The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 55: , rhetoric

   Chapter 55, rhetoric

   After four o'clock in the afternoon, a few people got on the train, and they didn't encounter the pickpocket again along the way, and they were relieved.

   The sleeper you sit on when you come, and the hard seat when you go back, is like the love between pre-marriage and post-marriage, the gap is huge! Zhang Xuanjie experienced bitter tears.

  Fortunately, the eldest sister next to her is someone who will be in trouble. She is flaunting her coquettish waves and showing off her coquettish coquettishness. The first half of the meat jokes are frequent, making the people around you laugh. Everyone was very happy.

   Later, the eldest sister also took out poker and called a few people to play an upgrade. When we got here, the time was really fast, and it was already the second half of the night before the lap was finished.

   Zhang Xuan was so sleepy, he shoved the poker in his hand into Sun Fucheng, who was in high spirits, and said, "Uncle, come on."

   Although Sun Fucheng watched the cards with relish, he waved his hand and said he was not very good.

  Zhang Xuan insisted on giving him the cards, "It doesn't matter, and I didn't make any money. I'm really sleepy, I have to sleep, and I have class tomorrow."

   Hearing what he said, Sun Fucheng reluctantly took over.


   As soon as he closed his eyes and opened it, it was already bright outside.

  The bright sun drenched the damp mountains with layers of mist, and in a blink of an eye, there was no trace of spring on the ground.

   As a group of egrets flickered in and out of the field in the distance, Zhang Xuan sighed secretly, it has been a year since he was born again, and he will soon have to take the college entrance examination again.

   "Brother, when you're at the station, don't be in a daze, get ready to get off." Sister Hui saw that he was stunned outside, and she also put down the card and got up to straighten things.


   Zhang Xuan came back to his senses, tightened the canvas bag in his arms, and followed him to get up and squeezed towards the door.

   followed the crowd and went out, Zhang Xuan saw Yangyun at the exit.

   At this moment, Yang Yun is smoking and chatting with his colleagues at the train station, holding a local daily newspaper.

  Zhang Xuan walked over and gave a greeting and asked, "Brother, what are you talking about, why do you have a pity expression?"

Yang Yun put the newspaper in his hand and explained briefly: "The news said that the number one person in Shao City is going to leave, and everyone is reluctant. Shao City has changed so much in recent years, thanks to this person. "

   "Is it a promotion, or is it?" Zhang Xuan asked subconsciously.

   "I was promoted, and my achievements were outstanding, so I was promoted to the next door to Guangdong Province." Yang Yun tapped the news on the front page of the newspaper with his finger.

   Hearing this, Zhang Xuan looked down at the news, and was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the number one person in the Shanxi Pagoda in Shao City would still hold a position of real power after being transferred to Guangdong Province, which was a bit surprising.

   He is only about 50 years old, and his face is full of beauty. It seems that his ability and background should not be underestimated.

   At this time, Mrs. Hui interjected, "We all have to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and we are very anxious. You are good, and you are not afraid to worry about other people's big people."

   After nitpicking, she said to Yang Yun, "Where is the goods? Your left foot has only recovered a little, so why are you running around?"

  Yangyun lifted his left foot: "I went to the hospital for a re-examination yesterday. The doctor said that the situation was good. He suggested that I move around a lot when I'm fine, which is conducive to recovery."

   Then he said to several people: "The clothes are in the warehouse on the west side, you come with me."

When he came to the warehouse, Yang Yun worried about the clothes that were piled up in half of the small warehouse: "At first, I wanted to wear more clothes. When I saw the real thing with my own eyes, I was excited for a while. It's just wasted money in my eyes.

   But after a night, when I saw the clothes again this morning, I was suddenly a little apprehensive.

  Tell me, if we can’t sell these things, and we’re in our own hands, what a loss! Couldn't recover for a few years. "

   "Bah ah ah! Put away your crow's mouth, what kind of man are you! You can't sell this kind of clothes, what kind of wholesale store do you open? Look at me, make sure to clean them up for a month."

From being laid off to the present, Mrs. Hui has experienced the most torturous mental confusion in the first half of her life. Now she finally sees a way out. It is when she is full of ambition and she is full of energy to do a big job. How can her husband say this kind of frustration? talk.

   I like this sister-in-law!

   Zhang Xuan immediately said, "Sister-in-law, I fully believe in you. Where can I go with this kind of clothes? I ran around with the price list and samples. It is estimated that it will be sold in less than a month."

Speaking of this, he looked around and waved his hand and said: "Besides, if those clothing sellers don't have the eyesight and don't want our goods, we will directly pull them to Chengnan Park to set up street stalls, use the market for half-price dumping, and use The devastating price kills them.

   Others sell 10 yuan, I sell 5 yuan, others sell 5 yuan, I sell my 2 yuan for 5 yuan.

  I don't **** believe it, those aunts and sisters who live their lives can't hold back? Those who sell clothes are not in a hurry? Not envious? "

   Sister-in-law Hui smiled and echoed: "That's right, I had this idea before, if the right way doesn't work, I'll take this crooked way.

   The big deal is to make less money this time. First, spread the fame, spread the market, and teach those colleagues in Shao a good lesson. "


   Hearing these two high-spirited words from you and me, Yang Yun smiled wryly and shook his head, as if he really seemed to want something wrong.

   He also looked at the clothes, the quality is no problem, the condition is bright.

   And style, not to mention. They are the most popular models of big brands nowadays. If Zhang Xuan and his wife told him that it was an imitation, Yangyun would not be able to tell the difference between the real and the fake, and thought it was a genuine famous brand.

   After riding the train all night, Zhang Xuan felt greasy all over his body, so he didn't care to take a shower first.

   After coming out of the bathroom, he had breakfast with a few people, and after discussing how to build the next sales channel, he left and went back to school.

   Before leaving, Zhang Xuan deliberately chose three new sets of clothes for himself.

   When he finished choosing clothes, he was so **** mad that he wanted to cry.

   Over the years, I've been really poor and sour. Every piece of clothing on my body has been washed and worn again and again, and most of them have begun to fade.

   And now you have the conditions to change equipment, how can you hold back?

   Of course, I'll give myself a full set.

   After picking out clothes for himself, Zhang Xuan originally wanted to pick a few outfits for Yang Yongjian as well.

   But thinking of Yang Yongjian's tough temperament later, he gave up again. I thought that this matter can't be straight-forward, and I have to talk about strategies. Anyway, they are old friends and classmates. They often hang out with each other, and there are many opportunities.

   It's a little better these days, you can see smokers everywhere on the bus. Zhang Xuan himself does not smoke, but he loves the smell of cigarettes. This taste is also strange.

   Sit down next to an uncle who was smoking. Zhang Xuan held his canvas bag tightly and planned to squint for a while. Anyway, it would take half an hour to get to school.

   It may be that the fortunes have not been very good recently. I smelled the smell of smoke and squinted comfortably, but when the car reached the vicinity of Shaoshui Bridge, it broke down.

  The driver said after checking for a long time, "The car needs to be repaired, you can transfer!"

   When they heard that they were going to transfer, everyone was unhappy, and gathered around the conductor to ask for a refund.

  ps: During the new book period, please ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, and book reviews. Data is very important.

   (end of this chapter)