The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 706: , reincarnation? Earnings, Wen Hui is ta

   Chapter 706, Reincarnation? Earnings, Wen Hui is tangled (please!)

   A private room outside the school.

   Zhang Xuan got to know the other three girls in Du Shuangling's dormitory up close: Xiaoxiao, Zhao Kexin, and Liao Mary.

   Among the three girls, Mary Liao, whose name is a bit unpleasant, looks the best, with a round face, a student head, and big eyes with double eyelids. She belongs to that cute style.

  Famous is worse than meeting. The first time I met the famous Zhang Xuan, the other three women were not very relaxed at first, but after a few glasses of beer, people gradually became active.

  The old man observed, Shuangling, Wenhui and Xiaoxiao had the highest status in the dormitory.

  Shuangling and Wenhui will not talk about it, and Zhao Kexin and Liao Mary are obviously a trio with Xiaoxiao as the core.

   After returning to the teacher's apartment, Du Shuangling helped him clear his doubts, "Xiaoxiao's parents are both professors at CUHK, her grandparents are retired cadres who graduated from Tsinghua University, and her aunt works at the Provincial Department of Education."

   Too bad, this Xiaoxiao was born with a golden key.

   Zhang Xuan asked with concern: "How are people? Can you get along well?"

  Du Shuangling said: "If you are not familiar with it, it is difficult to get along with each other. After getting to know each other, you are a very warm-hearted person. After the sophomore year, our dormitory relationship has always been good."

   Zhang Xuan joked: "Of course it's not bad, Zhao Kexin and Liao Mary obviously revolve around Xiaoxiao, our Shuangling is a beautiful girl in the academy, Wen Hui is a pianist, even if Xiaoxiao is a fool, she won't offend you."

  Du Shuangling patted his arm and said with a smile: "How can you arrange people like this.

   But others dare not look down on me, the most important thing is that I have a good boyfriend. "

   Zhang Xuan hugged her horizontally, put her in his arms and said, "I don't know my wife yet? Even without me, wherever I go, I will not suffer any losses."

  Du Shuangling smiled and kissed him slowly.

   After an addiction, she asked: "Honey, how is the mobile phone project going?"

  Since Zhang Xuan told her that he would marry her after waiting for her mobile phone to have some results, Du Shuangling is now interested in mobile phones, and occasionally asks a few questions.

   Zhang Xuan said: "This is a big project, and it is still in the research and development stage. It is not so fast in a short period of time. It is estimated that some results will not be seen until the second half of next year."

  Du Shuangling calculates the time, it will take several years for her to study for graduate school, and if there is a result in the second half of next year, it does not seem to be in a hurry.

  Zhang Xuan continued: "I'll take you to the Shanghai stock market during the winter vacation. Don't you want to open a piano shop with Wenhui? By the way, let's do it together."

   Zhang Xuan pretended to be stunned: "Would you like to go to the hospital for an examination?"

  Du Shuangling Pian glanced at him and said, "Is my dear a fool?"


   She squinted her eyes and asked, "Did you say people have reincarnation?"

   Zhang Xuan wondered: "Why are you interested in discussing this today?"

  Du Shuangling said, "Didn't we go shopping with Wenhui and Qingzhu during the day? We went to the Bodhisattva Temple in the middle of the day. After burning incense and worshipping Buddha, we discussed this issue."

   Zhang Xuan said with a smile: "You three are quite leisurely, and you are actually talking about such a profound issue."

  Du Shuangling snorted and said comfortably, "I don't want to leave you, I want to follow you in the next life."

   Zhang Xuan paused, and pressed her forehead lovingly: "If there is another life, we will definitely still be together."


   "Really, I'll come to you and take you home!"

   Hearing this, Du Shuangling was instantly emotional, and after kissing him, she said in a loud voice, "Take me to the bedroom, I want to be with you right now."

   "Good!" Zhang Xuan lowered his head and leaned forward, got up sticky, and went to the bedroom.

   The wind picked up and it rained.

  Yangcheng ushered in the first cold wave of winter at the end of 1996.

  Once Lao Deng put away the umbrella, he stomped his feet and complained, "What the **** is going on here, Yangcheng is so cold, I haven't seen it for many years."

  Du Shuangling poured a cup of hot tea for Lao Deng and went upstairs knowing that the two had something to talk about.

   When the door closed, Lao Deng was drinking tea, listening to the sound of the piano upstairs, and sighed:

   "I knew from the beginning that this girl Wenhui is not simple, and I was attracted by her temperament. I never thought that she is now a world-famous pianist."

   Zhang Xuan nodded: "Let's listen to it while you have the opportunity now. If you want to listen to it in the future, I guess you have to pay to watch the scene."

   Lao Deng patted his thigh with his right hand: "If I, Lao Deng, were 15 years younger, and I wanted to chase after this girl, it would be too provocative."

   Zhang Xuan rolled his eyes: "Do you think she can like you?"

  Old Deng Yizhi retorted: "My old Deng is still a handsome young man who was admitted to Tsinghua University at the age of 16. There is a chance, there is still a chance."

   Zhang Xuan said: "When you have dinner at night, can I ask for you?"

  Old Deng's face collapsed, and he quickly waved his hand: "That's fine, Rooney has to kill half of my old life."

   After he said that, he sighed again: "This man, it's obviously getting worse every day when he gets older. I've been thinking about it now, should I go to see a Chinese medicine doctor? Make up my body?"

   Hearing seeing a doctor, Zhang Xuan remembered Yang Yongjian's words: "Tomorrow, I'll take you to a place tomorrow."

   Lao Deng raised his head: "Do you still have such a place?"

   Zhang Xuan said: "My friend told me, let's go and see it together."

  Old Deng suddenly said, "You are so young, you can't even be in bed, right?"

   Zhang Xuan said with contempt: "What's the point? I call it planning ahead. Seeing that your hair is getting thinner and thinner and you are sweating frequently, I can imagine you being bullied by Rooney in bed."

  Thinking of what happened in bed, Lao Deng shook his head: "The older you get, the more cowardly men get, while the more aggressive women get. It's really unfair."

   After chatting and spanking for a while, Lao Deng got down to business.

   Lao Deng took out a document from his briefcase and gave it to him: "This is the financial statement of Yintai Capital for the past six months. You are the big boss, you have read it."

   It is said that the brothers clearly settle accounts, involving money, and it is still a large amount of money. Zhang Xuan never slaps sloppy eyes, and takes a closer look at the report.

   In the middle, he asked, "How is Yang Jia at Lao Qian's place? I asked you to visit last time, but you haven't told the news yet."

   Lao Deng put down his teacup, "I blame me for this, I drank too much with Qian Shili that time, and even forgot about it.

   But don't worry, Yang Jia had a pretty good life in those days, everyone said that her face was red with peach blossoms, and now her skin is beautiful and she's a little fatter. "

   Zhang Xuan said: "That's good, I've always wanted to see her, but I haven't been able to. I'll go see her when I have time."

   It took half an hour to check the report. I didn't understand some things, so I specially asked Lao Deng for some advice.

  I put the financial statements on the coffee table: "Old Deng has done a good job this year, and the company's capital is about to break through 100 million."

  Old Deng Fu Fu's eyes: "It's still thanks to the good market. This year's entry into the stock market is even a pig making money."

   Remembering that the "Twelve Gold Medals" were awarded a while ago, Zhang Xuan deeply agreed.

   Lao Deng revealed the news: "I have been paying attention to my Wall Street counterparts recently. They are building momentum for Southeast Asia. I estimate that there will be moves."

   Zhang Xuan knew the reason and asked: "How to say it?"

  Old Deng said: "I have university classmates who work on Wall Street. We often discuss this issue on the phone: Now Wall Street's public opinion attack on Southeast Asian countries is intensifying, which is the prelude to the storm."

   In fact, this phenomenon has been noticed by anyone who is determined to make a name for themselves in the financial world.

   Zhang Xuan asked: "What do you think?"

  Old Deng pondered for a while, and said seriously: "I'm thinking about their actions. If there is oil and water, I will definitely follow behind and drink a cup of soup."

   Zhang Xuan pretended to ask: "When do you expect them to start?"

   Lao Deng shook his head: "I can't guess this, but it certainly won't be so fast."

  Zhang Xuan thought for a while: "Actually, I also noticed what you said, but I can't figure out a lot of things.

   If there is any big move after the year, call me at that time, and I will go and see the excitement. "

   At this moment, the cry of a child came from downstairs, and Lao Deng got up: "Okay, I'll call you when the time comes.

   By the way, didn't you bring a new batch of wine, old Deng, do I have any luck? "

   "Dare I say no? Didn't you come here today just to catch the autumn wind?" After saying that, Zhang Xuan went to the study.

  's mind was pierced, and Lao Deng grinned happily and didn't feel embarrassed.

   Lao Deng left, holding a bottle of Moutai and a bottle of Petus and left happily.

   Zhang Xuan then returned to his study to continue writing.

  Due to my diligence these days, I have written 1.06 million words, and it is expected to be finished within a week.

   opened the curtains, unscrewed the cap of the pen, and opened the ink bottle. Zhang Xuan sat on the chair and listened to the piano sound quietly.

   Somehow, I couldn't help thinking of someone who played the piano.

   Since Uemura Wenhui told him that he wanted to go back to Shanghai for graduate studies, the relationship between the two has become much more normal.

   In the past three months, Zhang Xuan has hardly had much contact with her in private.

   One is that he is too busy.

  Secondly, Du Shuangling was there, and Wen Hui had been cautiously avoiding it.

  The third is the old man calming himself down.

  's thoughts drifted away, and half an hour passed by accident. He didn't wake up from his own world until the piano music upstairs changed.

   Pick up the pen, stroke the draft, and start writing.

  The time went from noon to afternoon without knowing it, during which Du Shuangling quietly opened the door three times to watch him.

   The last two times I saw him burying himself in writing, so I didn’t dare to disturb him.

When    watched him stretch for the third time, Du Shuangling brought him a cup of hot tea:

   "How long will it take to finish writing? The guide just told me to go down for dinner at 6 o'clock."

   Zhang Xuan took a sip of tea and said, "I have finished writing today, I just need to check it carefully and make corrections."

  Du Shuangling put her hands on his shoulders, and said softly while massaging: "It's only 12 minutes until 6 o'clock, why don't we go down for dinner first, and then change it later?"

  Although this can't continue the state, but thinking that it won't be able to change in a while, he agrees.

   Lamb hotpot for dinner.

  The old man didn't have any empty hands, so he took another 2 bottles of Maotai and went down.

   Zhang Xuan, Du Shuangling, Wen Hui and Zou Qingzhu, plus Lao Deng and his wife, 6 acquaintances sat and ate together lively.

  Rooney picked up the wine and shouted to the crowd: "I haven't had a good drink after giving birth. It's cold today, so you can accompany me to drink."

   Thinking that the years in the university are short, and the fate will come to an end. Everyone feels that the fate is not easy to come by, and they all picked up their cups and drank into a ball.

   As a result, Rooney drank herself.

   At the same time, Du Shuangling and Zou Qingzhu, who were known to be drunk, also fell.

   Seeing Wenhui sitting there very dignified, Lao Deng asked, "Wenhui, can you still drink?"

  Wenhui smiled knowingly, and then shook her head: "Not so good, my head is a little dizzy."

   Having eaten so many times together, Lao Deng probably knew about Wen Hui's alcohol intake. Although she was the best among the three girls, it was also limited, so she stopped persuading her immediately.

  Old Deng probed the bottle of wine and said to Zhang Xuan, "There's still a glass left. We've split it?"

   Zhang Xuan refused: "You know mine, and I'm in the end, drink it yourself, this little wine won't bother you."

   When it comes to the amount of alcohol, Lao Deng is very proud: "In terms of drinking, Lao Deng has been unconvincing all his life, except for Wang Li, that guy goes to bars every day, it's really massive."

   Having not seen Wang Li for a long time, Wen Hui interjected, "Is Teacher Wang Li married?"

   Lao Deng replied: "Come on, I heard that I had a blind date with an elementary school teacher a while ago. I have been dating for a few months now. If there is no accident, I will get married by the end of the year."

   Then Lao Deng said: "But they don't plan to make wine. She said that it is a second marriage and should keep a low profile. It seems that this Wang Li is finally on the right track. Lao Deng, I am happy for her."

  Zhang Xuan is also happy for her. After all, he is also his confidant and love. Of course, I hope her life will be better.

   accompanied the chatter, and when Lao Deng drank the last glass of white wine, the dinner was over.

   Zhang Xuan looked at Du Shuangling and Zou Qingzhu lying on the sofa, rubbed their swollen temples, and was worried.

   Lao Deng joked next to him: "Don't think about me helping, Lao Deng wouldn't be so helpful even if I were killed."

   Zhang Xuan rolled his eyes, and firstly picked up Du Shuangling and went to the second floor.

  Wenhui was very discerning and followed him to the second floor, taking the key to open the door.

   Put Du Shuangling on the bed, take off her shoes, cover the quilt, close the door, and the two return to the first floor to carry Zou Qingzhu.

   He carried Comrade Zou Qingzhu to the third floor and did the same. The world was finally at ease, and Zhang Xuan and Wenhui also both exited the bedroom.

   Just closed the bedroom door, the two paused, then looked at each other tacitly.

  I haven't spoken for a long time, and the two of them didn't know what to say for a while?

   looked at each other, and finally Wen Hui was the first to break the deadlock: "It's not too early, don't you have to revise the draft, hurry up and get busy, and rest early after work."


   Zhang Xuan hummed, but didn't move, staring at her, all the emotions accumulated over the months burst out at this moment.

  Wenhui felt it, but didn't dare to take it. Instead, she took a step to the side, bowed her head and went back to the master bedroom.

   Zhang Xuan didn't do anything. After watching her close the bedroom door, he reached out and patted his cheek, walked to the door, changed his shoes and went out.

   Hearing the sound of the door closing outside the living room, Wen Hui, who was in the master bedroom with her back to the door, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly came to the bed, lying on her stomach, covering her head with a pillow.

   She is very contradictory now. Zhongda Insurance Research has succeeded, but she doesn't know whether to stay or not?

   I really miss Shuangling and Qingzhu, and everything here. This is the most free time she has had since she grew up. She cherishes and enjoys it very much.

   But if he stayed, he

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(and also…)

   (end of this chapter)