The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 359: , I'm going to explode (please subscribe

   Chapter 359, I'm going to explode (please subscribe!)

  Second floor, Director's Office.

   When Zhang Xuan knocked on the door to go in, he was a little surprised, but not surprised, he saw the principal of CUHK.

   The reason why we recognize it is because we met once at the beginning of the school year. For more than a year, I only listened to his name and did not see him.

  The principal's surname is Gao, he is average in stature, and he does not have the roughness of a man in northern Shaanxi. About 55 years old, relatively thin, but very energetic.

   Seeing Zhang Xuan coming in, the principal looked at him with a smile without waiting for the director to introduce him.

   cordially greeted: "Zhang Xuan, here we come."

   Zhang Xuan squeezed a smile, "Good morning, Principal."

   "Good morning, come here, take a seat." Principal Gao seemed very easy-going, without any airs.

   When we met for the first time, the topics of several people were limited to school and classroom textbooks.

   More than ten minutes later…

  The principal finally took the initiative to change the subject and asked with concern: "I heard Director Pan say that you went to the UK a while ago to find creative materials and inspiration. Can you make progress?"

   Zhang Xuan nodded lightly: "Thank you teacher for your concern, the new book is currently being written."

   Hearing this, the smile on the headmaster's face widened a bit, and he said sincerely:

  "I read both your "wind" and "lurking", they are very well written, I like to watch them very much.

  The school has produced a great writer like you and a well-known alumni like you. We are all very happy, proud of you, proud of you. "

   In the face of such praise, Zhang Xuanping smiled peacefully and silently accepted. On the outside, he looks calm and calm, with a look of indifference; on the inside, he is very useful, and even a little proud.

   After chatting for a few minutes on the topic of writing, Principal Gao finally got to the point:

   "Last time I dragged Director Pan to tell you that I want to collaborate with you on stage. Thank you for giving me this little old man thin face."

   Hearing these words and looking at his dry face with a smile all the time, Zhang Xuan suddenly had a bad feeling and replied enthusiastically:

   "Principal, you are very kind. It is my honor and pleasure to have the opportunity to stand with you on the stage of the school celebration."

   Principal Gao nodded and asked with a smile, "I heard from Director Pan that you know erhu."

   Zhang Xuan replied: "A little bit."

   Principal Gao asked again, "Where's the flute?"

   Zhang Xuan paused, "It will be a little bit."

"it is good."

   Principal Gao praised and asked for opinions: "Our collaboration this time is folk songs from Shaanxi, Xintianyou.

   There is an ensemble of flute and erhu in the middle. Do you choose flute or erhu? "

   Zhang Xuan hardly hesitated and naturally chose the better flute.

  The business was finalized, and then Principal Gao said again: "This cooperation with Xintianyou is the little old man I've been exposed to, and I'm a little wronged.

   Why don't you have another show alone, a show that you are good at? "

  This, this is outrageous!

  Is there really a pit waiting for me?

   Hearing people say this lightly, without any burden, Zhang Xuan's whole person is not well, and his intuition when he entered the door just now really came true.

   This little old man has a kind face.

   But according to Zhang Xuan's experience: when he was young, this high school principal was definitely the kind of naughty egg who went up to the house and uncovered the tiles.

   When you get old, your nature is hard to change. A bad old man is definitely a good hand, and it is definitely a habit.

   But then again, with the figure and position of Principal Gao, those who can make others take the initiative to play with life, and those that can interest him, are at least those who are well-informed and valued.

  Otherwise, it would be difficult to see each other if you were not an ordinary person.

   Besides, whether it is Principal Gao or Zhang Xuan, although the celebration is important, to a certain extent, it is not that important.

   focuses on participation and entertainment. This is the idea derived from a certain level of personal social status.

   Facing the heart of others, Zhang Xuan instinctively wanted to refuse, but he couldn't refuse.

   Looking at each other, Zhang Xuan readily agreed.


   The following days will be the most leisurely time since Zhang Xuan entered the university.

   Classes during the day.

   When you have time, go to No. 228 Tianhe Road and work as a supervisor.

   Communicate with Qiu Boren's design team and express some of your ideas.

   In addition, Zhang Xuan also bought a flute. If he has something to do, he will find a quiet place with the old principal to practice Xintianyou, erhu and flute.

  In the beginning, Zhang Xuan was full of confidence.

   But after a rehearsal with Principal Gao, he completely changed his mind.

   At the same time, he also understood why Principal Gao would say that he was wronged by cooperating with him.

   Damn, this is more than a grievance?

   is simply a humiliation!

   Others are safflowers, but they are not even green leaves.

   When singing Xintianyou, Zhang Xuan's voice is unrestrained, open, and even more heart-wrenching!

   Principal Gao deserves to be a man from Shaanxi, and seems to be a natural fit for Xintianyou.

   Zhang Xuan felt that he had suffered a dumb loss.

   As for the musical instrument, although he chose the flute, he was really fortunate to have chosen the flute.

   After listening to Principal Gao's erhu performance, Zhang Xuan didn't want to play erhu again in his life.

  Be it yourself or Lao Deng, compare yourself to others, oh! Not nearly one or two.

   No wonder people want to put on a show by themselves, this is to give themselves a chance to find a place back.


  Teacher's Apartment, second floor.

   The first day of rehearsal is over.

   As soon as Zhang Xuan entered the door, Du Shuangling happily greeted him and asked expectantly:

   "Dear, how is it, what's it like to work with the principal?"

   Zhang Xuan grabbed the sofa and sat down, and said without love, "Hey, don't mention it, your husband was hanged and beaten."

   "Huh?" Du Shuangling knew that his singing skills were very good.

   Suddenly heard that he was hanged and beaten, his mouth was slightly open, but he didn't recover for a while.

   After being surprised, Du Shuangling sat down next to each other and asked, "Then do you still continue?"

   "Continue, of course, continue, open the bow without turning back the arrow, I can't afford to lose that person when I shrink back."

   Seeing her worry, Zhang Xuan said with relief: "You don't have to worry, isn't it still a while away from the school celebration, I'll make a good attack, and there should be progress."


  Du Shuangling responded, and after being silent for a while, she helped to come up with an idea: "Wenhui majored in vocal music, why don't she teach you pronunciation skills?"

   This is a good choice, the hard power is not enough, and the skills come together.

   But Zhang Xuan didn't say anything for the first time, instead he stared into Comrade Shuangling's eyes and carefully identified it, wondering if this could be a set?

   It's not that he is too heartless.

   After all, the experience and lessons of the freshman year are there, so that I and Wen Hui are now afraid to communicate too often in private, and they have created a psychological shadow.

   Looking at this scene, Du Shuangling, who understood it, took the initiative to put his hand around his neck and kissed him with a smile:

   "I'll go ask the upstairs to help you, see if Wen Hui can do anything?"

   Zhang Xuan still didn't make a sound, just pressed her on the sofa and had a long French romance.

   then let her go.

  The door opens, the door closes.

   The depressed Zhang Xuan began to sum up in his heart: Even if Wen Hui can help him improve his pronunciation skills, he is destined to suffer in Xintianyou's repertoire.

   What song do you choose to get back to the scene?

   Sing old songs that are already on the market?

   Or move a new song yourself?

   Oldies? new song?

  New song!

With the idea of ​​  , a firm thought immediately appeared in Zhang Xuan's mind, to sing a new song that is not available on the market to restore his dignity.

   And this song can't be a mediocre song, it has to be a famous song.

   After thinking for a few minutes on the sofa, Zhang Xuan gritted his teeth and decided.

  Since the old principal had given him an opportunity to know his interests, he had to seize it himself.

   After all, in front of so many people at CUHK, in my current status, it is really shameful to lose face.

  The idea is certain, and he has another trouble.

   What is good to sing?

   Whose famous song did you sing?

   In the previous life, I liked four stars: Ren Xianqi, Liu Tianwang, Zhang Tianwang and Shuimunianhua.

   Among the four, relatively speaking, Ren Xianqi, Zhang Tianwang and Shuimunianhua are more favored by him.

  Especially Ren Xianqi's "Heart is too soft" and Zhang Tianwang's "Kiss Goodbye", "I have you along the way", and Shuimunianhua's "I have you in my life", I almost never get tired of listening to it, I don't know how many times the single has been looped.

  When I usually go to KTV with Hu Peng Gou Friends, I sing the songs of these three people the most.

   "Kiss Goodbye" can't be sung by itself, it can't sing that flavor, and it's not a new song.

  According to his intuition, Zhang Xuan felt that "having you along the way" is the most suitable for him.

   But Zhang Tianwang is not a person, this song is also released now.

   Now there are only "I have you in my life" and "I'm too soft-hearted".

  It's actually very good to be too soft-hearted. Lao Ren became famous all over the world with this song. In a short period of time, he became an existence comparable to the four kings.

  Its classic and popular is beyond doubt, after all, it is also a song that resounded in the streets in the late 1990s.

   And Shuimunianhua's "I have you in my life", not to mention, it is also a classic that is popular all over the country.

   There is even a good person who said: Shuimunianhua will rely on this song for a lifetime.

   The left-hand side is too soft-hearted.

  The right hand is your life.

   After weighing it several times, Zhang Xuan decided to sing "I have you in my life", which is a more appropriate campus song.

   He sang this song many times in his previous life, and it was considered a unique skill, and he couldn't be ashamed.

   I just feel a little sorry for Shuimunianhua, it seems that I am in love with myself, and it doesn't seem to be a good thing.

  Old Mai is! Shuimunianhua still can't escape!

  Yes, this is life!

   Next time we meet, please drink.

   Wenhui is here.

   She asked Zhang Xuan, "You and the principal sang Xintianyou?"

   Zhang Xuan is right.

  Wen Hui sat opposite him and demanded, "Now sing to me."

   Zhang Xuanmao glanced at Du Shuangling and Zou Qingzhu who were watching the trick beside him. They were not restrained. After brewing their emotions, they began to sing:

   I bowed my head, towards the ravine

   Chasing the passing years

   Dayan heard my song, Xiaohe kissed my face

   Zhang Xuan sang at the top of his voice, while Du Shuangling and Zou Qingzhu listened and laughed.

  Zou Qingzhu whispered in Du Shuangling's ear: "It sounds good, why don't you have confidence?"

  Du Shuangling thought for a while and said, "It should be the principal's singing better."

  Zou Qingzhu thinks this is reasonable.

After singing   , Zhang Xuan looked at Wenhui and waited for her evaluation.

   Facing the gazes of the three of them, Wen Hui, who was sitting in an orderly manner, spoke unruly at all:

   "You're trying to squeeze because of your good voice. It's like that, but it doesn't stand up to careful scrutiny."

   Zhang Xuan: "..."

   Ignoring his embarrassment, Wen Hui continued: "Xintianyou is a special genre of folk songs in northern Shaanxi, which can best represent the charm and characteristics of folk songs in northern Shaanxi.

  The rhythm is free and bright, simple and atmospheric, and the sentence structure is very special.

   stipulates that there are two sentences in each stanza, and two sentences have a rhyme, and the next stanza can change the rhyme or not.

  It is often used in the artistic techniques of creation. After metaphors, it is often straightforward, free and unrestrained, and catchy.

   When you sing this kind of song, don't squeeze. It is best to sing as you please, and sing with confidence.

   is like singing in the mountains, singing on the edge of the cliff, singing to the flowers and trees, and the singing wanders with the wind...

   The principal is from northern Shaanxi. If you want to keep up with his rhythm, you must sing straight, bold, open-minded and capable. "

   Zhang Xuan: "."

  Du Shuangling watched Wen Hui quietly and admired her.

  Zou Qingzhu was even more unbearable, clapped his palms directly, and said happily:

   "It's the first time I've seen a great writer go slack, huhu..., I have to say, this feeling is really good. I didn't expect that little people like us could witness this day."

  Zhang Xuan glanced at Zou Qingzhu, and said to Wen Hui with an humbly asking for advice: "Can you sing? Sing it to me, let me feel it intuitively."

  Wenhui looked into his eyes, knew what he was thinking, and knew that he was not convinced.

   But she didn't find any reason to refuse, she closed her eyes for three seconds and then opened her eyes and started singing directly.

   Due to the wrong occasion, her voice was not loud.

   But just sing one sentence, Zhang Xuan was instantly convinced.

   Fucking clothes!

  I can't accept it.

  Although the style is not the same as that of the principal, it doesn't feel any worse than the principal.

   Looking at this extremely comfortable face, Zhang Xuan really could not have imagined that this woman could actually sing?

   And it sings so well!

   If I didn't sing before, I was really blind!

With the singing   , the living room was very quiet for a while, and the needles could be heard.

   Zhang Xuan, Du Shuang, and Zou Qingzhu were all intoxicated in an instant.

   Two minutes later, Wen Hui finished singing.

  Zou Qingzhu immediately asked: "Wenhui, you sing so well and play the piano so well, why don't you become a professional singer?"

   Zhang Xuan and Du Shuangling also have this idea.

  Wenhui smiled knowingly, and said gently, "I don't like the entertainment industry, singing and playing the piano are just hobbies, just as a kind of personal cultivation.

   And my family wouldn't approve of me being in that circle. "

  Zou Qingzhu took her arm and sighed sincerely: "Hey, what a pity, if you go to be a singer, you will definitely become popular."

   Zhang Xuan had an idea and asked, "Can you compose music?"

  Wenhui nodded and shook her head: "I know a little bit, but I didn't delve into it."

   Hearing this, Zhang Xuan got excited, got up and said, "Go, go to the third floor, go to your piano room.

  I have an idea in my mind now, but I can't compose music, so please help me to compose it. "

  ? ? ?

   Hearing the words of the tiger and wolf, the three girls were stunned, staring at him in a stunned manner, rows of question marks floating in their minds.

   Zhang Xuan is a great writer, a great writer. They are numb and have convinced themselves to accept it, but what is going on with this composition?

   Facing their confused and doubtful eyes, Zhang Xuan didn't want to explain, and couldn't explain it clearly, so he directly urged the three girls to go to the third floor.

  In the piano room, Wen Huijing sat in front of the piano and looked at Zhang Xuan.

   signaled that he could start.

  ps: It's almost the end of the month, and it's still a little short of the monthly goal of 240,000 words. It's about to explode!

  Old comrades, genuine subscription starts!

  Please smash the monthly pass!

   Also ask for a reward!

   (4200 words first, and…)

  Each song has meaning, look back…

   The singing bug only opens this song, it won't open later, don't worry!

   (end of this chapter)