The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 45: , reached (adding updates for the leader

  Chapter 45, Achievement

  Yangyun was dumbfounded. It was the first time he heard the customs confiscated this thing, as if he was listening to a book from heaven.

   He is very moving!

   When his family was struggling to do business, God suddenly sent his little brother to smack a piece of pie. How could he not be moved?

   It is like a rich man giving a lump of gold to a beggar, and the beggar is dying of starvation. Would he still refuse gold?

   is just tempting, but Yangyun is over 40 after all, and has gone through vicissitudes again. He has his own calmness. Carefully confirm it again:

   "Are you serious? Is there such a good thing in the world? It's my turn? Are you not making fun of my brother?"

   Zhang Xuan put the peanuts in his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, then said calmly:

   "You also watched me grow up, don't you know who I am? Even if you don't believe me, don't you believe my uncle, does he have the leisure to joke like this?

  The clothes are now in the customs warehouse and I can pick them up anytime. If you didn't think that you and your sister-in-law were going to open a wholesale clothing department, you might need it, so I would ask you first.

  Otherwise, I would have traveled all over the mountains to find other clothing businesses in Shao City. You also know the current market environment. This batch of my goods is in good condition and the price is favorable, so I won't be afraid that no one will want it. "

  Yangyun knew that what he said was right. If this batch of clothes was really as good as what he said, when it came to Shao City, he would not worry about selling it at all.

  After all, the population of this city is so large and the demand is so strong. At this devastating price, not to mention other wholesalers and retail clothing buyers.

  83,000 pieces, which can be sold in a year just by setting up a street stall.

And he also thought of a question, if he didn't eat this batch of goods this time, and this batch of goods really existed, not only would he cultivate some competitors in Shao City, but also cut off this little brother. Tongtian "money" pulse.

   Worth the loss!

   Can't afford to refuse!

   With so many thoughts, Yang Yun sorted out the messy thoughts, then took a sip of wine and said, "If it's true as you said, this is a happy event for your sister-in-law and me.

   But I am also dazed by you now, and I am in a daze. I still have to discuss it with your sister-in-law before I can give you an accurate answer. "

   Zhang Xuan nodded in approval: "Of course. After all, the market value of this batch of goods is 1.38 million, which is not a small amount. If you agree casually, I still don't know."

   Having said this, the brothers looked at each other and smiled, then drank and chatted about some more detailed aspects.

   As for the transaction price, neither of them was in a hurry to mention it.

   Zhang Xuan followed Yang Yongjian to do foreign trade in his last life, although he did LED lighting.

   But whether it is Yangcheng or Shencheng, after doing business for a long time, you will find that the business circle is really that big, and it is the same group of people who go around.

   Over the years, I have known more and more people, and naturally there will be hearsay and understanding of all walks of life.

   Let’s talk about the garment industry. Generally speaking, the profit of garment factories in later generations is about 10%.

  The profit of wholesalers in the primary wholesale market is about 10%, and the profit of wholesalers in the secondary clothing wholesale market is about 20%.

   However, some stalls are both wholesale and retail, and the profit can reach 50%.

  The profit of clothing stores is about 50%-70%, of course, supermarkets will be higher.

   Of course, this is just a vague industry consensus. In the specific operation, there is still a lot of room for fluctuation.

  For example, the intermediate links of clothing sales include distributors, agents and retailers, and the profits at each stage fluctuate.

   But for the apparel industry as a whole, distributors usually add 30% to the ex-factory price and 30% to retail stores. Therefore, the price of a piece of clothing of 100 yuan may rise to more than 170 yuan in the mall.

  According to this standard to make reference adjustments, combined with the general environment of the seller's market where "supply exceeds demand" this year.

   Zhang Xuan is also not greedy.

   He had already figured it out. When he got the goods from the customs, a piece of clothing with a market price of 20 yuan was sold to Mrs. Hui for only 7 yuan, and the rest of the profits were given to the couple.

Is   7 yuan a high price?

   Compared with the cost price of 2 yuan for the goods he took, 7 yuan is indeed high.

   But compared to Mrs. Hui who went to the first-class clothing wholesale market in Yangcheng to get the goods, the price is much lower.

   After all, the price of its own supply itself is much lower than the factory price of the manufacturer, and it also saves the couple from profit exploitation in the primary wholesale market.

   As for the price of Yangyun and his wife getting the goods to Shao City?

   That Zhang Xuan doesn't care, he doesn't care, sells more and sells less, it's all people's ability, right?

  Let "profit" be to free yourself and let the couple earn money for themselves.

   Zhang Xuan's current positioning is very clear, saving manpower and time, and grabbing the first pot of gold as soon as possible. Build up your energy for bigger things while improving your life at home.

   He doesn't talk about bundling and cooperation with the couple now.

  Because without seeing the exact benefits, it is worthless to talk about bundling and cooperation, and rhetoric will reduce your impression score. Moreover, Mrs. Hui would not agree with her shrewdness of not throwing eagles without seeing a rabbit.

  Only after giving them the sweetness, will they come to you on the pole. That's when it's time to talk about further cooperation.

  In the evening, the sun began to set, and the burning sunset gradually dimmed.

  Yangyun's daughter, 14-year-old Qianqian, came home to get dinner.

   As soon as he entered the door, Qianqian and Zhang Xuan greeted him, then looked into the kitchen and asked, "Dad, is the food ready? I'm a little hungry."

  Yangyun was firing squid when he heard the words, he turned his head and said to his daughter, "I won't bring food today. You go and call your mother back and say that there is an urgent matter at home."

  Qianqian asked in confusion: "What's the urgency? No money?"

  Yangyun waved his vegetable shovel: "Don't ask so many questions. Just call your mother back. I want her to hurry up. Your uncle will go back to school later."

  Qianqian turned around and looked at Zhang Xuan who was reading the newspaper on the sofa, without asking any more questions, he changed his shoes and went out.

   After half an hour, Mrs. Hui came back.

   As soon as he entered the room, he asked anxiously, "What happened, you hurriedly called me back?"

  Yangyun knew that his wife was impatient, and if she didn't clarify things first, she would definitely not eat well.

   So he pulled his daughter-in-law and sat down, and told the whole story in a simple and clear way.

   After listening, Sister Hui, like Yang Yun at the time, was blinded by everyone and was blinded by happiness.

   was stunned for a while before turning around and asking Zhang Xuan, "How sure is this matter?"

   Zhang Xuan knew that she was still in the stage of calming down, so he stared at her in a positive tone and said, "100%, 100%."

   Sister Hui asked excitedly, "Is this batch in your hands now?"

   Zhang Xuan continued to answer in a positive tone: "It's in my hands, can I go to mention it at any time?"

   "Really there are so many 83,000 pieces?"

   "If it is a fake replacement."

   "How about the color and style?"

   "My uncle said it was very good. When my sister-in-law arrives there, you can go to see the goods first, and then decide whether you want it or not."

   Mrs. Hui has worked in the supply and marketing cooperative for more than 20 years, and she is much more savvy than her husband in terms of business. There is no unnecessary nonsense, and she can directly point to the core of the problem in a few sentences.

   Seeing that Zhang Xuan was so serious and reasonable, Mrs. Hui nodded happily. After thinking for ten seconds, she asked the most crucial question: "Brother, what price do you want?"

   Zhang Xuan looked at the two of them, raised his right index finger and said, "It's all a family, so I won't go around here. For a single piece of clothing, I only need 35% of the standard market price, and the rest of the profits are yours."

   Hearing the price, Yang Yun and Sister Hui looked at each other tacitly, and they could see the spark in each other's eyes.

   "Okay!" Sister Hui made a decision immediately.

   (end of this chapter)