The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 380: The current situation of Jusheng Mountai

Previously, the various sects besieged the Holy Mountain, and the disciples of Jushengshan, who had always acted domineering, were silent and did not move. Therefore, everyone concluded that the disciples of Jushengshan might not be able to make a move after the fall of Bai Shengjun. From this point, we inferred Countless directions.

But now gathered in the holy mountain, a sword aura was cut, overturning all previous calculations.

"Brother Li Dao is the first tower of the Tianji Pavilion. Your Tianji Pavilion is good at deducing the secrets of the heavens. You can make decisions and then move them. If you have questions about the various schools in Dongzhou, you usually ask the Tianji Pavilion. Ge has always played the role of counselor and heavenly master."

The elder Zhenyuanzong Taishang looked over and slowly said, "What do you think?"

Li Yang's first gaze narrowed slightly, and he was silent.

The elder Zhenyuanzong's face was indifferent, and he was quite unhappy in his heart.

The elder of the Tianji Pavilion was seriously injured in one calculation. He had nothing to say, but the first Li Yang, the newcomer, used this as an excuse. So far, he has not done anything, not only did not make a move, or even gave an accurate direction. , Completely acting as a spectator.

The other sects also vaguely had such thoughts, but no one spoke.

Only the Supreme Elder of the True Yuan Sect, who relied on the True Yuan Sect's background and was the number one in Dongzhou, was quite arrogant, so he just spoke.

"Jusheng Mountain Bai Shengjun, the first in the world, cannot be calculated, Dongzhou knows everything, and his mountain gate, his disciples, it is difficult to calculate, the previous time my Tianji Pavilion big elder backlash, you all have seen it with your own eyes. Until now, Li is really helpless."

Li Yang first sighed and said: "If there are other things in the outside world, my Tianji Pavilion can tell the good and the bad, and I can know the direction by pinching the fingers, but it is about the Jusheng Mountain. It can only rely on speculation..."

The elder Taishang Zhenyuanzong said: "Then what are your calculations now?"

Li Yang first pondered slightly, then looked at the others.

All the great cultivators of Zhenxuan all had such eyes.

The Supreme Elder of Taiyuanzong also said: "There is only Zhuang Ming, but the younger generation of Jindan series. I wait for the real profound monks. Not only did I miss the capture, but he escaped twice, and even fell into it. He was caught in the trap of the Jindan real person, and suffered a sword from the holy mountain, each with his own injuries, and also fell a true Profound Realm... Now, Brother Li Dao is helpless, and I am faceless and dignified. Up."

The elder Liufengfudi sighed and said: "Back then, the elder Liu Kang, the Supreme Elder of the Yuanzong, went after Gao Yunzhen, who was in the Golden Core series, and missed. He was regarded as a shame by the Real Profound Realm of the world. It's more important than Liu Kang!"

Li Yang's expression remained as usual. The various schools of the East Continent were united, and the great monks of the true mystery level had their own calculations. Therefore, no one could overwhelm the various schools and coordinate the overall situation. In the past, the Tianji Pavilion played this role, but he Li Yang Deliberately avoiding this role, so the great cultivators of the True Profound sect can't help but complain.

"Then break into the Jusheng Mountain."

Li Yang slowly said: "Li once calculated that Bai Shengjun has passed away, the ferocity of gathering the holy mountain has exploded, and Wen Li, the first disciple of the True Profound Nine Seals, has no traces of the world."

The elder Zhenyuanzong's eyes condensed suddenly, and he shouted: "What's the matter?"

Li Yang sternly said: "The same signs of fall as Bai Shengjun, and not only Wen Li, the first disciple of the Holy Mountain, but the second, third, fifth, sixth and other true mysteries also have similar signs."

The real profound monks all felt shocked in their hearts and looked at each other.

"Li Yang, why didn't you speak early?" Zhenyuanzong Taishang elder shouted.

"Bai Shengjun can't count, and his disciples are not easy to count, and gathering the holy mountain is also not easy to calculate." Li Yang coughed, his face was pale, and said, "The reason why Li didn't make a move was not because he was afraid to make it. , Just like the great elder, it was previously calculated and suffered a backlash, but relatively speaking... Li Mou can hold it and get such news."

"In other words, there are only Old Seven, Old Nine, and Thirteen Zhuang Ming who have just come here in Gathering Sacred Mountain?" Hun Yuanzong Grand Elder asked.

"At present, it is estimated by Li, it is true." Li Yang responded.

"Such a situation..." The Supreme Elder Zhenyuanzong pondered for a moment.

"Jushengshan disciple, always domineering, but set a trap, cut me and wait for a sword, and, after the first sword, there is no second sword, it is really weird." Liu Fengfu said the elder.

"But that sword, everyone has personally experienced it, it must be the sword made by the upper level Zhenxuan." Taiyuanzong Zhenxuan great monk thought.

"No one has seen the great mountain protection formation of Jushengshan. I only know that when outsiders set foot before the mountain is closed, they will be cut with a sword... This may not be the handwriting of the disciples of Jushengshan." Zhenyuan Zongtai The upper elder shook his head slightly, in response.

"What do you mean?" Taiyuanzong Supreme Elder turned his head and asked aloud.

"Gathering the sacred mountain old seven, fighting against the Zhenxuan Demon King with the body of the golden core, is extremely capable. If he pushes the gathered sacred mountain's sword formation, he may not be able to issue such a sword." Zhenyuanzong Taishang elder responded.

"That is to say..." Various speculations arose in everyone's hearts.

"Lao Qi is still only a golden core series after all. He is only thirty-eight years old. He may not have true profound background. Under his sword, his mana is mostly empty. Regardless of whether there is a time interval limit for that formation, he is now gathering In addition to the old seven, the holy mountain only has the old nine, thirteen, and these two golden cores, with a total of two swords." Zhenyuanzong Taishang elder groaned.

"Be cautious, just be the seventh Lv Hua, who has entered the true mystery, so what? I'm waiting here, even if these three younger generations all enter the true mystery, it won't hurt..." Hun Yuanzong Supreme Elder, Said proudly.

"But there is one more point..." Zhenyuanzong Taishang elder looked over and asked with a serious face: "Really confirm, among the disciples under Jusheng Mountain, the first few have fallen?"

"Like Bai Shengjun, the traces in the world have no roots and no roots." Li Yang said with a solemn expression.

"Such a coincidence, but a trap?" Liu Fengfu, the Supreme Elder asked.

"Bai Shengjun disdain to use such traps." Li Yang sighed and said: "His heart is higher than the sky. In fact, I wait for Zhen Xuan. In his eyes, he can't talk about opponents, let alone enemies. It can only be ants... …How could he wait for me and set a trap?"


Everyone was silent. Although there was dissatisfaction in their hearts, they had to admit that what Li Yang said was the truth.

"According to Li's inference, Bai Shengjun's sword hit the Tianmen, he was backlashed, and almost fell. Not long after that, he fell. At present, when the gathering of the holy mountain is closing the mountain, when the fierce power is erupting, he must be suppressing the fierce. Die with prestige..." Li Yang said with a solemn expression "At present, the boss, second, third, fifth, and sixth are probably going to suppress the prestige, following in the footsteps of Bai Shengjun, and stable Live the lifeblood of Dongzhou."

"Stable?" Zhenyuanzong Supreme Elder's eyes flickered.

"Really stabilized." Li Yang nodded.

"What about now?" Zhenyuanzong Supreme Elder said again.

"Jushengshan Xianwei has been suppressed. There are only three Jindan rank disciples who have not yet gone to suppress the Xianxuan and survived. Therefore...the seventh Lv Hua should not have entered the true Xuan."

Li Yang stood holding his hand and said: "In short, according to Li's inference, Gathering Sacred Mountain is now suppressed by the fierce and mighty power, and for the time being, it is like the first blessed land in Dongzhou. It can be described as infinite fortune, and there are only three Jindan real guards... "

In an instant, the atmosphere changed slightly.

Vaguely, some edges flickered.

Between each other, there is a slight fear.