greatly improved, and the shots after the confrontation in the second-level page have also been greatly improved.

This is also a good thing to understand. Leaning back is an offensive means. The significance of its existence is to make the score more graspable. The increase is naturally these.

And after mid-range and three-point confrontation, he shot from the original 50 or so to more than 70 to 80, which made his personal attack ability qualitative change.

Of course, there is that passive skill. Although the trigger conditions are a bit harsh, it is also a great killer to get rid of the cold feeling. It is also very useful.

After the exchange, Tang Tian felt a little bit itchy and took the ball downstairs and felt it first.

Kobe Bryant leaned back. As far as skill interpretation is concerned, the biggest increase is the stability after leaning back. This is actually a change of direction to improve the hit rate.

Tang Tian felt that the effect was amazing for a while. When no one was defending, he shot around 90% of the time.

It seems that his back training for more than half a year has laid a solid foundation.

He also experienced passive skills, deliberately throwing three balls, and then when the fourth ball leaned back, there was an inexplicable basket-like feeling at that moment.

The ball that was shot was also hollow.

的 Feeling dominated by the system!

When he got the no-fly zone (Mutombo) before, he also felt this way, but then he was watching the referee being dominated, this time it was himself.

But this feeling of **** is very cool.

Talking about these things also made him more determined.

Continue to keep training, and then adjust in training sessions and competitions, his big killing move can be brought to the table!

At this time, there is still a week or so before the All-Star Game.

The Pelicans have three games to play against the Lakers, Grizzlies and Spurs.

The Laohu Lakers have just played a while ago, they will play again and still play at home. It should not be a problem to win.

The grizzly and spurs behind the cricket are the hard bones.

Tang Tian attended the training class the next day. After the training class ended, he took Ariza to stay with him for extra training at the cost of a box of instant noodles.

The content of the exercises is naturally leaning back.

If you rank the league's defenders from D to S, Ariza's current defensive ability is between A and S.

And he has been a former teammate of Kobe, and it is most suitable to ask him to practice.

Kobe Bryant ’s signature action is to lean back, but leaning back is not the only one. Changing backwards, leaning back when breaking through, etc. belong to it.

This is an offensive technique. How you use it depends on your basic capabilities.

Ariza was exported by Tang Tian overnight.

After the end of the practice, he looked at Tang Tian with a gruff face and a resentful look.

Tang Tian must be intentional!

This guy shot him back all night.

Just like what he did to him at the Lakers Kobe!

However, after working this night, he knows that Tang Tian's back is only a little worse than Kobe. It is a kind of killing trick that can be used in the game.

After Tang Tian practiced, the members of the Pelicans team knew that now it seems that Tang Tian has made a breakthrough in training.

The next night, the Pelicans sat against the Lakers at home.

The last time the Pelicans abused the Lakers in Los Angeles, Kobe did not say hello to Tang Tian before the game.

Although the black Mamba is old, he has no arrogance. This is obviously to win the game at the Pelicans home.

The Pelicans started their morale strong.

The last time they played Hollodi, they all won. This time Hollodi played, their self-confidence was obviously better. Kobe scored three consecutive shots after the opening.

Jonash retired, Gasol switched to the Spurs, and Howard was sent to the Knicks. The biggest reliance and dependence of the Lakers is Kobe.

So Kobe's feel directly affects the Pelicans' performance.

The last time he felt bad, the Lakers had little help in front of the Pelicans. In this game, he found a touch and the game became completely different.

And D'Antoni also learned the lessons from the last game. This game strengthened Tang Tian's defense, and the speed of double teaming was significantly faster.

到 Halfway through the first quarter, the score on the court was 16-11, and the Lakers led by 5 points.

In the offensive round of the Pelicans, Tang Tian scored in the double-team to Ariza, who shot a 3-pointer.

Kobe Bryant feels good tonight, the other members of the Pelicans feel average, which is why the situation is very important.

The Lakers counterattacked. Kobe also broke the layup and scored. He also scored 9 points in a single quarter and helped the Lakers open the difference to 7 points.

只要 As long as they prevent the next wave, they will have the opportunity to pull the difference to double digits.

After Kobe scored a goal, he showed a ruthless look. Although he is old, he is still a very poisonous black Mamba!

The Pelicans' offense gave the ball to Tang Tian.

Tang Tian this time after getting the ball to signal his teammates to pull away, he turned his back directly and played Shumpert.

The effect of his conversion to Kobe Bryant is that at this moment, his teammates feel bad, depending on whether he can kill a **** path in the double!

Ps: Commanders come with some monthly tickets to support you.