The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm

v2 Chapter 136: Soul crystal

 : : : : When Zhang Zhang pinched this smooth ball, he didn't know what it was, but the intuition told him that what he got in his hand is definitely an unimaginable value. Treasures.

 : : : : This temptation is unprecedented. His whole body cells seem to be shaking and pleasing. At the moment of touching, it is like a current passing from his fingers. .

 : : : :It’s like a voice inside, "Get it soon, now, right away, right now!"

 : : : : If you don’t know that the dream locust is a first-order mutant beast, even if the mental direction is so strong, there should be no possibility that the soul exists after death. Zhang Wei even thinks those dream worms that can confuse people. Still alive.

 : : : :It’s a possibility. This thing is really a craving for Zhang Wei.

 : : : : When Zhang Wei twitched and took the ball out of the layer of fat from the dream locust, he finally knew what it was.

 : : : :Soft, very flexible, deep blue, crystal and beautiful, dotted with stars, like the vastness that Zhang Wei once saw on the 37th. Xinghai, as if it is the most noble art of nature, is in stark contrast to the ugly body of the dream locust that gave birth to it.

 : : : : The most important thing is that the fragrance that it naturally exudes, the closer it is to Zhang Wei, the more intense it is.

 : : : : Not only in the sense of smell, but also in the enjoyment of the soul.

 : : : : is the soul of the crystal!

 : : : : It is reasonable to say that only the third-order mutant beast will generate this soul crystal, and even in the third-order spiritual mutant beast, this soul crystal is extremely rare, Zhang Wei used to The eccles of the agent merchants had seen this thing at the trade fair. Not only him, everyone present at the time was deeply attracted. Everyone’s eyes were greedy, but they were afraid of the few foundings of the fair. The power of the agent who was the agent of the previous era was barely letting reason overcome the desire.

 : : : : This soul crystal has an extremely adverse effect, that is, to enhance the soul defense ability, and it is said that when accumulated to a certain amount, it will produce a qualitative change, adding an awakening ability.

 : : : : And this awakening ability is the evolutionary ability of the extremely overbearing soul. This is why all people are eager for it, which caused a national sensation. However, this thing was taken out for public trading, and it was already used as a bargaining chip after the strongest ones were saturated.

 : : : : However, even the mental crystallization that the top-ranking strong people feel that the chicken ribs are leaking out is also being smashed out of the sky after being introduced at the trade fair.暮 Only the hot part of the eye.

 : : : : However, how can this expensive spiritual crystal appear in the body of a dream worm that only has a first-order appearance?

 : : : : This is also a strange place for Zhang Wei. It is reasonable to say that the existence of this spiritual crystal requires a lot of resources and energy to fill it, and only by the third order is it possible to provide this amount. Resources.

 : : : : Zhang Yi was puzzled, but he felt that he couldn’t control his arm and sent the spirit to his mouth.

 : : : : There should be no problem. After the successful auction of the spirit, the buyer took it directly. It should look exactly the same, there is no difference.

 : : : : In order to confirm the safety, Zhang Wei put the spirit of the hand that he just got at the front of the eye. He restrained his desire and looked at it carefully. He remembered that the soul crystal was exhibited at that time. The enlarged projection at the time.

 : : : : After comparing the spiritual crystallization in front of the memory with the one in memory, Zhang Wei really found the only difference between the two, that is, the color in his hand is shallow. some.

 : : : : This way, it seems to be able to explain why the first-order nightmare can breed the spiritual crystallization of other spiritual variants of the third-order beast, or worse.

 : : : : But even this is amazing.

 : : : : Zhang Wei faintly guessed the way the nightmare worms get energy, that is, constantly killing, constantly absorbing the soul power of humans and mutant beasts, and cultivating this spiritual crystallization so much that it is so Their own degree of evolution has been slowed down, so now in the first-order mutant beasts, their physical strength is also at the bottom of the bottom, it is this way to give power to it.

 : : : : After some inspections, Zhang Wei finally confirmed that this is the weakened version of the energy crystal he had seen that year, and immediately put it in the mouth without hesitation, directly Swallowed.

 : : : : This soul crystallizes, the entrance is instant, just like a clear stream of Zhang Wei's throat, then enter his body, and finally slowly spread in the stomach, into his limbs In the middle of it.

 : : : : The current Zhang Huan, even in the cold wind, has no feeling of discomfort at all. After the power of the soul crystallized from his body, he gathered at the caudal vertebrae.

 : : : : After all the power has gathered, their energy has been crawling up the Zhang’s spine. The feeling of crispness makes Zhang Hao extremely enjoyable.

 : : : : Soon, the nerves that extend along the brain of Zhangye’s brain into the spine eventually reach the depths of Zhang’s soul.

 : : : : At the moment of reaching the brain, this coldness of cold makes Zhang Yi’s whole person wake up with a spirit, and his brain seems to have been shocked and expanded a lot. The strength of his spirit has been greatly stabilized. He is very clear to compare, if it is now concentrated by the concentration of the nightmare, it will not be suppressed for so long.

 : : : :It’s a dream worm that uses all the essence of it to nurture!

 : : : : Zhang Wei took a long breath, this refreshing taste is really exciting, and now he feels that his control of his body has reached a new height.

 : : : : So, the evolutionary spirits generally have a unique advantage in combat.

 : : : : However, the look of Zhang Hao that has been slowed for a while has become very weird.

 : : : :Because, the fragrance in the air didn’t dissipate at all, so the expression of Zhang Wei was so wonderful.

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 : : : : He turned his head and looked at the bodies of dozens of dream locusts lying on the ground. There was a sudden thought in his mind that he felt extremely crazy.

 : : : : I just randomly selected the body of a dream worm, not specifically chosen.

 : : : : Is there such a possibility that all the dream worms on the ground have such a soul crystal?

 : : : : Zhang Wei didn't think about it. The nightmare corpses that went straight to the ground rushed past, as if their greasy bodies were the most lovely things.

 : : : : His heart is shouting.

 : : : : I am coming!

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