The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 800: , if there is a fate in the next life (1

   Chapter 800, if there is a fate in the next life (1)

   said, he raised his head, stared into each other's eyes, and said what was in his heart: "I came back because I couldn't bear to let you go."

   These are the most direct love words spoken by Zhang Xuan in the simplest language.

   As soon as these words came out, the air surrounding the two suddenly solidified, and the temperature seemed to drop.

  The living room was quiet for a while.

   Looking at each other, Wen Hui's cleanly revealed black and white seemed to have an abyss, and the dark abyss was slowly spinning, as if it was sucking the figure across the table and swallowing it.

You look at me, I look at you, staring at each other for a long time, Wen Hui's eyelids jumped slightly at last, then drooped, the chopsticks in her hand moved again, she put a piece of tofu in the bowl, lowered her head and took small bites, and finished the piece of tofu , and put a small loach in the bowl.

   Feeling his hot eyes, she, who was calm and calm on the surface, rolled her left hand under the table to the palm of her hand, and it took a while before she gradually released it.

   The atmosphere in the room was a little weird, one was watching, the other eating calmly.

  Wenhui didn't eat much. After eating at her usual pace, she didn't look at him, got up and went straight to the bedroom to change her clothes, and then went into the shower.

   I ignored someone the whole time, treating him like air.

   Hearing the door of the bathroom closing, Zhang Xuan sighed and continued to eat nonsense. Wen Hui made a table of good dishes. If he didn't finish them, he would be sorry for his reputation as a foodie.

   Besides, Wen Hui's stay at CUHK is not long, and he will cherish the meal in the future.

   First catch the duck in the dry pot and eat it. One has to say that a person with ingenuity can do anything.

  Although it was the first time for him to make dry pot duck, he obviously put his heart into it. If he didn't say it, he was sure to think it was Comrade Qingzhu's craftsmanship.

  Duck, it looks like a lot of weight, but it's all bones and no meat, and I ate more than half of it quickly.

   I felt a lack of flavor in the middle. After thinking about it, I found such a good dish. There is no wine in such a beautiful scenery. How can this be done?

   Needless to say, the old man got up and went to the second floor.

   Came to the study room and wandered between red wine and Maotai a few times. Later, considering that I had to write a manuscript tonight, I finally chose red wine.

   For a moment just now, an evil thought arose in his heart. He took Maotai, drank strong wine, and went all out to win Wenhui tonight.

   But with this thought, he forcibly dispelled it.

For him, apart from Shuangling and Mi Jian, Wenhui is the only woman he is tempted to in this life. In a sense, she is the testimony of his own reincarnation, the testimony that he, Shuangling and Mi Jian are not a dream. .

   He naturally won't use force. No reason, just reluctance.

   chose the best red wine, Romanee Conti.

When he went up to the third floor, the door of the shower room was still closed. He ignored it. He found a clean glass from the kitchen and filled it with wine. B, how do you feel comfortable.

   Self-drinking and drinking slowly, just after finishing a drink, the bathroom door opened, and Wen Hui, who was dressed in plain clothes, came out.

   Zhang Xuan didn't turn his head back, he turned his back to her and said, "Would you like a drink?"

  Wen Hui remained silent, grabbed a dry hair towel with both hands and wiped it on her wet hair for a long time. When she felt almost done, she hung the towel to dry on the balcony, then went to the kitchen to get a clean glass and returned to the dining table.

   The cup was placed in front of him, but she still didn't speak.

   Zhang Xuan filled her with wine and didn't look for topics.

   In this way, the two of them silently drank red wine and ate vegetables. Occasionally, chopsticks bumped into the same bowl, and then they made eye contact and separated from each other.

  Wen Hui stopped moving after drinking a glass of red wine, then quietly watched him eat.

   Suddenly, he played with the cup in his hand and asked, "Do you have to go?"

  Wen Hui looked down, stared at the table in front of her, and hummed softly for a long time.

The original harmonious atmosphere of    was broken with the appearance of this question and answer.

  Wenhui no longer accompanied him, but turned on the TV and VCD, sat on the sofa and watched it safely.

  The 86th edition of Journey to the West is playing on TV, and the episode is the 16th episode of the daughter country.

   As the monkey in yellow turned somersaults over the clouds, the classic melody rang in the living room.

   Zhang Xuan was also attracted and watched from the dining table while drinking.

   When the TV broadcast showed that Tang monk accompanied the queen to swim in the back garden, he couldn't hold back.

  I saw the queen pointing at the mandarin ducks in the middle of the lake and said: "Look at the mandarin ducks playing in the water, like glue and paint, how cheerful, do you think so?"

   Tang Seng looked at him from a distance, and then pretended to squat: "Your Majesty sees it really, the poor monk didn't pay attention."

   Zhang Xuan came to the sofa with red wine, sat down next to her and began to nag: "Do you think this Tang monk is fake?

   I just stretched my feet and stretched my neck to look at it, and I was still full of lies. This is too much to fool us. It is enough to fool us, and it is unbearable to fool such a beautiful king! "

  Wen Hui glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, and she didn't answer with a clever smile.

   Zhang Xuan didn't care, and asked, "I read this Journey to the West before, how come I've read it now?"

   After being silent for so long, Wen Hui finally spoke: "I never understood this episode, so I watched it a few more times."

   Zhang Xuan was curious: "Where can't I understand?"

  Wenhui repeated Zou Qingzhu's question last night: "Do you think Tang Seng is tempted by the king of the daughter country?"

   Zhang Xuan said in a positive tone: "I'm tempted."

  Wenhui looked at him: "What's the reason?"

   It happened that Tang Seng went to the palace with Taishi to admire the national treasures on TV, but he didn't expect to see the king lying on his side in the bedroom. Seeing the graceful figure, Tang Seng was stagnant, and his whole body was cold and hot.

   Upon seeing this, the Taishi smiled and turned around and left.

   Tang Seng hurriedly stretched out his hand and shouted, "Taishi, Taishi."

   Zhang Xuan pouted and stared at the Tang Seng on the TV and said, "Look, how can Buxin exclaim "too wet, too wet" in a row? This is obviously because the mind follows the body and moves the mind."

  Wen Hui followed and looked at the TV. She was a little confused. She didn't understand at first, but these two "Teachers" were tempted? But seeing the smirk on his face, he suddenly remembered those Japanese films brought back by Tao Ge. At that time, it was because of the promotion of Japanese films that the relationship between the two gradually deteriorated.

  Thinking here, even a fool will understand.

  Wen Hui's long eyelashes twitched, and she frowned and didn't answer.

  Zhang Xuan helped her analyze: "Look at Tang Seng's facial expression, it is obvious that he is in a panic, and he is also eager to move. He just said two "this, this", which means that he is confused."

  Wenhui listened to him with her ears and watched the TV with her eyes.

   Zhang Xuan continued: "Have you ever seen a monk who closed his eyes and said "Amitabha Buddha" with his mouth closed? When he closed his eyes, he didn't dare to look at each other.

   In fact, the Queen's sentence "You say that the four elements are empty, but you close your eyes tightly. If you open your eyes and look at me, I don't believe that your eyes are empty" has completely peeled off Tang Seng's inner portrayal. "

   Having said this, Zhang Xuan took a sip of wine and said, "I don't dare to open my eyes to see, why are the four great things empty?"

  Wenhui stared at the TV without blinking.

  Zhang Xuan teased: "You see Tang Seng pulling with the king, but automatically fell on the bed, this monk is too fake, the kung fu of refusing and welcoming is really a master."

  Wenhui couldn't listen anymore and turned to look at him.

Zhang Xuan coughed, and then said solemnly: "Actually, the two most important pieces of evidence to prove that Tang Seng is tempted are: "if there is a fate in the next life", and the other is that Tang Seng, who was about to leave his daughter's country on horseback, finally looked back at her daughter. One look at the king."

   Speaking of this, Zhang Xuan was stunned for a moment, and came back to it.

   A dignified, high-achieving student, how could he not even understand this?

   How many times do you want to watch it?

   It is obvious that Wen Hui has another deep meaning. Could it be this sentence "If there is fate in the next life?"

   Could it be that after she made it clear to her before, she responded with this sentence?

   The question is that she herself said that she has been watching this episode over and over for the past two days. Could it be that she has the ability to predict whether or not she will not succeed, and guessed in advance that she would express her feelings to her today?

   So dig a hole in advance and wait for yourself?

   The problem is that you are also temporarily expressing your intentions, right? No plan?

   At first thought, this guess is simply inexplicable and a bit out of the blue.

   But after thinking about it, I feel that this is just like Wenhui who has always been full of wisdom.

   Graduation is still a month away. After the 51st holiday, the two of them have no time to be alone. These few days are the last time they spend alone at CUHK.

   After Shuangling went to Changsha and Zou Qingzhu left with her boyfriend, she might have expected in advance that she would go back to CUHK alone and would do something to her, so she made preparations.

   This is denying yourself.

   Borrowing this episode of TV series to politely reject his full of joy.

   Seeing him suddenly falling into silence, seeing him suddenly in a daze on the sofa, Wen Hui felt a little melancholy and felt a little sad for some reason.

  The TV is still on, but the two people who have something on their mind have no intention of watching it anymore.

  I don't know how long it took, but after a long time anyway, Zhang Xuan finally raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, and asked her, "If there is fate in the next life, this is what you want to say to me, right?"

  Wen Hui half-closed her eyes and remained silent.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Xuan stared sideways at the person who was close at hand: "If there is fate in the next life, if there is another life, there will be this life. You escape from this life and talk about the next life. In fact, you are just like Tang Seng. You are tempted, right? "

   Hearing him revealing his own thoughts, and seeing him staring at him in a daze, Wen Hui, who has always been gentle and jade-like, was in a trance.

  In an instant, you look at me, I look at you, as if a magnet is pulling a thread. After the eyes of the two collide, they are entwined with each other and will never be separated again.

There was Xia Chan tweeting outside the window, and there were affectionate "Brother Yudi" on the TV. Their eyes crossed, and something indescribable rose silently between the two people who had broken their minds tonight. .

  Time passed by, and the two who abandoned the world around them got closer and closer.

   Zhang Xuan asked: "Do you think this life is not as good as the next life?"

  Wen Hui's heart was heaving.

  Zhang Xuan continued: "This Tang monk who was reincarnated by Jin Chanzi knows human feelings. Are we mortals who want to transcend the seven emotions and six desires?"

  Wenhui's heart rose again.

   Zhang Xuan probed over: "You said that if you have a fate in the next life, but this life is only about 20 years old, why don't you cherish such a young age?"

   After asking three times in a row, the completely emotional old man kissed her directly.

   Feeling a firm touch, Wen Hui reached out and pushed his chest, but it was useless.

   Her bones were already weak, but as she pushed him hard with both hands, she was thrown back on the sofa instead.

   This scene is very much like Tang Seng on TV. He couldn't pull it and fell on the bed. Seeing this, Zhang Xuan didn't give her any chance and instinctively attached to it.

   In just a split second, the two were tightly pressed together, without any gaps between them.

  As the body was hugged tightly, and as the wonderful strangeness spread throughout the body, Wen Hui, who was infected with emotion, had a thought before closing her eyes: If you shoot yourself in the foot, you still underestimate his face.

   After a short and long 6 minutes, the two opened their eyes, looked at each other for a short while, took a deep breath, and then became affectionately intimate with each other.

  If Wenhui was a little clumsy last time, then tonight she can fully understand why Tang Seng is a monk as a monk.

   The happiest thing in the world is the love between men and women.

   Another 8 minutes passed, and the two who were about to suffocate finally separated.

   Face to face, smelling each other's breath, the old man couldn't help reaching out to touch the delicate face that was slightly flushed and flushed, and murmured: "It's beautiful!"

  Wen Hui looked at the person on her body, and felt the tenderness on her face, and her heart was surprisingly peaceful.

   At a certain moment, when the old man with a big appetite lowered his head and leaned over, she raised her head slightly and closed her eyes again.

   After a long time, when Wen Run stretched all the way down from the chin, Wen Hui, whose body was trembling, finally recovered from the world of the two, and then raised her right hand without hesitation.


  Slap, slap hard!

   Then she pushed the person on her body with the greatest strength ever, then bit her lower lip and sat up, fled as if to flee, and went into the bathroom.

boom! door closed.


  The hot old man on the left face was beaten up, this girl really beat her, so hard.

wash room.

  As the door closed, her body, which was still very brave just now, returned to its original shape in an instant, leaning against the door like a deflated ball, and Wen Hui, who was sore and weak, just ushered in the time to relieve her breath.

   After a while, Wen Hui came to the sink and looked up at herself in the mirror.

   His eyes first fell on the somewhat messy hair.

   Then moved down, eyebrows, eyes, nose, face and lips, paused, continued to look down at the neck, collarbone, and finally settled on the shoulder blades.

   Her eyes almost fell on her beautiful shoulder blades. Wen Hui trembled slightly, and shook the washbasin with both hands. She was stunned.

   Looking at the bright red strawberries and the sling with tooth marks, she was stunned, a barren black and white translucent.

   passed by in a flash, and I don’t know how long it has passed in the silence

Wen Hui, who was blank-minded, slowly became conscious, and saw that she first stretched out her hand to straighten the shoulder strap, then turned on the faucet, bent down and poured a handful of cold water on her face, when the cool water beads burst one by one. When she became a flower, her mind was quickly returning to its place.

  After washing your face with cold water, apply a damp towel to your neck and collarbone.

   Thinking of something a few minutes later, Wen Hui hesitated to walk out of the living room and found that he was no longer there.

   Fortunately, the living room door was half-open, and through the crack of the door, he could see his back standing in the corridor.

  's eyes stayed on the back for two seconds, Wen Hui went to the bedroom to find a change of clothes, then went into the bathroom and began to brush her teeth and take a bath.

   That’s right, it’s taking a shower again.

  I can't do it without washing, my body is full of his smell, and also, the smell of dry pot duck.

   Under the shower, when his right hand smeared with shower gel smeared his neck, the image of him and his kisses on the sofa just now appeared uncontrollably in his mind.

   I felt like I was at a loss, I took a break, this bath was a little long

   It wasn't until 20 minutes later that she came out of the shower, dressed neatly, walked to the door, and walked out.

   closed the door, she didn't say hello to anyone, and went downstairs first.

   finally came out, Zhang Xuan, who had been waiting for a long time, breathed a sigh of relief, Wen Hui was still the same Wen Hui, maybe she would be excited for a while, but she would definitely step down for herself afterwards.

   This is the tacit understanding that the two have cultivated in the past few years. You don't need to speak, you can understand each other's thoughts with one look and one action.

   Standing on the spot for a small meeting, Zhang Xuan also took a step and followed him downstairs.

  On the first floor, Rooney feeds the children under the plane tree. Wen Hui, who got down early, was chatting with Rooney.

   Seeing Zhang Xuan coming down, Rooney teased Wen Hui: "He's here, don't accompany me anymore, you guys go get busy."

   Husbands were all remembered, and he still wanted to ridicule us, so Zhang Xuan leaned over and looked at the bowl, there was a bowl of fat.

   was speechless: "This bear boy has become so fat that he can roll on the ground. There are more hands than lotus roots. You still feed him fat?"

When    mentioned this, Rooney was also troubled: "If you don't have fat, you won't eat, and you will vomit what you feed."

   Zhang Xuan said angrily: "Then be hungry, let's see if he eats if he is hungry enough."

   At this time, a group of teachers also walked next to them, and some people said, "Rooney, you really can't get used to it. If you continue like this, it will be harmful to the baby."

   Okay, someone started, and a group of people said each and every one of you, and Rooney was at a loss for words, and in the end, there was no place to let go and beat the child again.

   Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other for a while, and they all shook their heads and walked away.

   Walking to the small auditorium one after the other, Wen Hui suddenly asked, "Were you fat when you were young?"

   "Me?" Zhang Xuan thought he had heard it wrong.


   "When I was born, I weighed 6 pounds and 1 tael. Since I was a child, I was called glutinous rice after birth."

  Wen Hui glanced at him sideways: "What is glutinous rice afterlife?"

Zhang Xuan pressed his face with his finger and said: "In our place, the yield of glutinous rice is much lower than that of rice. One mu can only produce 600-700 kilograms. Naturally, the price is higher than that of rice, literally. , that is, glutinous rice is worth more than rice.

   is used in custom, glutinous rice after birth means good-looking. Since he was born good-looking when he was a child, he would definitely not be fat. "

  Wen Hui looked ahead and couldn't help but smile, almost dazed by his logic.

  ps: Please subscribe! Ask for a monthly pass!

(I went to the hospital this morning. I originally planned to post it after the 51 holiday. After all, the essence of this plot is in the next chapter, but it feels late. I am afraid you will wait, so I will post half of it first, sorry. )

   (end of this chapter)