The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v4 Chapter 1077: Tang Tian's Business Value

Fagan has been a bit busy lately.

In the 1.6 billion contract signed by fox and Pelican, that additional clause was unprecedented, which also made Tang Tian the focus of the focus.

In other words, in this signing, the outside world saw Tang Tian's extraordinary commercial value.

Jain is even bigger than Jordan.

Walmart, Microsoft, Boeing, Metropolis, etc., large companies from all walks of life are looking for Fegan, I hope Tang Tian can become their spokesperson.

Even this is only native to the United States.

Across Asia, Europe, many luxury brands also hope that Tang Tian can become their regional or global spokesperson.

After the signing of the 1.6 billion broadcasting contract, Tang Tangtian represents not only an individual, but a brand.

Feigen was busy for a while, talking about contracts with representatives of various brands, and then summing up.

On this day of off-season, Fegan went to Tang Tian's manor with his arranged preliminary intention contract.

Tang Tian is summing up the training methods for Zhou Qi. After Feigen came, Tang Tian asked him to report while choosing.

"Softbank's 5 million endorsements? The price is good, but even if it's in Japan, I don't have much interest in Japanese companies. I will skip the rest of the words."


"Apple gave 10 million endorsement fee? Really willing, how much is Huawei? 8 million? Then sign Huawei."


"Durex even asked me for an endorsement? Didn't he know that I was preparing for the second child? The endorsement fee has risen again? Then sign it, I won't lose it anyway."


"BMW's endorsements continue, at least they do not leak oil, but I hope they can reduce the price in China, they are not short of sales now."


"Id plastic surgery? Korean plastic surgery? What the hell? My looks are naturally beautiful, and this endorsement cannot be answered. I have been thought by others to be plastic."

Uh ...

Fei Feigen brought more than 40 contracts, and after Tang Tian screened them, only about 10 remained.

"Tang, I think you still have to listen to my opinions on the endorsements. Your current choices are too ... general."

Feigen said more implicitly, he knows that Tang Tian has always been willful in endorsement, but it is impossible to say this in person.

"It's okay, just like that, how much is endorsement Feiga together?"

Tang Tian waved his hand. He knew that Fagan was talking about interests, but as an endorser, he could still see the difference.

"About 50 million."

Tang Tian figured it out when he heard it.

Before that, he had 7 million gold value left. In the summer, BMW endorsed a contract of 6 million in the last year, and some other companies had about 15 million.

After the 50 million tax, there are about 30 million 氪 gold value, which adds up to about 45 million.

The distance between the breakthrough skills he wants to exchange is still about 5 million.

"Separate with those spokespersons and mention the total amount of about 60 million."

Tangtian Elementary School's math was taught by a physical education teacher, but he did well, and soon the difference was considered good.

Although a bit off.

"This is difficult, I try to try."

Feigen stopped talking and nodded.

Although there are many brands that can speak for themselves, many are actually overlapping industries.

Just like when Tang Tian spoke before, he would not endorse Haifeisi.

Another example is that he has chosen Huawei now, and it is impossible to endorse Apple.

If the two competing brands are his endorsements, I am afraid that there will be fighting every day when selling offline.

Tang Tian wants to increase the total endorsement fee, and the best way is to choose a higher endorsement fee according to his suggestion.

But Tang Tian has already rejected this proposal. What he can do is try as much as possible.

"You don't have to be too stressed."

Tang Tian didn't put pressure on Fagan either, and it would be better to mention it.

I can't mention it, at most it is pushed to November.

Coca-Cola's endorsement has expired again, and when the contract is renewed, there will be a considerable amount of gold.

At that time, it was enough to calculate the gold value.

The next day, the Pelicans sat home to meet the Bucks' challenge.

The Mule Bucks were abused in two preseason games, and in the regular season they could not get rid of such bad luck.

They were suppressed by the Pelicans throughout the game. Like the preseason, they gave up at halftime.

The Bucks' Big Three have a lot of problems. The letter brother did not shoot. Hayward's personal ability to attack was weak. Owen's defense was easy to be targeted.

It wasn't obvious to beat the team, but it was a bit miserable to play against the Pelicans.

The Pelicans finally won the opponent and ushered in 6 consecutive victories since the start of the game.

After the match was over, the news headlines of major media were taken by Tang Tian.

因为 Not because of the game, but the endorsement.

Tangtian sighed and signed ten endorsements! The total price is up to $ 55 million!

In the end, Fagan did his best not to talk about the endorsement fee that Tang Tian hoped for, but the average contract amount for an endorsement reached 5.5 million!

This is already a very exaggerated number!

Counting the contract between Nike and his NBA, his income this year has exceeded 100 million!

This is really close to Jordan.

New York headquarters.

"damn it!"

Xiao Xiaohua's chest violently fluctuated after seeing the news report.

Fox signed a 1.6 billion deal with the Pelicans, and these brands signed another 55 million with Tang Tian.

And the key is that the money and the alliance have nothing to do with his half dime!

He previously promised that the benefits to the team owners could not be seen, and they let them watch the Pelicans make money.

Think about it in other words. If he is the owner of another team, he will not vote for himself as the official president.

I adjusted my breathing, and he looked at Borgia with sharp eyes.

From Walker to ~ to Fox's endorsement contract.

The things he explained, his confidant has not been harvested twice, and he is considering whether to change a person.

"Is there any news? The Pelicans."

He kept Borgea monitoring the movement of the Pelicans.

"I heard that Coca-Cola is discussing with Nike to give Tang a joint sneaker."

Borgia hesitated.

Xiao Hua felt a big head immediately after listening.

He's angry enough, and Borgia has some bad news to **** him off.

不能 Can't you hear something good every time? !!

"Go! Go!"

He was a bit unbearable and shouted directly at Borgia.

Borgia was taken aback, Xiao Hua's mood has been too ups and downs recently.

However, he also knew that Xiao Hua was angry and did not say anything, nodded and went out.


After waiting for Borgia to go out, Xiao Hua slammed the table.

After his return this time, it started quite smoothly.

But since the Pelicans formed brother basketball, it has been all bad news.

One after another, it was like piled stones on him, now piled up like a mountain, so that he was out of breath! Magic Moon Academy