The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v3 Chapter 846: Enraged Tang Tian

For the Pelicans, playing at home will be their only advantage in grabbing the seventh game.

But there is another piece of good news.

Due to the pressure from outside public opinion, the league has not added a suspension of Davis.

In other words, Davis can play the final tiebreaker.

However, even then, the Cavaliers tied the big score in this way after 3-1, and the Pelicans' morale was inevitably low.

This kind of game can come in two or three games. The Cavaliers have the tendency of the league to support it. It is difficult to imagine how difficult it is for them to win.

This point, when the team returned to New Orleans training can feel, the team's morale is the lowest since entering the finals.

But there is only one person who is just the opposite.

"Trevo, didn't you have breakfast in the morning? Your defense is soft like a woman!"

"Zhu, your defensive position is so bad, do you want me to score 50 points on your head ?!"

"Nicholas, are you scared by the referee, have you even lost the desire to stop me from scoring ?!"

Uh ...

Tang Tian is constantly spraying **** on his teammates. What is obvious from this move is that Tang Tian is now very angry.

This is something that old players including Hollodi have never seen before.

Tang Tian was really provoked.

愤怒 This kind of anger quickly spread to teammates. There were no referees on the training field. The Pelicans' defensive strength also returned a lot.

Even the morale of the team has improved a lot.

愤怒 After encountering such an unfair punishment, anger is the only thing that can change morale.

After the training session, Stevens did not dare to talk to Tang Tian.

However, Davis took the initiative to find Tang Tian.

"Sorry, the last one was my fault. I will not make the same mistake again, no matter how provocative they are."

Davis came to apologize to Tang Tian. James' action was very provocative in the last game, but he was really impulsive.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. He straddles you again, and you just kill him."

Tang Tian's answer surprised Davis, but he also knew that Tang Tian was really angry.

"Just leave the game to me. They can't win because I want to win."

Tang Tian's words made him more convinced.

突然 He suddenly felt that if the game started now, Tang Tian would blow the Cavaliers alone.

"While you are going to attack, I will guard the penalty area and I will give you offensive rebounds."

Davis went on.

He is ready to play assist in advance.

Tang Tian glanced at Davis and nodded.

On June 19, American time, the tiebreaker in the finals started at the New Orleans Arena.

Although the fans' doubts about the league reached a peak, the ratings of this tiebreaker already reached a season high before the start of the match.

A decisive battle is the real battle of life and death.

The eyes of fans all over the United States and even the whole world have focused on this game.

Is the Pelicans holding the last home to win the first championship trophy in the history of the team, or is the Cavaliers to complete the epic 1-3 reverse.

Either outcome is enough to excite and **** the respective fans.

At the scene, there were many Hollywood stars and political giants. The attention of this game was comparable to the Super Bowl.

Although the penalties of the previous two games in the league have been questioned, I have to say that the attention of this tiebreaker has been maximized.

半 At half an hour from the start of the game, the players from both sides entered the arena one after another.

At this moment, some fans noticed that Tang Tian's expression tonight is different from the past game, even the past two years.

Rage, the anger visible to the naked eye, makes people dare not look straight.

The scene soon entered the opening ceremony, and at this time, this emotion was felt by all audiences.

Tang Tian, ​​who likes to show a short break before the opening, didn't do anything today, but his eyes were angry and murderous.

They can foresee that the Cavaliers will be uncomfortable tonight.

After the opening ceremony, the starting lineups on both sides have been released.

Neither side made any adjustments to the lineup, and Boyang continued to serve as the starting small forward for the Pelicans.

After warming up, Davis pulled the ball from Mozgov's head back to the Pelicans' halftime, officially opening the curtain of the tiebreaker.

Hollodi gave the ball to Tang Tian after halftime, and then signaled everyone to pull away.

With the pick-and-roll at the No. 1 and No. 4, Tang Tian rushed into Love immediately after opening.

His speed is lightning fast, and he can feel his anger in a state of extreme physical excitement.

Wu Lefu was completely shaken away and Tang Tian rushed into the paint.


Take a one-handed violent split!

Cheers broke out at the scene, and I sent a slam dunk at the beginning, which felt very cool!

Back to the defensive end, the Pelicans' defense shrinks.

知道 After knowing that the referee whistle will be biased towards the Cavaliers, Stevens closed the formation and forced the Cavaliers to choose more shots.

The Cavaliers did the same, and their starting players were Mozgov and others.

James first tried a shot from outside.

However, at the moment when he shot, Davis flew from the free throw line suddenly. Although it was too late, he was really imposing.

"咣 当!"

I don't know if it was affected by this interference. James' three-pointer hit the box and the rebound was accepted by Jokic!

The Pelicans counterattacked, Davis dribbled to the frontcourt and was overtaken by James. He turned back to Tang Tian.

Tang Tianfei jumped up, and after seeing James turn around, he dodged in the air, dodged James' low layup and sent the ball into the basket!

Spiritual excitement brings physical harmony.

Tang Tian's condition is surprisingly good now!

The whistle on the scene is endless.

裁判 The referees tended to be strong in the previous two games, but the Pelicans have almost no confrontation since the opening game.

However, Tang Tian was simply a rude scoring, which did not give the referee a chance to make a penalty at all.

Irving took the ball and made a strong shot, blocked by Davis ~ ~ The referee played Davis' defensive foul.

This is an air whistle, and the scene booed all over the sky.

However, Davis' mood has not changed, just to go to the basket early.

Irving made two free throws, Davis got stuck and loved to take off defensive rebounds.

As he said to Tang Tian before, he is ready to play psychological support and can do it!

The Pelicans played again in the frontcourt.

Tangtian continued to mislocate to find Love, this time he made a breakthrough fake action, and then suddenly pulled up three points.

Smith swooped in from the weak side to assist in defense, and hit Tang Tian at the moment he shot.

The referee did not whistle.


However, Tang Tian still throws the ball into the body when his body is out of balance!

He scored 7 points in the opening game, and the difficulty was more than one!

天 Tang Tian, ​​being irritated, is a bit scary!

ps: Special thanks to Zheng Heshan's allies for giving rewards, because in the hospital, I ca n’t sort out the rewards list. I ’m really moved to see a lot of people giving rewards. Thank you, I ca n’t do anything else. Although mobile phone typing is slow , But today will definitely write five more out.

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