The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v4 Chapter 1434: Life is lonely like snow

After a short celebration, the members of the Chinese team under the leadership of Li Chunjiang and the US team performed the final handshake ceremony.

Tang Tian also encouraged the American team members one by one.

"keep it up."

It's short, but it hurts.

The American team members all showed a bitter smile.

After tonight, the American men's basketball team has officially fallen from the shrine of the challenged and has become one of the challengers.

The new challenger is naturally the Chinese men's basketball team.

On top of the men's basketball.

After a short rest, the Chinese, American and Serbian players returned to the stadium one after another.

Here is the final award ceremony of the men's basketball team.

The faces of the Chinese team and the Serbian team were all filled with happy smiles.

The American team was a little silent.

The silver medal podium for the first time in the World Series five years ago is now the third time.

Standing down, they may all get used to it.

As the award ceremony is about to begin, more Chinese fans will be present at the scene, many of whom have heard from the venue next door.

It's definitely memorable to witness the men's basketball team holding the cup.

The Serbian team took the lead on the podium and raised their hands together after standing on the podium.

This is the first World Series medal in their country's history, and it is the Olympic medal. They are the happiest outside the Chinese team.

Jokic even kissed the bronze medal, and his eyes were almost invisible on the fluttering face.

Leaving the Pelicans, rolling to Dallas, and then to Denver, he returned to the **** man he had when he first entered the league.

Tang Tian also stretched his body at this time and gave him a congratulatory thumbs up.

The Serbian team is followed by the American team.

Although the defeat was not what they wanted, James comforted his teammates and then smiled at the camera.

No matter how difficult it is, he has to maintain his image forever, just like in the past.

After the US team, the Chinese men's basketball team is about to debut next.

"The winner of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics men's basketball is ... China!"

The Japanese and English languages ​​at the scene announced the results together.

The moment the result was announced, the audience was boiled.

Unconsciously, the stadium has been dominated by Chinese fans.

The Chinese team members held hands and jumped onto the podium.

At this moment, there is nothing more exciting for Chinese fans as a Chinese player.

They defended the Olympic champion on the Japanese site!

There were also many Japanese fans at the scene, watching the Chinese team holding the cup, in addition to envy they could not make other expressions.

This is another peak moment for the men's basketball team!

And those Chinese fans who failed to arrive were also yelling excitedly in front of the TV at this moment.

This moment of glory belongs to all Chinese fans and even the Chinese!

After the announcement of the gold medal, the Chinese national anthem followed.

When the familiar intro to the volunteer march appeared, all the Chinese present and absent were already enthusiastic.

That's the most exciting music, no one!

The flag rose slowly at the highest point along with heated music.

With the familiar melody, the flag slowly rose to the highest point.

This moment is in history!

After the gold medal award ceremony was over, the selection of the best lineup and the top four MVP was also performed on the spot.

Best center: Jokic.

Jokic is undoubtedly the best center in this year's Olympics. Although he looks fatter, he does not hinder his performance.

He averaged 16.6 points, 10.2 rebounds and 5.3 assists per game. His versatile performance is rare even if he looks at the entire basketball history.

Best power forward: Davis.

Although the US team finally lost, Davis at the fourth position performed very well as the US team's starting fifth position.

He averaged 12.3 points, 12.6 rebounds and 3.9 per game in the entire tournament. In the US team with many scoring points, this performance has been good enough.

Best small forward: Durant.

Durant averaged 16.8 points per game and is the team's scoring leader this year.

He failed to lead the Pelicans to defeat the Spurs in the NBA, but he was even stronger in the Fiba game.

Especially in the finals, he contributed the team's highest 25 points, the last difficult three points in regular time, and the brave performance of overtime.

If it weren't for Tang Tian's existence, it would be a matter of course for the US team to win this Olympic title.

Best shooting guard: Ding Yan Yuhang.

The result of this selection is somewhat unexpected. Ding Yanyu ’s average of 10.8 points per game is not eye-catching. In terms of performance, whether it is the French team's Fournier or the American team, Leonard is much better than Ding Yanyu ’s.

However, the selection of the organizing committee obviously has other considerations.

The Chinese team is the champion, and it is obviously not appropriate for only one person to be selected for the best team.

It's more inappropriate to give Leonard, because the United States has three places like that.

And Ding Yan Yuhang's performance in the final overtime four free throws is also remarkable.

Of course, there is another point. Although the Japanese team "respects" the Chinese team, everyone is more Asian.

In honor selection, naturally will also lean towards Asian players.

Best point guard: Tang Tian.

Tang Tian's performance is not controversial. He averaged 31.6 points per game and scored 50 points in the final.

Tang Tian played point guard most of the time during the Olympics, and the best team selection for the tournament also defined him as a number one.

This is also the first time Tang Tian has won honors as a point guard.

During the NCAA period, he played the fourth position, the Spurs played the third position, the Pelicans played the second position, and then the national team played the first position.

Except that Tang Tian hadn't tried it at the fifth position, he became the first player in NBA history to play from the first to the fourth.

What's more important is that he can earn honors in every position.

Playing the fourth position to get the NCAA championship, playing the third position to win two consecutive championships, the second position to rule the league to receive four more championships, the first position is already an Olympic champion plus a World Cup champion.

Life is so lonely like snow!

After the best team was announced, the organizing committee also announced the final MVP.

Compared to last year ’s World Cup, Tang Tian.

When Tang Tian's name was pronounced, the scene was boiled again.

Wait till the cheers come down ~ ~ Tang Tian delivered his award speech.

"... Thanks so many people, I would like to thank those fans who came to the scene to support us in front of the TV. It was your yelling and cheering that made us perform so well. This Olympic trophy Each of you.

This time the championship is not over, I believe there will be a third, fourth, fifth ... many, many, Chinese basketball is moving towards greatness! "

When Tang Tian's awards were over, the scene was already a boiling sea.

Somewhat embarrassing at this time were some people in the stands.

Doncic: Didn't you just tell me that the future is mine?

Brother Zi: First, a little bit, what time do you tell me about the future?

Durant: Add your sister's oil, I don't care about it today, even if you are my boss, I have to spit you!
