The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v4 Chapter 1088: Don ... Don Irving?

But compared to others, Carlisle's look was the most complicated one at the moment.

Embiid previously answered each other on Twitter, saying that the Mavericks have defensive tactics against Tang Tian.

It does.

And it's easy to guess.

The targeted defense of the Warriors and Cavaliers Tang Tian was successful last season.

That's all there are ready-made methods out there.

So before the game, or the past three days, the Mavericks are training this defense against Tang Tian.

Carlisle's ability in tactics is very outstanding. This kind of targeting is simple and normal for him.

But the most tragic thing in the world is that you worked hard to prepare a game, but in the end you found that there was no chance to use it!

Tang Tian's enhanced ball control is aimed at the fart!

According to the defense of the Warriors and Cavaliers last season, it is simply sending.

So his mood is really a bit complicated at the moment.

Moreover, Tang Tian's singles tactics this season are different from the past few seasons.

The Mavericks dare to double-team at most, and they dare not triple-team or more.

Walker, Davis and Butler, giving any of them is also giving points.

It may even be that the doubles are not too dare.

As a dedicated and dedicated head coach, Carlisle watched all the Pelicans' games before the game.

These included the Pelicans' two games against the Bucks.

Kidd then tried to use the local double-doubles for the Pelicans. As a result, Dedemont was fed with pie and spit in that game, and scored 16 points in the half.

If the Mavericks are going to double-team, they can only let go of Demon or Sycam.

It is likely that the two of them will eat pie and eat up tonight.

With the Mavericks' frontcourt tactics, Holloday ran out of opportunities, but Butler was very fast on the defense and didn't give them a chance.

Holliday gave the ball back to Conley.

Conley reapplied the trick, and after the pick-and-roll with Embiid, the ball was divided.


But as soon as he passed the ball, he was predicted by Butler and he broke the ball!

One offense and one defense, the Pelicans gradually took the initiative on the field.

Tang Tian held the ball before the field.

There was a restless scene.

Carlisle didn't have a good response at this time, except for Hollodi's focus on defense.

More than tactics, more than strategy, he did not lose Stevens.

But compared to the stars, the Mavericks don't have Tang Tian!

Tang Tian held the ball again, looked at Holedy's more focused eyes, and took out a more focused look.

Holloday is a former teammate, but he is also an opponent. The best respect for him is to show a stronger offensive performance than just now!

The teammates pulled all the space away, Tang Tian continuously turned in front of his body and his majesty, and the ball seemed to stick to his hands.

The scene was restless.

This is no longer Tang Tian. This is clearly Don Irving!

It's very interesting to say that when Tang Tian used a low-level dribble, he joked, "This league, Walker's dribble is most like me."

After tonight, he is afraid to say "This league, Owen's dribble is most like me"!

Holliday took a step back and put Tang Tian in a defensive position.

After seeing a ball, Tang Tian immediately stopped and pulled out.

After he focused, his whole body was excited, and his movement frequency was very fast.

Even Hollodi couldn't respond.


Tang Tian's Steady Steady Hit!

He scored 4 points in a row, pulling the difference to 7 points!

The two teams have been deadlocked since the opening, 7 points is already the biggest difference between the two sides!

Carlisle now made new offensive tactical gestures on the sidelines.

Now it is impossible to defend Tang Tian. It can only rely on offense to stand still.

At least drag the game into the fourth quarter, when the Mavericks still have a chance.

"Come on! The Mavericks!"

The DJ at the scene also noticed that the situation on the court was not right, and began to greet fans to cheer for the team.

Conley's frontcourt organization, this time he did not let the ball-free teammates run tactics, but instead signaled Embiid to give the ball in after he dropped.

This is a singles tactic at the fifth position.

In several sets of matches on the field, Embiid has an advantage over Dedmond.

This can be seen from the opening ball.

After Embiid received the ball, he went back to singles. Dedemont did not fall behind in the confrontation, but was in a disadvantageous position.

Embiid turned around and shook him away.

But at the moment Embiid was about to shoot, Butler quickly recovered the ball and cut the ball.

Embiid almost cut off the ball in his hand, but he reacted quickly and threw the ball out of the middle as soon as he was about to be cut.

The Mavericks' singles tactics at the fifth position are obviously not for four people alone. When Embiid singles, Conley has cut in from the middle.

However, although the ball was given by Embiid, the angle hurriedly was not good. Conley got the ball and stabilized before he controlled the ball.

He started to make a layup again, but Butler came in defense, and when he jumped, he followed, jumping with both hands in the air to catch the ball.

Conley is tough and catches the ball, but Butler is under a lot of pressure and he can no longer shoot.

Two people fell to the ground with four hands.

The referee whistled to signal that it was a fight!

The small forward and the point guard fight for the ball, which is mostly the Pelicans.

Butler has played excellent defense in a row!

In the first quarter, he was eye-catching on the offensive end. In the second quarter, Tang Tian took over the offense, and he started to play on the defensive end!

Butler and Conley jumped the ball. He took the jump early and put the ball into Walker's hand.

The two sides exchanged the ball, and the Mavericks' offense returned without success.

Carlisle's expression was a little complicated at this time.

If it wasn't for the fact that Butler has always wanted to be the boss of the ball ~ ~, the two would disagree and keep arguing.

Butler, a hard and capable player, is something a head coach would want to have.

Walker got the ball and the Pelicans counterattacked on the spot.

Tang Tian quickly advanced the ball, and in front of him was Embiid, who was standing behind.

He patted the ball with his left hand to the left, at the same time stepped out with his right leg, changed his right hand to control the ball, and then pulled the ball back with his right hand the next second, turning his body straight.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Sam Gaud!

Tang Tian used Sam Gould in the fast break.

Irving's iconic action!

A 2-meter 03 forward defender swingman, using the difficult dribbling technique of the defender!

Embiid was shaken completely out of focus during the retreat, and the whole man couldn't control and fell to the ground.

This time, there was a burst of cheers in the uproar.

This is so showy, it shows off the sky!

Tang Tian shaking Embiid, and Ma Pingchuan was in front of him. He did not let the fans down. He rushed to the frontcourt. A tomahawk slammed the ball into the basket.

Today's top five ball list, booked!

The Pelicans' bench has gone crazy.

This show is flying, it is really Don Owen!

Of course, more important than the show is that Tang Tian just collapsed is Embiid.

The new "Great Emperor" who blasted off on Twitter!

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