The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 966: , anatomy

  「Ke Dong, Shuang Ling? Ke Dong, Shuang Ling?」

  Suddenly heard the voice coming from the living room, the father and daughter tacitly terminated the conversation just now. After looking at each other, the serious expression on Du Kedong's face eased a lot.

  The daughter on the front foot came down from Shangcun, and Xiuqin on the back foot hurriedly followed, which proved that everything the younger daughter said before was true.

  Xiuqin has a promise to her daughter, and it was Xiuqin's idea to keep her daughter in Shangcun. From this, it can be seen that Xiuqin cares about her daughter, how precious she is to her daughter, and with this thought, the unhappy expression on Du Kedong's face dissipated a lot.

Although Du Kedong is just a businessman who runs in three small places, the small town, the county seat and Shao City, his economic awareness of nearly 30 years in the society makes his vision and heart far bigger than those in this small place. Most of the people, this made him support his daughter's emotional autonomy from the very beginning, even if his wife Ai Qing strongly opposed it, he still supported it as always.

  So, Du Kedong's affection for Zhang Xuan has a solid foundation.

  As a businessman, especially a businessman in this era of mixed fish and dragons, he is over half a century old and has read through Zhang Xuan's character.

  Even though Zhang Xuan was a little poor at that time, he regarded him as a piece of jade in the rough. But now with Zhang Xuan's success, Du Kedong is not surprised that he has a woman outside. Because there are not many such things in his circle of friends, and it can even be called a common occurrence.

  It is normal for men, especially successful men, to have fun outside, and Du Kedong still has this level of insight and enlightenment.

  My own circle of friends is like this, so Zhang Xuan can imagine what will happen if he becomes more successful?

   What's more, Zhang Xuan is a literati, literati, since ancient times, this is the immunity granted to them by the times.

The reason why he is so cautious today is because he has met Mi Jian several times and knows that Mi Jian is an unusual girl. These years have occupied an absolute advantage, but it may not be the last laugh.

  Why did Du Kedong make such a judgment, because he is also a man. A man can't escape greed, hatred and ignorance.

  There is a vicious circle here, the more successful a man is, the more he cannot escape. Greed, anger, and ignorance will always trap a successful man firmly.

   But Mi Jian has all the necessary conditions to trap a successful man, so he has to cheer up.

  The fact is also the same. From the conversation just now, Du Kedong saw helplessness, sadness and grievance in his daughter.

  Thousands of thoughts, but within easy reach.

  When Ruan Xiuqin's voice came from the living room for the third time, Du Kedong put some water in the pot, covered it, and prepared to go out to welcome guests.

   He didn't think about it before he moved, but the younger daughter had already gone outside, smiling and shouting "Mom, you're here"

   This situation made Du Kedong stunned for a moment, his sharp momentum restrained again, and he walked out of the kitchen.

   "Xiuqin, why are you here?" Du Kedong came out and received herbal tea from his daughter.

  Ruan Xiuqin is also a good person. Just now she yelled three times in a row, and the future in-laws showed up in a hurry. This is very different from the previous "timely rain", so it can be judged that the other party has resentment in her heart.

  Ruan Xiuqin drank half a cup of herbal tea in one breath, then put down the cup and took Shuangling's hand and said, "Seeing Shuangling coming down in a hurry, I was a little worried, so I dropped everything and followed."

   Then without waiting for Du Kedong to speak, she continued: "I received a call from Man Zai. He is rushing to the Shanghai stock market to participate in the mobile phone conference, and he will be back tomorrow."

   Two sentences with two meanings:

  The meaning of the first sentence is: Shuangling is in my heart, Ruan Xiuqin, more than anything else.

  The meaning of the second sentence is: My son is an asshole. He did do some **** outside, but he knows the seriousness and will not let the two actors down.

  Through these two sentences, Ruan Xiuqin extended a core point of view: Shuangling is my daughter-in-law.

   Sure enough, upon hearing this, Du Kedong, who was full of things to say, was instantly speechless.

  He knew that Ruan Xiuqin was a man of his word, and that Zhang Xuan was a dutiful son. Now that the mother and son had expressed their attitude, he, Du Kedong, couldn't hold on to the pigtails, and couldn't hold back.

   After all, the youngest daughter made it clear that she didn't want to leave Zhang Xuan and the Zhang family, so after he, the father, fought for his daughter's rights, he had to stop in time.

  But now that the bow has been stretched and the arrow has been set, Du Kedong still intends to perform this play to the end. For nothing else, for the sake of his daughter, so what if his old face is put aside?

  I saw that he changed from his usual enthusiasm, and said casually: "Xiuqin, sit down first, I am cooking food in the kitchen, let Shuangling accompany you, and leave after dinner."

   After finishing speaking, Du Kedong turned and went into the kitchen.

  Hearing "Leave after dinner" and seeing Du Kedong turning around and abandoning himself as a guest, how could Ruan Xiuqin not understand?

  But she was not angry. She looked away, took Shuang Ling's hand and said with a warm smile: "Mom is thin-skinned, I have to say something nice to Mom later, I can't let your dad kick me out of the house."

  Although Du Shuangling was smart, she couldn't stand the coquettish words of her elders, so she said shyly, "Mom, don't take offense. Dad always cooks like this. He is meticulous for fear of spoiling the taste of the dishes."

  Ruan Xiuqin took her hand: "Mom knows that Kedong is doing it for your own good. Don't blame him. If you want to blame, you can blame that **** for wronging you. But don't worry, in the future, Mom will decide."

  For some reason, upon hearing this, Du Shuangling almost lost her defense, and after a while she said softly, "Well, thank you, Mom."

  Ruan Xiuqin reached out to touch Shuangling's hair lovingly, and said sincerely: "You child, why are you thanking the whole family? Mom likes you when she sees you. Don't say such unreasonable things in the future."

  Du Shuangling hummed lightly again.

  From Du Jingling calling Du Kedong, and then from Du Kedong sitting quietly by the river for noon, a long time passed.

   No, Du Kedong only made six soups, and Du Jingling rushed back from the market with Wu Ruiguo.

  She was really worried about her sister, and she wanted to take a look for herself. "Jingling, you are back." Ruan Xiuqin greeted.

   "Hey, I'm back. Auntie, you look younger and more enviable." Du Jingling and Ruan Xiuqin are no strangers, but they are very familiar with each other.

  In the middle, Du Kedong greeted his eldest daughter and his wife: "Don't stand still, wash your hands and eat quickly, the dishes will be cold."

  Du Jingling responded, washed her hands and prepared to eat.

   Du Kedong, who had neglected Ruan Xiuqin all afternoon, finally spoke to Ruan Xiuqin: "Xiuqin, there are so many people today, I know you can drink, have some today?"

  Ruan Xiuqin did not forget the purpose of the day, and said with a smile: "Then have some drinks." There were five people at a table, eating vegetables and drinking wine.

   With her own father around, Du Jingling is very disciplined, she is only responsible for enlivening the atmosphere, and does not mention her sister and Zhang Xuan at all.

  Wife is like this, but Wu Ruiguo has to see Zi Dazi, especially so. He is responsible for pouring wine for his father-in-law, responsible for pouring wine for Ruan Xiuqin, and talking about what he has seen and heard abroad.

  Du Shuangling is a little abnormal today, she looks very quiet, her eyes keep wandering between her father and her future mother-in-law, for fear that the two will get along badly, and every second of time will be a torment.

  Seeing his little daughter being so cautious, Du Kedong's heart almost melted. He was not a hard-hearted person, but this time he had to harden his heart.

  Ruan Xiuqin saw the performance of everyone at the table. She knew that this game had to be broken by herself. Although she had made her attitude clear, it was obviously not enough from Kedong's appearance.

But Ruan Xiuqin knew what was going on, and she also liked Shuangling from the bottom of her heart, so she drank a few more drinks and found the opportunity to talk to Du Kedong: "Kedong, thank you for giving birth to a good daughter. From now on, every year there will be With Shuang Ling accompanying me, I am content in this life.”

  Listen, what kind of person will accompany mother-in-law during the New Year? She was the daughter-in-law back then.

   And still have to live with Shuang Ling every year, this

   Commitment is heavy.

  This means that no matter how many women Zhang Xuan has outside, she, Ruan Xiuqin, will put the duo in the "most central" position, which will never change.

   I almost said: Daughter-in-law, I only recognize the words of Shuang Ling.

  Of course, Ruan Xiuqin couldn't say "I only recognize two actors", because she knows her son very well, and knows his son's confidante.

  If there is no Mi Jian, Ruan Xiuqin can still work hard to make this "only" promise. The reason why we still have to work hard is because there is still a Wenhui in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and that girl Ruan Xiuqin has a headache when she thinks about it. It's not that he's bad, but that he's so good that she dare not face it.

  Until now, she can show her sincerity in front of Shuang Ling; she can express her love for Mi Jian; That's right, a guilty conscience.

  She heard from Shuang Ling and Man Zai before: Wenhui's family is not simple, and has more background than Lilith's family.

  One Lilith is already too much for her, but Wen Hui, who has such excellent personal conditions, directly makes her cowardly.

When she was alone, she often thought: Shuangling's parents are old acquaintances who have been together for decades, and they can be resolved with "friendship"; Get rid of your old face.

  As for Wen Hui's parents, Ruan Xiuqin didn't dare to think about it, she just hoped that this day would not come, otherwise she was really not sure if she would collapse?

  Although she hadn't met Wen Hui a few times, the woman's intuition told Ruan Xiuqin that this girl was not easy to get along with, and she couldn't be compared with Lilith.

  The reason for this inference is simple: What if Wenhui is so easy to get along with? The two actors will not compromise with the girl Mi Jian.

   In front of Lao Du's family, Ruan Xiuqin made his final statement, and the room was silent for a while.

  Du Jingling and Wu Ruiguo subconsciously looked at Du Kedong. They knew very well that this was almost Auntie Xiuqin's final bottom line, and she couldn't let her cross the line again.

   After all, she is Zhang Xuan's mother, not Zhang Xuan himself. It is very rare for a mother-in-law of such a wealthy family to express her opinion like this.

  The reason why it is said to be rare is that Ruan Xiuqin is the only immediate elder in the old Zhang family, and Zhang Xuan is a dutiful son. Anyone with a discerning eye knows the weight of her words.

  What Du Jingling and his wife could think of, naturally Du Kedong thought of it too.

  Looking at the hopeful little daughter, Du Kedong picked up a jug of soju and filled it up for Ruan Xiuqin, and said sincerely:

   "Xiuqin, we have known each other for decades, and you also know who I am. Today I am also doing it for the good of Shuang Ling and Zhang Xuan. I hope you can understand."

  Ruan Xiuqin held a full wine glass in both hands, and said softly: "They are both parents, of course I can understand, no matter if it is a duo or that bastard, the palms and backs of the hands are all meat, I will treat them equally."

   At this point, Du Kedong and Ruan Xiuqin looked at each other and drank the wine in their glasses. Then they changed the topic, and the atmosphere on the table slowly returned to the usual lively atmosphere, as if today's deadlock did not exist.

  But on the way back, Ruan Xiuqin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, her vest was soaked through at the time. Although she was sure that she would not lose the pair, she still couldn't stop worrying.

  Ruan Xiuqin left, Du Jingling asked her sister: "Aren't you going up tonight?" Du Shuangling was a little confused: "I don't know."

  Du Jingling thought for a while and asked: "Are you feeling a little embarrassed? Or are you afraid that you will lose face to Dad by rushing so fast?"

   Facing her loving sister, Du Shuangling hesitated for a moment and then told the truth: "There are all of them."

  Du Jingling looked at her younger sister steadily, then sighed and said, "If you don't go up tonight, don't go up.

   Isn’t Zhang Xuan coming back? He will definitely come to pick you up when the time comes, so whether you, Aunt Xiuqin, or Dad, the three of you will be proud. "

  But then Du Jingling asked a very abrupt question: "Tell me the truth, if you could turn back time and let you choose again, would you still choose him?"

  Du Shuangling looked up at the sky, and answered softly after a while: "Yes, unless I can't meet him."

   hear this

  Du Jingling didn't seem to be surprised at all, her face was full of sighs: "Things in the world are always difficult, and gains and losses are always accompanied.

  How perfect a person is in front of him, there are so many shortcomings behind him. I just hope that he will treat you sincerely all his life and live up to your deep affection. "

  Hearing the word "affectionate", Du Shuangling couldn't help falling into a trance. At this time, his mind was full of singing, full of his appearance when he sang "Infatuation for Love".

the other side.

  After parting from Wu Ruiguo at the airport, Mi Jian, who had been walking for a while, suddenly asked him, "How long do you plan to stay in Shanghai this time?"

  Zhang Xuan told her: "Well, there is nothing else to do except tomorrow's mobile phone conference."

  Then he asked again: "It's the first time to go to the Shanghai stock market. Is there any place you want to go in particular?"

  Seeing his concern, Mi Jian smiled and said, "Not yet, but I want to go home."

  Zhang Xuan was stunned: "Go home? Back to Changshi?"

  Mi Jian nodded lightly: "Yes, I haven't been back for half a year. I saw Shuang Ling's brother-in-law just now, and suddenly I felt a little homesick."

   Yes, the reminder is so obvious, how can the old man not understand?

   Mi Jianming said on the surface that he wanted to go home, but in fact, he didn't want to embarrass him, and asked him to take the opportunity to go back to Qianzhen and Du's house.

  Zhang Xuan was silent, very moved.

  reached out and grabbed his hand, said after a while, "Thank you."

  Mi Jian held his hand with his backhand, and smiled: "What do you and I say to thank you?"

  Zhang Xuan looked into her eyes: "Yes, but the agreement between you and Shuangling?"

  Mi Jian asked: "You mean the agreement between me and Shuang Ling, this is my time? Can't bear to waste my time?"

  Zhang Xuan did not shy away, saying yes.

  Mi Jian walked forward, walked forward, walked for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "Shuang Ling needs you now."

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