The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v3 Chapter 799: Tattoo story

This was a sudden outburst, and everyone on the field did not respond.

Fortunately, Little Reeves reacted fast enough to dodge Ariza's punch.

And the referee reacted after pushing Ariza away.

Ariza remained relentless.

"You can't say that!"

Stephenson yelled at Reeves loudly.

"Just say what I want!"

Little Reeves did not show a weak response.

"Don't leave if you have the skills. Don't leave after the game!"

Ariza reached out to Little Reeves.

Scolding on both sides.

The referee spent a lot of effort before finally separating the two sides.

The conflict did not continue to escalate. The referee went to the technical station to watch the video playback. The players from both sides returned to their respective half-time breaks.

"He can't say that kind of thing, he can't say that kind of thing."

When Stephenson returned to the bench, he kept talking.

Ariza didn't speak, but looked angry.

Although Tang Tian didn't know what happened, judging from the reaction of the two, it should be what Rivers said that made Ariza very angry.

But he couldn't figure out what it was.

This kind of greetings to parents is generally unlikely to appear on the NBA field. It is true that he greeted his wife. Anthony was greeted at the beginning.

But Ariza is still single.

The referee announced the final penalty after watching the video playback.

Ariza had a first-degree malicious foul, and Reeves Jr. had a technical foul.

This is the result of severe punishment.

The punching of Pachulia before Tang Tian not only left a psychological shadow on Pachuria, but also made them very sensitive as referees.

They don't want to see that happen again in their law enforcement games.

The game continued, Ariza and Rivers Jr. both re-entered the game.

Stephenson made a pointless mistake on the field and passed the ball directly to the side of the audience.

Stevens replaced him after seeing it.

This nonsense mistake is the label of Stephenson. Although the number of visits to the Pelicans has been reduced a lot, it is still inevitable.

Tang Tian saw Stephenson approaching the bench, reached out and waved at him, and motioned for him to sit beside him.

"What did Reeves just say?"

Tang Tian is actually curious.

Stephenson was so excited in front of him that he should be aware.

"He shouldn't say that."

Stephenson said in a low voice.

Tang Tian also crossed his head.

"He said he deserved his brother to die early."

Stephenson whispered.

"Has Trevor had a younger brother?"

Tang Tian heard this face confused.

It's been almost two years since Ariza came to the Pelicans, but he has never heard him mention that he has a younger brother or something.

You know, the two have spent a lot of time together. When they were in the Spurs, Tang Tian even knew Leonard's father.

"I also knew by accident. You should have seen the tattoo on Trevor?"

Stephenson continued.

Tang Tian nodded.

Everyone played together and took a shower together. I watched the places I should watch, and I watched the places I should not watch.

Americans love tattoos. In addition to a few good guys like Davis and Jokic, many other members of the Pelicans also have tattoos.

This is not surprising.

Ariza's tattoo seems to have three pieces, one in the heart position, he didn't pay much attention.

He always had a deep impression on his arms and neck because he was often exposed.

The outside of the arm's biceps is a gesture of crossing hands, as if praying, and there are some small prints below.

There was an angel tattoo on his neck.

These two tattoos have a common meaning and a meaning of blessing, which is more common in NBA, so Tang Tian will not pay too much attention.

"It was tattooed for his brother. His brother's name Taya was under the hands, and the figures from 1990 to 1996. I saw it, and his heart was tattooed with his brother's head."

When Stephenson said this, Tang Tian knew the general content.

Ariza had a younger brother, Taya, who should have died when he was 6 years old.

No wonder Ariza was so excited and insulted the deceased relatives, no matter how angry, this approach was not appropriate.

And from the position of Ariza's tattoo, he should have a good relationship with his brother when he was a kid.

Stephenson went on to say something about Taya.

Taya is only 4 years younger than Ariza, and is not ill. He fell and died while playing on the balcony.

Ariza was at the stadium at the time and witnessed his brother's death after returning.

It was a very big shock for a 10-year-old child, watching his loved one die in front of him.

After that, Ariza realized that life was short and her character became silent.

He trains hard and plays hard, just like two people alive.

After listening to Tang Tian, ​​I felt a lot. It is not easy for a 10-year-old to get out of that tragedy, not to mention nba.

The psychological pressure that Ariza needs to overcome is great.

After listening to Little Reeves, Tang Tian suddenly felt disgusted.

Before, he also felt that Little Reeves worked hard, but as one of the few people who knew the story, he used it to attack Ariza, which was really ugly.

Stephenson said very quietly, but the bench was so long, and Davis and Jokic, who were around Tang Tian, ​​heard them all.

When the main players from both sides return, the Pelicans' offensive and defensive qualities are up a notch from the first quarter.

This kind of offensive and defensive quality is brought up, the Clippers are obviously a little overwhelmed.

By the end of the half, the Pelicans had widened the point difference by 55 to 40 to 15 points.

The conflict between Little Reeves and Ariza became the turning point of the game.

Back in the second half, Rivers saw that the situation was not right and replaced Redick with Louis Williams.

But this strategy did not work.

During the intermission, although he did not speak in front of Ariza, but passed one by one, everyone else in the Pelicans knew about Ariza.

This made them indignant, and in the second half they played fiercer than the second quarter.

Williams is in good shape, and Griffin also scores from time to time in the paint.

However, the performance of the two of them is very low ~ ~ The quality of the Pelicans' offense and defense in this quarter is absolutely playoff-level.

As a result, the Pelicans hit the Clippers a 40-25 in the third quarter!

At the end of the three quarters, the Pelicans have pulled the points difference to 0 and directly turned the last quarter into garbage time!

In the last quarter, benches and benches were played on both sides.

Tang Tian saw the opposite Little Reeves present and took the initiative to stand up to Stevens.

"Brad, I want to fight more."

Tang Tian didn't say much, and spoke directly.

Stevens looked up at the score, but nodded.

Tang Tian is a little excited tonight, and it's okay to fight more.

There was no dead ball on the field, Tang Tian looked at Little Reeves on the field and slowly walked to the technical stage.