The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 381: , the 5 years of separation with Mijian

   Chapter 381, The 5 Years of Separation with Mijian (Please subscribe!)

   Zhang Xuan's eggs hurt: "How much do you despise Shuang Ling? How much do you despise me? How much do you despise Wen Hui?"

  Tao Ge quipped: "Sister doesn't look down on them. Just another way of thinking, if I'm a man, there are girls like Wenhui dangling in front of me every day, and sooner or later, I can't help it."

   Zhang Xuan retorted: "Don't think of me so superficially. By the way, you used to wear black silk and dangle in front of me, and I didn't treat you badly, did I?"

  Tao Ge looked ahead: "You haven't peeked a lot, don't think that sister doesn't know?"

   "Don't use such an inelegant word as "peeking". I call it admiration at most. You are wearing black silk in front of me. I don't take a few glances, for fear of damaging your confidence."

  Tao Ge smiled, parked the car at the bottom of a 3-story building, and instructed: "Get off, here we are."

   "This is?" Zhang Xuan looked up.

   Tao Ge explained: "This is a relatively loose translation agency, led by a foreign teacher who is now teaching at Tsinghua University.

   Her partners include turtles and foreigners, all of whom have long been engaged in translation work. "

   Hearing this, Zhang Xuan has a bottom line in his heart. A translation agency composed of Chinese and foreign teams should be powerful, right?

  The foreign teacher's English name is Molly, and her Chinese name is Molly. She is a middle-aged woman with blond hair and a little belly.

   seems to be very familiar with Tao Ge. When they meet, they hug and hug each other, face to face.

   Explaining the purpose of her visit and giving a brief introduction, Jasmine directly opened a drawer and brought Zhang Xuan the English version of "Clockwork Girl".

   Zhang Xuan smiled politely, took it over and looked at it seriously.

   Seeing Zhang Xuan, he quickly entered the state, and Tao Ge and Jasmine, who were still chatting, also stopped talking.

   Each took a cup of coffee and sat next to him, observing Zhang Xuan's reaction.

   This foreigner's translation level is quite good. After reading 10 pages in one go, Zhang Xuan came to this conclusion.

   But it can be returned, but when it comes to the technical terms of science fiction, there are still some edge balls, and the most accurate vocabulary is not used, and the level of the whole novel is lowered when reading.

   Fortunately, Zhang Xuan was well prepared and worked hard before coming.

   "Clockwork Girl" is related to his future and money. Zhang Xuan was quite cautious, and he immediately communicated with Jasmine and asked for revisions.

On the first 10 pages of   , Zhang Xuan picked out a total of 13 inappropriate things, which made Jasmine completely dumbfounded.

  The arrogant Jasmine glanced at Tao Ge, and finally put down the coffee in her hand and listened to Zhang's speech patiently.

   "This is how it should be here, this is what I want to express" Dancing and expressing his emotions, Zhang Xuancai kept expressing his demands regardless of who you are Jasmine.

   At first, Jasmine was still a little unconvinced, but after correcting a few points according to Zhang Xuan’s meaning, and reading it again in context, Jasmine’s eyes lit up, and she felt that the new words really expressed more tension.

  In this way, the two began their journey of translation.

   This evening, Zhang Xuan was looking for loopholes with a piercing eye.

  Jasmine brought in several thick English dictionaries.

   As long as Zhang Xuan pointed out a place, Jasmine immediately began to use the reserved knowledge to correct it. If the reserved knowledge was not enough, she turned to the dictionary.

  Sometimes the two would argue for a long time over a sentence, but every time Jasmine gave in.

   You can’t do it if you don’t admit defeat, and Zhang Xuan won’t let you pass.

  Just like this, the two of them chatted with each other calmly from time to time, quarreled a few times from time to time, and stayed busy until 5 o'clock in the middle of the night.

  Tao Ge seemed very bored. At first, he was reading other books, then he went outside to buy supper for the two of them, and then fell asleep directly on the sofa.

   After four o'clock, Jasmine couldn't stand it any longer, and her efficiency was greatly reduced. Zhang Xuan was no longer reluctant. If he would come back tomorrow, he would immediately wake up Tao Ge and go home to rest.

On the way   , Tao Ge hesitated several times.

   Zhang Xuan asked: "Why? Are you so dissatisfied with my science fiction?"

  Tao Ge couldn't help but say: "I see you have high expectations for it."

   Zhang Xuan felt a little sleepy and rubbed his temples, "Of course, I also expect it to earn a lot of dollars and pounds to build a commercial complex for me."

   Hearing this, Tao Ge opened his mouth and wanted to say a lot, but in the end he said nothing.

   For the next two days, Zhang Xuan basically stayed at home and discussed with Jasmine in the study every day.

  Eat, drink and Lazarus are all in the house.

  Tao Ge doesn't seem to be really interested in science fiction. She doesn't care about translation, and doesn't listen to her. When she was bored, she even watched silent TV on the sofa.

  30, past 5 am.

   Zhang Xuan, who had not moved for several hours, finally straightened up and twisted his waist, thinking that his mother's work was finally done.

   Although it took a lot of time, he was very satisfied.

   I feel that my version of "Clockwork Girl" is better than the original.

The reason for    is very simple. I have integrated some things myself and modified the shortcomings of the original work.

   It can be said that he is full of confidence now.

   Greeting Jasmine, Zhang Xuan woke Tao Ge, who was asleep, and said, "Let's go."

  Tao Ge opened his eyes and asked, "Have you finished the translation?"

   "It's over."


   As the weather forecast said, the weather has changed, and it snowed outside.

  The snowflakes are not big, but densely packed.

   Going down to the first floor, Zhang Xuan asked, "When are you going to go to England."

  Tao Ge did not reply, but looked up at the night sky and said after a long time, "In a few hours, the Mao Dun Literature Award Organizing Committee will have the final round of voting."

   "It's already the 30th today?" Zhang Xuan was taken aback.

   "Yes, more than 5 hours have passed since the 30th." Tao Ge shook his watch.

   Zhang Xuan was silent.

   "Are you nervous?" Tao Ge asked sideways.

   "I've been busy with sleepless nights for the past two days." Clockwork girl, she almost forgot about it.

  If you don't mention it, I won't think of it at all. If you mention it, I'm probably not going to sleep well tonight. "Zhang Xuan sighed and gathered his clothes, it was a little cold.

  Suddenly remembered this, Tao Ge seemed to be completely sleepy, and asked him, "Are we looking for a place to have a drink? Or go home and sleep?"

   Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up: "Can you find a place to drink at this point?"

  Tao Ge took the lead towards the car: "Follow me, my sister will take you to a good place."

   The car turned all the way, turned and turned, and finally stopped at a Tibetan beef restaurant.

  The beef hall is not big, and the lights are red.

  Tao Ge chose a corner seat, sat down and began to introduce: "The barley wine and yak meat here are worth trying."

   ordered wine and ordered yak beef hot pot, Tao Ge asked Zhang Xuan's opinion: "The beef mouth here is also good, cold, do you want to try it?"

   "Yak's mouth?" asked sitting down.

   "Yes." Saying that, Tao Ge has already placed an order.

   Zhang Xuan's eyelids twitched. He only eats pure beef, and he doesn't eat any other parts.

   Not to mention the bull's mouth.

  It was quiet at night, there were not many customers in the store, there were only 5 tables in total, and the dishes were similar, yak hot pot.

  The dishes were served quickly, and the owner, Aunt Dolma, suggested that Zhang Xuan drink a bowl of hot pot soup first.

   Can you drink hot pot soup?

   It was the first time Zhang Xuan heard that hot pot soup can also be drunk, so he immediately drank a bowl out of curiosity.

  The soup was in his mouth, Zhang Xuan tasted it, his eyes lit up, and he said to Tao Ge, "This soup is fragrant and fresh, and it's coming to the right place."

  Tao Ge picked up some mushrooms and pointed, "There are 5 different kinds of mushrooms in it, and the fresh fragrance comes from the mushrooms."

   For foodies, when they encounter good things, they are too lazy to talk about it, and they are talking about two bowls of soup in one breath.

   At the end, he touched his steaming belly and asked, "If my book doesn't win an award this time, are you going to leave People's Literature?"

  Tao Ge was surprised, "You guessed it?"

   Zhang Xuan gave her a piece of yak meat: "I'm the one who got you involved."

  Tao Ge didn't take it seriously: "What's the matter? It's too early to talk about it. I'll talk about it tomorrow."

   At this time, Zhang Xuan thought of Xie Qi inexplicably, pondered for a while, and asked in words: "In the UK, do you need help?"

  Tao Ge looked at him: "Yes, do you have a good candidate to recommend?"

   Zhang Xuan repeated Xie Qi's personal information, and then said, "This person has done a lot of work for my publication. If you can use it, try it."

  Tao Ge heard something wrong: "Who are you? Why do you do your best to help you run errands?"

   Zhang Xuan stuffed a piece of yak meat into his mouth: "My cousin is far away."

  Tao Ge stared at him without speaking.

   Zhang Xuan changed his words: "My classmate is a cousin."

   Tao Ge asked: "Is your classmate a woman?"

   Zhang Xuan said: "I also hope she is a man."

  Tao Ge probed over, lowered his voice and asked, "What is your relationship?"

   "Don't gossip like that."

   "Sister is just curious."

   "Women's curiosity about men is the beginning of a nightmare, you'd better exercise restraint."

   "Cut, what are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf! Sister is lying on the bed, and you don't dare to touch me."

  Zhang Xuan shut up, what he said was really right, he really dared not to touch it, and if he touched the forest, it would catch fire.

   Seeing that he was choking on himself, Tao Ge smiled proudly: "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, I will know everything when I go to England."

   Zhang Xuan was too lazy to care about her and kept his head down to eat.

   During this meal, the two of them drank some wine and ate very slowly. They ate for more than an hour before and after, and did not end until 7 am in the morning.

   When I went out, it was already bright outside, and there was a thin layer of snowflakes on the road and on the eaves.

   Zhang Xuan asked: "Your family has a big business, does it have anything to do with Peking University?"

   Tao Ge said yes: "Why do you ask this?"

  Zhang Xuan stared at the snowflakes that were as light as catkins, and opened his mouth to lie: "I once aspired to be admitted to Peking University, but I failed.

   I'm feeling stuffy right now, I want to go see it. "

  Tao Ge had no doubts, "Go, while there's not much snow on the road now, I'll take you there."

   "Can you drive after drinking?"

   "No one knows if you don't say it."

"you are awesome."

   "How can you be your sister if you're not very good."


   When I came to Peking University, the snow was a little heavier, and it floated all over the sky.

   Zhang Xuan told her: "You go back first, I'll go in alone."

  Tao Ge realized later: "Did you tell a lie just now?"

  This woman is not easy to deceive, Zhang Xuan came directly: "Is it important to tell the truth and lie? I want to be alone now, I'm in a bad mood, don't mess with me."

  Tao Ge laughed angrily, it was the first time someone had killed a donkey when he grew up so big.

   immediately turned around and got into the car and drove away.

  Peking University, he came here in his previous life.

  I have been here more than once, so I am no stranger.

  According to memory, Zhang Xuan walked slowly in one direction.

   Just walking, Zhang Xuan, who was touching the scene, couldn't help but think of the past.

   In his previous life, he and Du Shuangling bought a house, got married, and had a child belonging to them. The two supported them all the way, loving and loving, and grew old together.

   But what about Mi See?

   As for Mi Jian, who has been involved with him all his life, he gave her nothing but a lonely death.

   During the 5 years of separation, Zhang Xuan was very afraid of seeing Mi Jian again, afraid that Mi Jian would break into his life again.

   Not because he has a wife and children.

   But because of his own withdrawal and fear, he had no face to see Mi Jian again.

   I remember that after 5 years of separation from Mijian, the scene of the first meeting was also such a snowy day.

   At that time, he came to Beijing on a business trip, and met Mi Jian in the subway by accident.

  It was a chance encounter.

   But that’s how we met.

   That day was Friday, and there were a lot of people after get off work. Zhang Xuan finally found a place to stand, and suddenly there was a voice that haunted him: "Are you tired, take my seat."

   When Zhang Xuan heard the voice with his back, he was shocked, full of excitement but he didn't dare to turn around and face her.

  Mi Jian said: "Why? You don't want to recognize me after 5 years of not seeing each other?"

   Hearing the sound, Zhang Xuan summoned the courage to turn around slowly and looked at her.

   She is still as beautiful, her temperament is like an orchid, and she is not polluted by the dust.

  Mijian looked at him carefully and said, "You are thinner than before."

   Zhang Xuan was silent for a long time at that time, and then he said, "I've been rushing for academic papers recently, and I stayed up a lot late."

  Mi Jian asked, "Is Shuangling okay?"

  Zhang Xuan nodded silently without making a sound.

   For the next part of the journey, the two of them looked at each other silently and never spoke again.

   Later, Zhang Xuan left the subway station.

  Mimi also followed.

   Zhang Xuan asked in surprise: "Do you live near here?"

  Michi said no.

   Seeing Zhang Xuan puzzled, Mi Jian smiled and said, "It's rare for you to come to the capital again, so I'm obliged to treat you to a good meal."

   Then Mi Jian asked, "Are you still willing to eat with me?"

   Zhang Xuan followed her to a Hunan restaurant.

   In the confusion of the waiter that day, she only ordered one dish, it should be said that she ordered two identical dry pot duck.

  Mi Jian asked: "Do you remember the dry pot duck at Laoliu Restaurant in high school?"

   Zhang Xuan replied: "Remember."

Mi Jian recalled: "Every time I eat dry pot duck in the past few years, I will think of our high school time. At that time, we were carefree. The three of us have common hobbies and love to eat dry pot duck. That is my happiest time. day."

   Zhang Xuan sighed: "It's a pity that I was rubbing against you and Shuangling at that time, and I never invited you back once."

  Mi smiled and said, "We don't blame you."

  This meal, from the time I opened the chopsticks and started eating, I didn't speak any more after that.

   Until he walked out of the hotel, Mi Jian looked at the snowflakes all over the sky and suddenly said, "It's going to get dark, you can send me off."

   Worried that she would not be safe alone, Zhang Xuan said yes, and followed her into the subway station again.

   Entering the Peking University faculty apartment building, Mi Jian looked up at a window on the third floor: "You haven't been here for five years, do you want to go up and sit?"

   Zhang Xuan followed and looked up, then shook his head: "No, I won't disturb your family."

  Mi Jian said, "I'm the only one in this house, you can't disturb anyone."

   After saying that, Mi Jian stared straight at him, the meaning is self-evident.

   Meeting her eyes, Zhang Xuan was stunned for a while, and then said frankly: "I married Shuangling."

  Michie said, "I know."

   Zhang Xuan was stunned again, "We have a child."

  Mimi still said: "I know too."

   Zhang Xuan said: "That"

Before he could finish speaking, Mi Jian took out a plane ticket from his bag: "Do you know where I went just now? I went to buy a plane ticket. Five years ago, the day after tomorrow, I left Jinling; Planning to go to Jinling again.

   My commitment to her is over, I want to see you again. "

   Zhang Xuan took the ticket and looked at the word "Jinling" on it. At that moment, tears filled his eyes.

  Mi saw his tears seriously, and then smiled knowingly: "You, you, the man is still crying, it's not good to cry outside, go to my house and cry."

   "Well." Zhang Xuan choked and followed her up to the third floor.

   That night, Zhang Xuan asked distressedly, "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

  Mijian sat by the window, staring blankly at the night outside, before opening his mouth for a long time: "I can't tell, maybe it's because I can't find someone who makes me persistent."

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