The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 818: , this is love (1) please subscribe!

   Chapter 818, This is Love (1) Please subscribe!

   Peking University does not have a Centennial Lecture Hall, nor does it have Qiupa Gymnasium.

   After entering the campus, Zhang Xuan lost his goal for a while, and did not know where to look?

   Just when he wanted to contact Mi Jian, Li Wendong, who had made preparations in advance, took him directly to the law school.

   There were many parents at the gate of the Law School. The security guard at the gate stopped them and asked them to show their student IDs to enter.

The meaning of    is very clear. The space for the graduation ceremony is limited, and only students and special guests are allowed to enter.

   Out of concern, Zhang Xuan looked around, but did not find Mi Pei and Liu Yi, and felt relieved.

   Zhang Xuan texted Chen Yin: Where are you?

   Chen Yin replied in seconds: At the graduation ceremony of the Law School.

   Zhang Xuan asked: Has it started?

  Chen Yinhui: It started at 9 am.

  Zhang Xuan looked at the time, he was 13 minutes late or he was 13 minutes late, he made a mistake!

   asked again: Are uncles and aunts there?

  Chen Yin replied in seconds: Yes.

   The word "zai" opened Zhang Xuan's heart a lot. It seems that Mi Jian is still a little thin in law school.

   Thinking about it too, Mi Jian was originally a successful graduate student, and he wanted to stay at the school to teach. In the future, everyone may be colleagues, and they will not be so absolute in their work.

   And after four years, all the teachers and students of Peking University knew that Mi Jian's boyfriend was Zhang Xuan.

   As the saying goes: Don't look at the face of the monk, look at the face of the Buddha. The leaders of the law school will open this door of convenience as long as they are not on a dry diet.

   Besides, there is also the relationship between Li Wendong and Tao Ge, and that Wen will not ignore it.

   Therefore, Liu Yi and Mi Pei are different from other parents. Zhang Xuan was not surprised at all to be able to enter the scene.

   The security office at the door is familiar with Zhang Xuan. Seeing him here, make eye contact and let him go.

   Seeing Zhang Xuan and Li Wendong go in, a parent dared to ask:

   "Why can they get in?"

The   Security Office replied formulaically: "They are special guests."

   The guests of the ceremony are assholes, don't think everyone is a fool!

   But in an institution of higher learning like Peking University, no matter how arrogant you are, you don't dare to mess around, you can only keep your temper.

   The reason is very simple, you can't embarrass your children.

  Otherwise, the dignified Peking University students have such arrogant parents, and it is rumored that they will be disgraced, which will be detrimental to their children's future career development. Parents who can train their sons and daughters to be sent to Peking University naturally understand this truth.

   Seeing that someone was secretly upset, one of the aunts said: "Don't be convinced, I seem to have seen the young man who went in just now in the newspaper."

   Waiting is the most boring, someone immediately asked three times: "I have seen it in the newspaper? I was in the newspaper at such a young age? What kind of newspaper is it?"

   Seeing everyone looking over, the aunt suddenly became a little bit excited: "Renx Daily and Xinxe have reported it."

   "Hiss!" The person who knows the business instantly **** in the cold air.

   These two newspapers are not small fish and shrimps, they all have the ability.

   Don't care if this ability comes from others themselves? Or the family behind it, there must be something extraordinary.

   became more curious and asked, "Who is he?"

   Auntie hung her big white eyes and reminded: "The one who has been on the news network twice and has frequently won awards abroad, do you know who it is?"

   "His!" "His!" "His!".

   There was a sudden hiss at the door.

   Being so young, having been in the official media, and winning awards abroad, everyone present is a little knowledgeable, otherwise they would not have come to Peking University rashly.

   Everyone looked at each other for a while! into dead silence!

   Someone finally couldn't hold back: "Is it the legendary Zhang Xuan? The one who wrote the book?"

   Someone spoke, and immediately followed someone to answer: "If our country can meet this condition, who else can it be other than this great writer?"

   There is a Wenwen Crepe voice saying: "No wonder it looks a little familiar, it turns out to be him, disrespectful!"

   has a sturdy voice: "I brought a camera today, and I will take a picture later to see if I can take a photo together. I like his "lurking" very much."

   Speaking of cameras, what's the magic? Many people touched their backpacks immediately, thinking that this idea was a good idea, and it was rumored that this great writer was a star of Wenqu, and it would be good to have a close-up experience.

   There was a lot of discussion around him outside, but Zhang Xuan didn't know.

   He was brought into the graduation ceremony by Chen Yin who came out to pick him up.

   They don't go in the center area inside, but watch in the corners of the edges.

   Met Mi Pei and Liu Yi here, Zhang Xuan quickly said hello:

   "Uncle, auntie."

   "Hey, you're here."

   Just now, Liu Yi and Mi Pei were still discussing privately, thinking that he might not come today.

   He wanted to come over, Mi Jian did not hide it, after all, she now very much hopes that Zhang Xuan and her parents get along more and communicate more, so as to enhance mutual feelings.

   Actually, if Zhang Xuan couldn't make it, Liu Yi and Mi Pei didn't blame him, but they felt disappointed in their hearts, proving that the treasures in his heart were still not so important to him.

  But now that Zhang Xuan has appeared, the couple's thoughts have changed immediately.

  The couple knew that Du Shuangling was at CUHK, and knew that he was very busy on weekdays. In addition to his huge career, he was still in a critical period of writing, so Zhang Xuan was able to drop everything and rush over. What does this mean?

Does    mean anything else to say?

  Seeing treasure is the most important thing in his heart, above everything else!

   Thinking of this, Liu Yi and Mi Pei looked at each other and felt a lot more comfortable.

   For Zhang Xuan, the couple had no choice, because their daughter fell in love with him, so they have been patient with great endurance.

   And now Zhang Xuan's performance, especially holding a bunch of roses in front of the crowd...

   This did not live up to the deep affection of their daughter, which gave them a little comfort in their hearts.

   looked around and found that Zhang Xuan was thinner. After greeting Li Wendong, Liu Yi asked him, "Did you come from Yangcheng?"

   Zhang Xuan said: "The plane is more than four in the morning."

   The couple didn't ask why they didn't come a day earlier, why are they in such a hurry?

   instead asked: "Did you skip breakfast?"

   Why did Liu Yi guess so?

   The reason is very simple, Zhang Xuan came in late. With the love he usually shows for his daughter, he basically doesn't deliberately delay time, so he probably didn't even eat breakfast in a hurry.

   Zhang Xuan didn't lie: "I came in a hurry, I haven't been able to take care of it yet."

  Liu Yi looked at her watch and said, "The graduation ceremony will last for three hours, and it's just 12 o'clock, why don't I take you out to eat first?"

  Zhang Xuan waved his hand and refused: "It's okay Auntie, in order to maintain my state of writing, I often skip meals for half a day and a day, this is nothing, don't worry.

   On the contrary, Mimi's graduation ceremony is rare, only once in my life, if I miss it, it will be gone. "

   Seeing his insistence that the scene was so quiet that they couldn't talk too much, Liu Yi and Mi Pei had no choice but to just let it go.

  There are rows of bachelor's uniforms at the scene. Looking around, Wuyang and Wuyang are dark. Liu Yi is afraid that he will not recognize where the treasure is, and tells him:

   "She's in the right area, 6th row, 11th from the right."

   Zhang Xuan followed Liu Yi's finger and looked over, and sure enough he saw Mi Jian.

   seems to have a heart-to-heart, and Mi Jian also turned his head at this moment.

   looked at each other, no longer separated.

   After a short while, Mi Jian smiled nicely, and Zhang Xuan followed with a happy smile.

  ps: Let’s serve an appetizer first to prove that March is still alive.

   is doubled today, everyone, please smash the monthly pass, smash me to death, thank you guys.

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The story behind    is really wonderful…

   (end of this chapter)