The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v4 Chapter 1087: Singles Tang goes live

In the opening stage of the second quarter, both sides were the main players with substitutes.

Walkers and Davis led the Pelicans, plus Brogdon, Siakam and Harel.

On the Mavericks side, Holiday and Jokic led the team, plus Barea, Dwight Powell and Nowitzki.

As soon as the second quarter came back, Walker scored against Nowitzki's turning gyro.

He really put Parker's technology to work.

But looking back, Nowitzki received Barea's sudden goal, and a mid-range jumper also scored.

Davis hit Nowitzki in the low post and encountered Powell. He quickly took the ball and Siakam's one-handed dunk improved the morale of the team.

But in the next round, Holleti received Jokic's pass and scored 2 + 1 on Brogdon.

The situation on the court, anxious, very anxious.

The Mavericks are really underestimated.

Before Morey said in front of the media that the Rockets have found the most suitable lineup for them this season.

But now it seems that the Mavericks are the most suitable team for this sentence.

Holiday and Jokic's changes on both ends of the offense and defense are really visible to the naked eye.

And after experiencing consecutive championships, their psychological quality is stronger than the same period in history.

This win-win deal really brought a good opponent for the Pelicans.

Fans at the scene were very excited, and Xiao Hua was delighted.

In the past month, he was like a drowning man.

Under the continuous pressure of the bosses of each team, I feel almost out of breath.

Now the Mavericks' performance is like that life-saving straw, which can finally let him catch it and surface to breathe.

Stevens paced the sidelines.

Although he was prepared before, the Mavericks were stronger than he expected.

After playing for a while on the field, the score was still deadlocked. He got up and called both Tang Tian and Butler.

Brogdon, Tang Tian, ​​Butler, Siakam, Davis.

This is a lineup he has used against the Rockets, especially the defensive S + class.

After seeing that, Carlisle also changed horses and replaced Conley, Harris, and Embiid.

Conley, Holiday, Powell, Harris, Embiid.

This is hard to hard!

Embiid's inside attack was caught, giving Harris the opportunity, Tang Tianxie defense was in place to interfere.

Davis protected the defensive rebound and Brogdon advanced to the frontcourt position.

Tang Tian broke through and was caught, giving the ball a chance to Butler, but Powell's assist defense came quickly.

Butler gave the ball to Davis again, and the latter's shot was not interfered by Embiid!

The two teams staged an offensive battle before, and this segment was invariably switched to a defensive battle!

Although the methods are different, the results are the same.

As Barkley analyzed, it's quite the same!

Before the two sides changed to this lineup, the score on the field was 41 to 38.

After playing for more than three minutes, the score on the court was still 41 to 38!

Than tactics, than strategy, Carlisle is not afraid of Stevens!

Stevens hesitated for a moment on the sidelines, turned around and called Walker, then made a 1 gesture to Tang Tian.

This is the first time since the season, he has to enlarge the move.

No matter what happens after the game, the Mavericks can push the Pelicans to this part, it has been considered a success.

The so-called 1 is the No. 1 tactic, which is very common in the Pelicans in the past few years.

To put it bluntly, it was Tang Tian's singles tactics.

Because the Pelicans have a strong lineup this season, Walker and Davis actually play pick-and-rolls more often.

Tang Tian only needs to take the pot when the team can't score, or play at a critical moment.

That's why he didn't break the highest score of 40 points this season.

Because it is not needed at all.

But now the Mavericks are pushing the Pelicans to this position.

Having been so stalemate, it is definitely not a good thing for the Pelicans.

Tang Tianxin understood.

In fact, he also wanted to fight.

I have been doing new training for the first three days, and it is time to take it out for combat.

Speaking of which, he was not taller than the previous one, only one meter, seven or eight, and he was less than a point. According to basketball standards, he was a standard short guard.

When I usually play, it's basically playing guards, dribbling, controlling, and shooting.

So he was the basketball godfather in his last life.

Now I have crossed and become a player, but I can't stop a defender's heart.

Before, because his skill level was not high, he rarely showed breakthroughs. Basically, he accelerated his opponent and then chose the offensive method.

Even if it bursts into the inside, it is also a shot after a strong confrontation.

But now there are flowers and butterfly steps in hand, just like a few hundred pieces in your pocket. Self-confidence and spirit are different.

Walker held the ball to the frontcourt, after giving the ball to Tang Tian, ​​he then signaled that both sides pulled away to give Tang Tian a single.

Holleti defending Tang Tian, ​​a former teammate, is also the strongest player the Pelicans defend.

Tang Tian glanced at Huo Ledi.

I'm sorry, Zhu.

One changes direction to the right, and then pulls the ball to the left by a large amount.

The biggest difference from the previous dribble is that Tang Tian does not have to deliberately lower the center of gravity.

Because he can feel that even if he stands upright, the ball can be firmly controlled by him.

Holiday's center of gravity was clearly mobilized.

This is change.

Big men who can dribble are very popular in the NBA. For example, the former Weber and McGrady. Among the active players, Griffin and Durant are the most representative.

Both men's singles are difficult to defend. In addition to their own offensive threats, they are tall, and the direction of change when they break through is very large.

The average person does not dare to start easily. If he loses his defensive position, he can only be taken over.

But it is also easy to lose the defensive position if you do not start, because the opponent changes direction significantly, you do not keep up, and the breakthrough is just a matter of one thing.

Therefore, Holiday can only mobilize his body weight to follow the rhythm of Tang Tian.

At this moment, Tang Tian had a move to collect the ball ~ ~ Holletti swooped out after seeing it. As Tang Tian's former teammate, he knew how accurate Tang Tian was.

But at the moment he threw himself out, Tang Tian suddenly crossed the right side with a quick low-body cross step, and directly passed him completely!

There was an uproar at the scene.

The rhythm and control of the ball is almost straightforward.

Even if they knew that Tang Tian was very strong, this action was made by a 2m03 big man, which was simply incredible.

After Tang Tian passed Holleti and went straight to the basket, Embiid helped out.

The two encountered half a step.

But at this moment, Tang Tian suddenly slowed down and accelerated again, and a close body turned in front of him, directly giving Embiid!

This time even the players on both sides of the court were dumbfounded.

This Nima ... fake it!


With a muffled sound, Tang Tian connected Holleti and Embiid and smashed the ball into the basket with one hand.

It really can't be more real.

There was a lot of commotion on the spot, and the Pelicans came off the bench.

Stevens smiled like a flower.

He doesn't know how Tang Tian has such a strong ball control skills.

The only explanation is that after being targeted by the Warriors and Cavaliers last season, he worked **** this technique during the offseason.

In fact, Tang Tian did the same, and there were similar news reports during the offseason.

Because the Pelicans hadn't asked Tang Tian for singles before, it was reasonable to not come out until this time.

It's just that for him and the Pelicans, and even Pelican fans, it is really a surprise!

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