The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 131: , maybe this is God's will! (Please subs

   Chapter 131, maybe this is God's will! (Please subscribe!)

   After the car arrived at CUHK, Zhang Xuan and Du Shuangling were quickly attracted by the things outside.

   On the south bank of the Pearl River, known as the "Oriental Seine", stands a classical and majestic archway with the letter "National Sun Yat-Sen University".

  Du Shuangling looked at the quaint school gate in front and couldn't help sighing: "Is this where we will spend the next four years."

   "Well." Zhang Xuan answered immediately and asked, "How did you feel first, do you like it?"


   Seeing the intimacy between the two, Ai Qing glanced at the school gate and asked, "Listen to Shuangling, you rented a house, where is it?"

   Zhang Xuan replied, "It's over the teacher's apartment on campus."

   Having said that, Zhang Xuan, who knew what he was thinking, was very straightforward and took the group directly to the rental house.

   Turn on the air conditioner and let a few people cool down first.

   Zhang Xuan didn't stop, ran to the first floor and asked Deng Daqing who was reading: "Old Deng, do you have cold water here?"

  Deng Daqing helped his glasses and didn't ask the reason, because he saw everyone in Duke Building go upstairs.

   So he said: "There is no cold boiled water, only herbal tea. Are your elders used to drinking it?"

   Zhang Xuan didn't have time to pay attention to this, so he took the herbal tea and left. Before leaving, he didn't forget to say, "Thank you, Lao Deng."

  Deng Daqing didn't take it seriously: "You're welcome, I'll boil a pot of water for you, and you'll come down and pick it up yourself later."

   "Hey, good."


  Climbing to the second floor, Zhang Xuan poured a cup of herbal tea for several people without stopping.

  Ai Qing took a sip of the herbal tea, her face was wrinkled, and she was a little uncomfortable drinking it. But after seeing that everyone else was taking a sip, he took another sip with patience, and then another sip, and slowly finished it.

  Dukedong walked around the house and asked, "It's good for you to rent a house. It has air conditioning, and the furniture is all new. How much is it per month."

   Zhang Xuan said: "50."

   "It's only 50 for such a big house?" Duke Dong was a little surprised, the price was lower than he imagined.

   Zhang Xuan explained: "The house belongs to Mr. Deng on the first floor. It was originally the wedding room he prepared, but there was an accident in the middle.

  In order to be out of sight, they chose to move out of this sad place and live with his mother. "

  Sun Jun asked curiously, "Is that the one who was reading at the door just now?"

   Zhang Xuan nodded, "Yes."


  Although the school will officially start tomorrow, at this moment, both inside and outside the school are already overcrowded.

   After dinner, the group also had a clear goal, ready to stroll around the campus to see what the holy famous university is like.

   It is said that Zhongda Kang Paradise, Wuhan University Luojia Mountain, and Peking University Weiming Lake are the three most beautiful campuses in China.

   After Mr. Sun excerpted from the Confucian classic "Li Zhongyong", after the cross instruction of "learning, interrogation, careful thinking, discernment, and earnestness". The group was also separated from the crowd.

   In the misty sky and the dim street lights, the old campus of CUHK has an atmosphere of an Ivy League school.

  Quiet and translucent night, shaded by green trees, flowers in full bloom, and the boulevards are full of fragrance.

  The old buildings on the campus are generally in Lingnan style, with red columns, yellow walls, and blue tiles. They are colorful but solemn and full of local traditional characteristics.

  Lingnan Campus was originally carefully planned. The central axis runs from north to south, the landmark buildings are concentrated on the main axis of Yixian, and the halls and halls are arranged according to its two wings.

   There are green shades everywhere, and the ancient buildings stand tall, and everyone seems to be walking in the Republic of China, and the atmosphere is particularly strong.

   "Your school is so beautiful." The tree-lined path, Yang Yongjian, who has not spoken much, now looks up at the canopy of the tree with envy on his face.

   Zhang Xuan joked: "I regret it, I should have reported to CUHK with us in the first place."

  Yang Yongjian gave him a hygienic eye and said frankly: "Actually, I also thought about applying to CUHK with you, but my score was not enough."

  Yes, I said the wrong thing, Zhang Xuan quickly winked at Du Shuangling and Sun Jun, meaning: help me, help me persuade her.


   After ten o'clock in the evening, a group of people who satisfied the novelty also went back to the rental house.

  Although the campus is beautiful, it has to walk on two legs. I am really tired and can’t walk around.

  From because the rental is big enough, there is also air conditioning. The Du Kedong couple, who originally planned to stay outside, also put out their minds.

  Two rooms, Ai Qing and Duke Dong sleep in one.

  Du Shuangling and Yang Yongjian sleep in another room.

   As for Zhang Xuan and Sun Jun, it goes without saying that they have no choice but to sleep on the sofa.

  Fortunately, the sofa was big enough, new enough, and soft enough. The two people who were very sleepy fell asleep as soon as they lay on it.

   Everyone else slept well, and slept soundly.

   But Ai Qing tossed and turned on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

  Ai Qing couldn't sleep, not because of the hard bed. You must know that the "good night" Simmons mattress lying on her body is a famous brand, a big brand that is often seen on newspapers and TV.

   is not because of being in a different place and unable to fall asleep in a strange environment. Her husband is by her side, where is her husband, where is her home, isn't it?

  Ai Qing couldn't sleep, in the final analysis, it was because of her daughter.

   As soon as she saw the two beds in the rented house in the afternoon, many images appeared in her mind involuntarily.

   Even some intimate scenes that only happen between couples.

  Ai Qing has stayed in the study, and the dense new book indicates that this will become Zhang Xuan's creative base in the future.

   If it is not good, I will often eat here and sleep here.

   As for Zhang Xuan sleeping here, what about the daughter whose heart is all tied to him?

   Do you still need to think?

   This is the story of the wolf and the sheep.

   And here is Yangcheng, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, she is powerless and beyond the reach of the whip.

   And the two of them were in trouble, like glue. Every single look and every little movement are boring.

  Ai Qing is not blind, so naturally he sees everything in his eyes.

   Thinking of this, of predictable endings, of unchangeable endings, Ai Qing became irritable.

   Extremely irritable.

  I was irritable and very depressed at the same time.

   turned over and thought gloomily: Maybe this is God's will.

   He has always been in good health, and he pays attention to keeping healthy. On weekdays, he does not have a cold or fever all year round, and he has even less diarrhea.

   Do you think it's strange?

  I didn’t have diarrhea late, I didn’t have diarrhea early, but Shuang Ling guessed that I had diarrhea on the day I filled out the volunteers, and I couldn’t go to school with me. Even if I had thousands of thoughts and methods, it was in vain.

   turned over, turned over, turned over again...

   Du Kedong was awakened, and I don't know how many times he was awakened in a daze.

   He half-opened his eyes, yawned and asked, "Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night?"

  Ai Qing said: "I can't sleep."

   Du Kedong's eyes all opened: "What's wrong? What makes you so worried?"

  Ai Qing reached out and patted the mattress, "The bed keeps me awake."

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   (end of this chapter)