The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 14: , the dawn of the first pot of gold

   Chapter 14, The Dawn of the First Pot of Gold

   Opened the math test paper, Zhang Xuan calmed down, began to brush the questions, and forced himself to slowly enter the state.

   Finished the math questions, then the English questions. When it was time to brush the Chinese test papers, the sound of motorcycles sounded outside the silence.

   Before the car was turned off, Ouyang Yong shouted: "Lao Ping, Lao Ping, uncle is back! Your uncle is back!"

  The uncle you haven't seen for a few years is back?

   Hearing this voice, Zhang Xuan also put down his pen and walked out.

   Ruan Xiuqin walked out of the door together.

   My uncle is Ruan Dezhi, a very cliché name, with an inch head, a black cotton trench coat, and a gentle style, but his belly is a bit big.

   Seeing the thin Ruan Xiuqin, Ruan Dezhi walked over in three steps, called "Sister" affectionately, and hugged her, tears came out.

   Ruan Xiuqin couldn't help shedding tears. She looked at her younger brother carefully, and then turned her head to the way she came. She didn't see anyone coming for a long time, so she said disappointedly, "They didn't come?"

   Ruan Xiuqin refers to Ruan Dezhi's wife and daughter.

   Hearing this, Ruan Dezhi's face also darkened for a moment, and then he comforted: "Sister, don't think about it. They didn't come because they didn't buy a ticket, and I still came back with my fellow villagers evading the ticket."

   Who believes this nonsense? It is 100% that people dislike the Zhang family for being too poor, and that this place is too backward, so they don't want to come back.

   Although everyone present guessed the truth, no one revealed it.

   Ruan Xiuqin took his hand and asked with concern, "Have you eaten, haven't you eaten yet?"

   Ruan Dezhi didn't say anything polite to his sister, "I haven't eaten yet. I'm going to change trains today. Except for a bun at noon, I haven't gotten any oil or water yet."

   Hearing this, Ruan Xiuqin was heartbroken, and immediately said, "Go ahead and bake to meet the fire, and I'll cook for you."

   Then he instructed Zhang Ping to wash rice and cook rice, and called Zhang Xuan to go to the room and bring the charcoal brazier out for his uncle to bake.

   turned around and walked a few steps, Ruan Xiuqin thought of something again, turned around and said to Ouyang Yong, "It's already dark, you can rest early today, come in and have a drink with uncle."

   "Eh." It was the first time that Ruan Xiuqin treated herself like this in front of outsiders, and Ouyang Yong was overjoyed. He pulled out the motorcycle key and followed him into the house.

  My younger brother who I haven't seen for a few years has suddenly returned. Ruan Xiuqin, who has always been full of sorrow, has changed her face today. She smiled warmly, feeling several years younger.

   Ruan Dezhi wanted to help the cook, but Ruan Xiuqin refused, so she could only chat with a few juniors around the open fire of the stove.

During the    period, he took 2,000 yuan to the Zhang family for Chinese New Year.

   Ruan Xiuqin looked at the money, but did not accept it, but smiled and asked, "Where did you get so much money? Does your daughter-in-law know?"

   Ruan Dezhi wanted to tell a lie, but under the aggressive gaze of his own sister, he finally had to say, "Sister, take it and use it at ease, she doesn't know what I secretly saved."

   These words made Ruan Xiuqin even more anxious, and went a step further and asked, "How could you save so much money without telling her about your dead salary? You're not doing something bad, right?"

   Ruan Dezhi said no.

   Ruan Xiuqin didn't believe it, "Really?"

   Ruan Dezhi was a little convinced by this sister, but he knew that Ruan Xiuqin was sincere to him, so he was not disgusted.

   So he explained patiently: "I'm not on duty at the customs. I often have confiscated and smuggled materials that need to be dealt with. This is an extra reward we get.

Hearing the handling of the goods confiscated by the customs, and hearing a lot of explanations behind this uncle, Zhang Xuan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly lit up, and the memory of the previous life filled his entire brain with a bang, and he sorted it out a little. After that, the way he looked at this uncle was different.

   Niang Xipi's! For the past six months, I have been thinking hard about making a fortune with low cost, low risk, unlimited time and money. If I had thought of this uncle earlier, I would have been thinking about it. !

   The more he thought about it, the more he liked it, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. Zhang Xuan looked straight at this uncle from a close distance, as if he saw a **** of wealth! Clothed in golden Buddha light, gold, jewelry, dollars, RMB and goddesses smashed on him like a deadly goddess.

   Ruan Dezhi felt the undisguised hot eyes, he only felt trembling all over his body, his back was cold, his buttocks tightened, and he was inexplicably panicked.

   First, I lowered my head to check my own condition, no problem, but this nephew…

   At the end, Ruan Dezhi had to look at Zhang Xuan with questioning eyes, asking what happened?

   Zhang Xuan said excitedly, "Let's talk alone after dinner."

   Ruan Dezhi didn't understand what the **** he was doing, but he still smiled and nodded.

   glanced suspiciously at her son, Ruan Xiuqin put her eyes on her younger brother again, and finally confirmed: "What are you saying? Are you really not breaking the law?"

   Ruan Dezhi pushed the 2,000 yuan into his sister's arms, and swore to assure: "No violation of the law, the handling of related fines and confiscated materials is expressly stipulated by the state and permitted by law. Sister, you can use it with confidence."

   Ruan Xiuqin was still dubious.

   At this time, Zhang Xuan helped to insert a sentence: "Mom, I heard the teacher say this, it's legal."

   Ruan Xiuqin turned around and asked, "How did your teacher know?"

   Zhang Xuan lied without blushing and said: "My teacher's son works in Tianjin Customs. He shows off in class every day. Do you think I don't know."

   With Zhang Xuan's assist, Ruan Xiuqin finally received the 2,000 yuan, which is really needed by the impoverished Zhang family. But a warning to Ruan Dezhi is also indispensable.

   This evening, Ruan Xiuqin was very eccentric. Not only cut the sausage from the beam, but also stewed the pheasant that Ouyang Yong gave a few days ago.

   Ruan Dezhi and Ouyang Yong love to drink, and the two who drank immediately became chatty.

   Ruan Xiuqin listened very earnestly, as did Zhang Ping, the two would interject from time to time.

   As for Zhang Xuan, he talked a lot, but he never stopped eating. If it wasn't for the fear of not looking good, he could eat this pheasant by himself. It's so delicious!

   In the evening, Ruan Dezhi and Zhang Xuan slept in the same room and squeezed a bed.

   When this uncle went to bed, the wooden bed swayed obviously, which shocked Zhang Xuan, for fear that it would collapse.

   Ruan Dezhi saw the pictorial on the wall immediately and said with a smile, "You also like Zhou Huimin."

   Zhang Xuan asked: "Uncle, don't you like it?"

   Ruan Dezhi shook his head: "I'm fine, Man Jing likes it very much."

   Manjing in Ruan Dezhi's mouth is his biological daughter, the same age as Zhang Xuan, but not Ruan, but Yang with the wife's surname. Yang Manjing.

  ps: This book will be recommended for testing at noon tomorrow. If someone loses the pk in the first round, there will be no follow-up recommendations, and it will basically go to the street. I hope you can help me when the time comes.

  If the results of this book are still on the street like the previous one, I will probably have to finish the book and quit the online circle in March.

   During the new book period, ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, investment book reviews, data is very important!

   (end of this chapter)