The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v3 Chapter 724: Championship 5 brothers

The hurricane left New Orleans after sweeping for five days.

Tang Tian's rich area is not upstream because it is located upstream, but the downstream downstream is heavy.

More than half of the Port of New Orleans was damaged, more than 100,000 people were displaced, and 50 people died in the hurricane.

Before the disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 had not completely subsided, it would be cruel for New Orleans to experience such a disaster after ten years.

Many people still living here are wondering if they want to stay.

At this time, Tang Tian posted the news on his personal Twitter for the first time.

He will establish the Tang Tian and Olson Global Foundations, and invest $ 10 million as the foundation's startup funds.

The foundation's first funding will be used for post-disaster reconstruction in New Orleans.

After Tang Tian's tweet was released, many NBA stars stood up in solidarity for the first time.

The first time Kobe responded on Twitter, he would invest 1 million for the foundation.

James, Harden, Wade, Duncan and other stars are all forward and expressed their willingness to donate.

In the face of disaster, grievances become nothing.

In Hollywood, the first person to stand up was Emma Watson.

When Tang Tian tweeted, Watson called over and asked him about his condition, and donated $ 500,000 to the foundation as soon as possible.

Followed by Scott and Yates, after donating money to forward, they also called on Hollywood movie stars to participate.

Since then, rich people in New Orleans and surrounding cities have also donated.

Even many fans in China have solidarity. Lin Huanyu personally donated 10 million, worthy of the name of super rich second generation.

Tang Tian also allowed Karl to put into use the funds raised by the foundation as soon as possible and to be transparent.

This practice has encouraged the confidence of those in New Orleans.

Soon, New Orleans Mayor Jeff Hunt also invited Tang Tian to the front line of disaster relief.

The presence of Tang Tian cheered the victims.

He has built a huge popularity in New Orleans in the past two years, and now it has become a source of confidence for these victims.

"The spiritual backbone of New Orleans."

"He's not just a basketball star, he's a hero of New Orleans."

"What a Chinese means to a city, from Chinese Street to the Foundation, is a symbol of New Orleans."


The media also preached Tang Tian.

It was only after such a disaster that the propaganda played a very positive role.

It is no exaggeration to say that he has strengthened the confidence of many people to continue living in New Orleans.

Reconstruction after the disaster will be a long process, and Tang Tian made Carl devote himself to the foundation's movement.

He and his brothers continued to train.

This time the disaster made Tang Tian think more about the new season.

In the process of post-disaster reconstruction, if the city can bring the first NBA championship to the city, the encouragement for the city will be unprecedented.

Just like the Saints won the championship in 2010, although it has been 5 years since Hurricane Katrina, it has still greatly encouraged New Orleans after the disaster.

If we can win in the first year after the disaster, let alone the effect.

On the first day of training, Butler performed exceptionally well.

After the training was over, several others went home with Tang Tian one after another, but Butler did not leave.

"I live in the training hall tonight."

This is what Butler and Tang Tian said.

"I've lost one week of training time and must hurry back to practice."

This week naturally refers to the end of the hurricane.

Butler felt it wasted a week, and he wanted to get it back through practice!

Sure enough, this guy's attitude towards training is not comparable to ordinary people.

But knowing Butler's personality, Tang Tian is not too surprised.

The next day Jokic also slept with him in the training hall.

Considering that he had a "subject" before, this seems reasonable.

But Butler, finally found someone who could accompany him.

Post-disaster reconstruction in New Orleans is proceeding in an orderly manner, and their hard brother training camp is also sweating.

His parents returned home shortly after, and Tang Tian also devoted more time to training.

The time flashed to mid-September, and after more than a month, their training effect was remarkable.

McGee's defense is obviously better than before, and Davis' offensive post has become a lot more skilled.

Tang Tian's three threats also adapt very well.

The Pelicans' summer roster has not changed much, but the overall strength has steadily improved.

In mid-September, the Brotherhood Training Camp ends, and Walker are all preparing to leave New Orleans.

"You must beat Clay."

After "enough" Thompson's "show off" for a summer, Irving could not help but tell Tang Tian before leaving.

"Be assured, I will meet you in the finals."

Thompson also continued his "show-off" and smiled at Owen.

"No, it was me who entered the finals this year."

Butler followed.

Walker shook his head with a bitter smile. This group of guys are vying for the championship one by one this year.

But with a smile, he was sad.

He seems to be the only one left behind.

Tang Tian patted him on the shoulder.

"You need to beat Carey."

Walker nodded firmly when he heard what Tang Tian said.

Everyone else is in the west, only he and Irving are in the east.

He and Tang Tian defeated Duke in Kangda at the beginning. He will also defeat the Cavaliers this year.

Nothing is impossible unless you dare not think about it.

In the new season, it is also the championship battle between their five brothers.

The brothers ’training camp ended, and the Pelicans’ training camp also began.

On the first day of the training camp, except for the newly joined Boyang and Joe Harris, the rest of the players have arrived.

Last season's loss to the Warriors was more unwilling than the previous loss to the Grizzlies. This year their desire to beat the Warriors and win the championship is unprecedented.

Stevens will arrive in two days, and they will be coached by an assistant coach.

However, most of the players could not think of it, their assistant coach turned out to be Monty Williams!

After being fired by the Pelicans, Williams was the same as Mark Jackson at the time because of insufficient tactical level and was not favored by other teams.

Mark Jackson can go back to his TNT and continue to comment, Williams is directly out of work.

At this time, it was his choice to be a team assistant coach.

It was also at this time, after Demps and Stevens communicated, the two went to Williams together.

After some exchanges, Demps offered him a four-year, 5 million lucrative assistant contract, and Williams agreed to return to the Pelicans as the first assistant.

"Look? Hurry up and train. Don't you want revenge, don't you want to win?"

Williams looked at the team members' surprised expressions and shouted directly.

From the head coach to the first assistant coach, but also back to the original team, this is something that many people cannot accept.

But Williams accepted it and could see that he thought it through.

They are all assistant teachers, so it ’s better to stay in familiar places and get a good salary.

Moreover, he was unwilling to lose last season.

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