The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 988: , a mess (ask for subscription!)

  The car drove for a while, Zhang Xuan asked: "This is the first time I come to the capital, is there anything you want to eat?"

  Su Jinyu looked away from the window, stroked his right hand and let it go: "I have been famous for Quanjude's roast duck for a long time, but I'm a little tired after a long day of driving today. Let's find a restaurant."

  Zhang Xuan didn't force it, "Okay, I'll take you there when I have time."

   Ten minutes later, the two found a street restaurant.

  The reason why he chose such a place, according to Su Jinyu, was that he was tired of eating western food and big hotels at work, and wanted to find a restaurant full of fireworks to have dinner with him.

   It is a bit similar to the food stalls in Yangcheng. In order to have a wide view, the two chose a seat by the window.

  When ordering food, the young male waiter always glanced at Xiao Shiyi. Although it was very subtle, the two still noticed it.

  After ordering three dishes and one soup, Su Jinyu handed the menu to the waiter, "That's all, let's have 4 more bottles of beer, iced."

   "Which one do you want?" After finally being able to talk to the beautiful woman, the young waiter seemed a little excited.

  Su Jinyu asked: "What types are there?"

  The young waiter spared no effort to show off: "There are many types, including Huaersen, Lido beer, Yuquanshan beer, Dajingshi, Ganjing."

  The young waiter talked about many brands in one breath, but the famous Yanjing Beer was missing. Su Jinyu glanced at Zhang Xuan and said slowly:

   "My man likes Yanjing beer, please come to 4 bottles of Yanjing beer."

   Zhang Xuan mourned for this waiter, who are you offending, flattering her in front of her?

  The men and women at the next table next to each other laughed out loud.

  The young waiter blushed, and finally took the menu and fled away.

  As soon as the others left, Su Jinyu also stood up and said to him, "Let's go."

  There were so many people in the store, Zhang Xuan didn't ask why? followed.

  Zhao Lei did not leave, but went to the front desk to deal with the aftermath of the two wayward bosses.

   When he came outside, Zhang Xuan joked: "This waiter has been here for a while, and he probably won't strike up a conversation with a dare beauty for two months."

  Su Jinyu asked coquettishly: "Admit that I am a big beauty?"

  Whether you admit it or not, this woman is indeed a rare beauty, but she is not used to her problem, so she turned her head and looked away.

  Su Jinyu reached out to hold his arm, and explained: "It's not that I'm trying to be mad, but I'm afraid that the waiter will make trouble secretly when serving the food, such as spitting and putting dirty things in."

  Zhang Xuan did not refute, but asked: "Have you met?"

  Su Jinyu shook her head: "I haven't encountered it before, but my colleague saw the waiter who served the food pick his nose and put it in."

   Before going far, the two went to the nearest restaurant next door.

   Still asked for the same seat and ordered the same dish.

  The difference is that the group of men and women who looked like college students sitting next to them just now were replaced by two drunk men and a quieter lady.

  Uh. It seems that the big man has passed, but his clothes and hairstyle are two middle school youths.

  It's not time for meals now, and the dishes are served very quickly.

  Su Jinyu opened the beer, handed him a bottle, touched him with the other bottle and said, "I'm a little hungry, let's eat."

   It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon. Zhang Xuan was not polite. He took a sip of beer and started to eat it.

   Didn't speak, and Su Jinyu, who was hungry after eating half a bowl of rice, raised her head:

   "It's really good for you to leave Mi Jian at home? Would you like to ask her to come over and eat together?"

   Seeing her bring up the old story again, Zhang Xuan didn't raise his head: "We've already eaten, should we ask her to come over to eat the leftovers?"

  Su Jinyu put down the chopsticks and said, "It's okay, I can wait for her.

   Or we can re-order a table of dishes, anyway, you are the big boss, you don't need these few money. "

  Zhang Xuan sighed, took out a piece of paper and wiped his mouth, "Can you calm down and have a meal with me?"

  Looking directly at him for a few seconds, Su Jinyu happily said yes.

  The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Su Jinyu leaned on her chin with one hand, and while eating at a slow pace, asked, "Is your company still hiring?"


  Zhang Xuan raised his head: "Are you not satisfied with your current job?"

  Su Jinyu drew a circle in the bowl with chopsticks, "The work is good, I am still very satisfied, but it is too far away from you, every time I want to see you, I have to work hard."

  Zhang Xuan couldn't help curling his lips, he would be a ghost if he believed this.

  Su Jinyu asked: "Are you worried that I will mess up your life?"

  Zhang Xuan's eyelids rolled up: "You still have self-knowledge, it's all like this now, if you are allowed to join the company, I will still have a good day?"

"I did not mean."

  Su Jinyu twisted her body: "As long as I get you, I will be honest."

  Zhang Xuansha said in a serious manner: "Come on, if you followed your thinking, I would have been **** dismembered long ago."

  Su Jinyu took off her sandals, stretched out her legs and caressed the base of his thighs secretly, pouted and smiled:

   “Please don’t swear in front of pretty ladies.”

  Zhang Xuan straightened up suddenly, grinning at the other party.

  Ignoring his staring stare, Su Jinyu put on her high-heeled sandals unobtrusively, and asked again: "I read in the newspaper that there was a financial war between Xiangjiang and Wall Street, did you participate?"

  Zhang Xuan shook his head: "I don't know, but Lao Deng has already rushed over."

  Su Jinyu asked: "Teacher Deng Daqing?"

  Zhang Xuan nodded.

  Su Jinyu was curious: "Then is he preparing to participate, or is he taking the opportunity to fish in troubled waters?"

  Zhang Xuan said cautiously: "Xiangjiang is not Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea. Small troubles are fine, but large-scale fishing in troubled waters is not."

  Su Jinyu was thoughtful, and worried: "If you choose sides, you can choose whatever you want, and you won't be able to please, right?

  If you attack Wall Street, then the fame you have gained through hard work in the international literary world will probably be compromised. You also have a football club in England. "

  Zhang Xuan understood what she meant, "You can't stand on the wrong team."

  Su Jinyu paused, "From your point of view, can Xiangjiang be stable?"

  He didn't want to say too much about it, so he simply said one word: "Yes!"

  With the word "able", Su Jinyu seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then cleverly changed the subject.

   said: "My Comrade Su Jin has recently become obsessed with stocks. Do you think domestic stocks are reliable?"

  Zhang Xuan asked: "Buy it?"

  Su Jinyu said: "I bought it, but your mother-in-law is going crazy."

  Zhang Xuan was dizzy: "Is it a loss?"

Su Jinyu said: "Before I heard from others that I bought Amoi Electronics and Lighthouse Paint. These two stocks made money. My dad has prepared 50,000 yuan and is going to do a lot. Then your mother-in-law went crazy , thinking about it with him at home every day."

  Zhang Xuan asked: "Do you know which stocks you plan to buy?"

  Su Jinyu shook her head lightly: "I'm out now, and I won't know until I go home. What good advice do you have? Comrade Su Jin admires you very much. If you give me an idea, I'll treat you to dinner later."

  Zhang Xuan said seriously: "It's better not to touch stocks. Ten out of ten lose money. You should try to persuade your father."

  Su Jinyu looked at him weakly: "You think I don't want to? I talked to him before I came out.

  Su Jin's father is not stubborn about this, but he made a request."

  Zhang Xuan asked: "What request?"

  Su Jinyu told him in a low voice: "He compared me: he said that stocks are the same as love, whenever I quit you, he will quit stocks."

   After finishing speaking, Su Jinyu complained angrily: "I think his shabby attitude is clearly trying to blackmail me."

  Zhang Xuan smiled, thinking that Comrade Su Jin was quite cute, "Then you quit me."

  Su Jinyu poked the bottom of the bowl with chopsticks in her right hand, very dissatisfied: "Do you want to see another man on me?"

  Zhang Xuanding stared at her without speaking.

  Su Jinyu was terrified by his stare, raised her hand and waved in front of her eyes: "Help me make an idea, I know you have a group of professional talents under you."

  Zhang Xuan did not refuse this time. After looking around, he pondered and said: "I suggest not to buy it in the short term. If you want to hold it for a long time, I think the real estate industry and liquor companies are good according to the policy trend."

   "Real estate and liquor?"

  Su Jinyu asked in a low voice: "Will Vanke and Moutai work?"

   Good guy! As soon as he opened his mouth, it was Wang Zha.

  Zhang Xuan asked back: "Are you also concerned about the stock market?"

  Su Jinyu said: "I had no interest or energy at first, but I was forced."

  Zhang Xuan said: "I am personally optimistic about these two stocks and can hold them for a long time."

   Having been with him for so long, Su Jinyu is very familiar with his temperament. Since he said so, he is very confident.

   Immediately said: "The law is not passed on to the six ears, your future wife will keep it a secret."

  Zhang Xuan didn't bother to pay attention, and greeted: "Eat."

  Su Jinyu picked up a chopstick dish for him with a smile, and then watched him eat.

   Right at this moment, the table next to the second-year middle school youths made a loud noise.

  The man in the blue shirt and short sleeves slammed the table and yelled drunkenly: "Don't tell me you are a CEO or a UFO, I am not much worse than you.

   Ah Shui, don’t look at me as a street vendor now. I used to be on Wall Street. I’m a soy milk seller, so I can get coconuts! Isn't the one I contacted a big shot? I always wear a suit and tie to grind soymilk. There was a Wall Street Diwolf before, oh! Bill Gates! He fights with me for wealth, buys a cup of soy milk and gives me 10 dollars, and says that you don’t have to look for it, but you can get Yeye Yeye! I couldn't take it anymore, I just copied a fried dough stick and threw it to him, I said NO and tied Q! I spoke English at the time, and he wanted to refute me! Let me just say, if you don't leave, I will give you an extra Teachickenboy! What are you kidding, fight with me! "

   This middle-aged and second-year-old speaks Cantonese-style Mandarin. Every time he utters a word, he slaps the table, his eyeballs protrude, and he is full of momentum!

  The companion next to him didn't understand the last sentence, so he held back a smile and asked, "What is the English you speak?"

  The second-year middle school youth patted the table again: "Tea eggs!"

   With the word "tea eggs", the customers who were attracted by the whole hotel couldn't control it, and laughed!

  Zhang Xuan was also amused by everyone: "At first glance, it is your fellow villager."

  Su Jinyu turned around and looked around, "I drank too much."

  Referring to Bill Gates, she asked in a voice that only two people could hear: "My colleagues are very envious of your money. Compared with Bill Gates, who has more money?"

  Zhang Xuan blinked: "Don't make trouble, Bill Gates has been the richest man in the world for several years in a row, how can I compare with him?"

  Su Jinyu had a look of disbelief: "With all your assets now added up, can you enter the top 50 in the world?"

  Zhang Xuan seldom talks about his money with others, but the person in front of him is quite special, so he didn’t play sloppy:

   "I haven't counted it. You have to know that there are a lot of Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons in this world. Although I have a lot of money, it's just that. It's not enough to spend on major projects."

  Su Jinyu couldn't imagine: "Aren't you satisfied with so much money?"

  Zhang Xuan said casually: "Who would think too much money?"

  Su Jinyu looked at him speechlessly.

Zhang Xuan said: "Don't look at me with such eyes, really, if I want to build a rocket to the sky, realize graphene, build artificial intelligence, turn Mount Fuji into my back garden, and want foreigners Kneeling and licking me, wanting to appease each of your families, how can this little money be enough?"


  Su Jinyu was speechless again.

  Zhang Xuan took a sip of wine and continued: "Money and fame are like Han Xin leading troops, the more the better, others will respect me because of this, and they will be more tolerant of my mistakes.

  If I were white, my aunt would still look at me with old eyes, and your mother would probably come over with a kitchen knife and chop me up right now."

  Su Jinyu smiled, couldn't deny this, lowered her head and concentrated on eating.

   After a few minutes, she looked up and asked, "Why don't you brag."

  Zhang Xuan said: "Seeing how delicious your food is, and seeing how beautiful your food is, I can't bear to disturb you."

  Su Jinyu took a piece of lean meat and put it in his mouth: "It's okay, just tell me, I like to hear you pretend to be coercive with clear logic."

  Zhang Xuan looked embarrassed: "If you want to say that, how can I go on?"

  Su Jinyu encouraged him: "Then change the subject, didn't you say I'm beautiful, just praise me for being beautiful.

   If you praise me more than Mi Jian, I will be happy. "

  Zhang Xuan asked with a smile: "It's fine for you to be beautiful, how about I praise you for your ability?"

  Su Jinyu was in high spirits: "If you had realized this a long time ago, I would have been your woman a long time ago. My 5 years of yoga practice is not for nothing."

  Zhang Xuan was surprised: "What are you thinking?"

  Su Jinyu took a mouthful of rice and said vaguely, "I was thinking that I'm a mess."

  This woman.

   Damn it!

  Zhang Xuan stared at the sky with all four legs, God, why did you clean up this goblin?

   It’s completely gone.

   After dinner, Su Jinyu put down her chopsticks, gave him a napkin, wiped her mouth with one herself, and said, "It's raining a lot less now, go to a movie with me."

  Hearing this, Zhang Xuan was a little embarrassed, "It's not too early, next time."

  Su Jinyu asked with a smile on his face: "I have traveled thousands of miles to find you, is watching a movie too much?"

  Zhang Xuan spread his hands: "Not too much."

Su Jinyu said again: "You always use "next time" to perfuse me. I want you to have a meal with me on my junior birthday. You said it will be next year. Now two years have passed, and I haven't seen you fulfill your promise. .”

   Zhang Xuan came to Ge You, lying on the back of the chair, and said straight away: "There are too many women, and I only have one pair of legs. Can't you understand?"

  Su Jinyu bit her lower lip and stared at him firmly.

  Seeing that she did not back down, Zhang Xuanlin had no choice but to say: "When I come down to Shencheng, I will definitely find you for dinner and a movie."

  Hearing this, Su Jinyu changed her face faster than turning the pages of a book, and stretched out her hand to call the waiter: "Check out!"

  Zhang Xuan said: "I'll pay the bill."

  Su Jinyu asked: "Did you bring money?"

  Zhang Xuan glanced at Zhao Lei at the other table.

  Su Jinyu stood up: "It's still me, I have to make you owe Miss Ben."

  Check out and go out, standing outside the store, the old man asked: "Where are we going next?"

  Su Jinyu took out an umbrella from the bag and opened it, then put it in his hand: "Come with me to see Tiananmen Square, and then we will go back to our respective homes."

  Zhang Xuan reminded: "It's raining today, how about another day? Or it would be nice to watch the flag-raising ceremony tomorrow morning."

  Su Jinyu asked sideways: "Are you sure? The flag-raising ceremony is usually very early. Are you sure you can get out of Mi Jian's bed tomorrow morning?"

  Zhang Xuan shut up instantly.


  Su Jinyu snorted, got into the rain, and got into the car.

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