The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm

v1 Chapter 43: Take a rest

 : : : : After waiting for Zhang Huan to come out of the grotto, Yuan Rui looked at him with some complaints. "Uncle, how have you been in for so long, I have been waiting outside for a long time, small Black, it’s too lazy to move, don’t play with me. If you don’t come out, I might be really bored and dead, but I’m in a hurry.”

 : : : : Zhang Wei chuckled and touched the head of Yuan Rui. "Is there anything to worry about, I am not out now?"

 : : : : Yuan Rui also saw that Zhang Wei was in a good mood at this time. He guessed that Zhang Wei should have got what he wanted, and he curiously asked Zhang Hao with his big eyes. "Uncle, what the **** are you wanting to get? I think this is the first time you put your excitement on your face so obvious."

 : : : : Zhang Yan scratched his head and said with a smile, "I am so happy?"

 : : : : Yuan Rui looked at Zhang Wei’s face very seriously. “It’s really there. It seems that the harvest is really big. Uncle, you will share it with me. I’m curious, my heart is There is a cat scratching."

 : : : : I heard Yuan Rui say so, Zhang Wei said helplessly, and said, "I don’t want to show it to you. I am afraid that after you read it, I will be scared. In fact, it is a follow-up. Little black is almost a helper."

 : : : : Yuan Rui is more interested in this, and Zhang Yan said, "What else is more ugly than the black after getting bigger? It should be scary, come here, I just take a look, you are talking about a new partner. Is it a bug? Uncle, you won’t have the quirks to collect bugs. I think I’m a little scared. A little black is enough. I can bear more. I can't stop. Think of a bunch of bugs around me, my goose bumps are coming up."

 : : : :The locust moved a little on the shoulder of Yuanrui, as if it was noticed that someone was saying it was bad, but it only moved a little, then went to sleep again, after all, just absorbed Half of the energy is not digested, and sleep is the best way to fully absorb it, and it will not disturb its dreams.

 : : : : "That's not a bug, then you are ready, you are a little back."

 : : : : Zhang Wei indicated that Yuan Rui was farther away from him. Yuan Rui also walked away two meters very obediently. Looking at Zhang Wei in the end, what kind of tricks would come out.

 : : : : Then, the development of the matter is still in accordance with Zhang Wei’s guess. Hearing the call of Zhang Huan, the cane of the blood vine lotus directly rip open a hole in Zhang Wei’s left arm and danced in the air.

 : : : : After the **** lotus came out of Zhang’s body, he noticed the living thing of Yuan Rui, and immediately launched the attack, straightening it to the face of Yuan Rui, scaring her. Subconsciously squatted down.

 : : : : Fortunately, Zhang Wei always keeps an eye on the movement of the blood vine. When it comes out of his body, Zhang Wei makes a command to let it not hurt the Yuan Rui in front of him.

 : : : : However, the idea is better than instinct. Fortunately, he let Yuan Rui back two meters before, and opened some distance, otherwise the real core may be dangerous.

 : : : : The speed and explosiveness of the blood vine is really horrible!

 : : : : Zhang Wei’s thoughts on the previous incident are overwhelming, and the party’s Yuan Rui is even more afraid. Even Zhang Huan wants to help her. She is also scared by the blood vine lotus wrapped around Zhang’s arm. Ken is close.

 : : : : Until Zhang Wei reluctantly called the blood vine lotus on his hand, this son Yuan Rui was willing to let Zhang Hao close himself to help himself, but still left Zhang Yi’s left arm subconsciously Keep the distance.

 : : : : After a long delay, Yuanrui hammered Zhang Hao with a crying voice, and said angrily, "Uncle, how do you always scare me! Do you know that the vine? It’s only a little bit away from my face, and it’s almost disfigured.”

 : : : : Zhang Wei didn’t know what to say at this time, he said in the late stage of straight men’s cancer. “Then I reminded you before you should be careful, I don’t know if it is so sensitive to living things. This, also blame me?"

 : : : : Yuan Rui heard Zhang Wei say this, it is aggrieved, and feels that Zhang Wei is like counting down her, and she will cry out when she sees it. "That blame you, who makes You are looking for such a dangerous thing in your arm. It’s disgusting to think about it."

 : : : : "I blame me for blaming me." Zhang Wei was also a big man, and he had to apologize.

 : : : : "Well, the night is very deep, just rest here for a night." Zhang Wei also made a diversion of attention, successfully transferred the attention of Yuan Rui.

 : : : : "The big Buddha statue in that cave is so horrible, so cold! I can't live!" Recalling the coldness of the bone marrow just now, Yuan Rui still had some trepidation in his heart, heard Zhang Wei When the proposal was here to rest, the brain was shaken up in an instant and resolutely disagreed.

 : : : :There is no way for that Zhang, the night is deep, it is not suitable for moving forward, even if he got the blood vine lotus, plus the existence of Xiaohei, he did not swell to the night The point.

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 : : : : Even if he came back from a later life, he didn’t know where the sea went. If the arrogance was turned over in the gutter, Zhang Wei would really die.

 : : : : He thought about it carefully and felt that he still stayed here, but when he saw the resolute attitude of Yuan Rui, Zhang Yi took a look at it and turned to Yuan Rui. "There are things in the grotto. I was taken out, and we were resting outside, not going to the grottoes, and it was too dangerous at night."

 : : : : Yuan Rui knows that now is not his own wayward, nodded and promised Zhang Wei, and deliberately found a clean open space away from the direction of the grotto.

 : : : : Zhang Wei re-ignited the torches, gathered together to form a large circle as a layer of defense, and then saw the bodies of the wild monkeys everywhere on the ground, He suddenly felt a little wasteful, and the black picky food, but the blood vine lotus eats everything, and still make up, collect it and give it a ration, and save yourself some yuan.

 : : : : Zhang Wei’s small abacus is playing, and he used the epoch businessman ring to put all the mutant wild monkeys on the ground into the room. Fortunately, the space inside the ring is still time, otherwise It’s fun to get rid of the meat.

 : : : : After finishing this, he immediately threw out the mites on the shoulders of Yuanrui and shouted. "This time I fell asleep and was in danger. I was awake in my heart."

 : : : : "Do you know?"

 : : : :The locust was pulled out of the dream by Zhang Wei, and looked at Zhang Wei with an angry look, but he noticed that Zhang Hao was in a bad state at this time, and he went to the night outside. , a little farther from the fire circle but keep the distance.

 : : : :Although the energy loss will be a bit large, the locust understands that it is not a time to save. After it becomes bigger, its own instinct will be developed to the strongest state.

 : : : :And the **** taste here is very big, even if the flesh and blood of the mutant wild monkey has been collected by Zhang Wei, but if it is not good, there will be any creature smelling it, maybe it is a zombie, maybe It is another mutant beast.

 : : : : Never take it lightly!

 : : : :Because Zhang Hao has lost too much blood today, and the most important mood fluctuations are too frequent, Zhang Jian’s mental load is really too much. He was afraid that he would sleep too hard, and if there was any unexpected situation, he could not respond in time, so he gave the locust a dead order this time, and took out the full vigil, not allowed to be lazy.

 : : : : After explaining all this, Zhang Hao took out two blankets and gave it to Yuan Rui. He twisted his body and wraped himself up. After talking with Yuan Rui, Then I fell asleep.

 : : : : Even if it is so tired, Zhang Biao is still wrinkled when he sleeps. I don’t know what is worrying about, the future, the truth of the last days, and only Zhang Hao knows it. .

 : : : : In the slightly swaying fire, Yuan Rui carefully looked at the unshaven man beside him, and suddenly felt a little distressed.

 : : : :She actually has a lot of exercise today. She usually won’t go so far, and she has been so scared that she wiped the sweat on her head with her cuffs. After that, with a sense of security leaning against Zhang Wei, he fell asleep.

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