The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm

v2 Chapter 200: Real strength

Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

 : : : : Sure enough, as the black locust said, the Dragon Seven has been unable to hold it. Now he is half-squatting on the ground, and there is already blood in his mouth and nose. The right hand supported the ground and looked at the opposite face full of resentment and fear.

 : : : : However, the black yarn woman behind Long Qi, I don’t know if it’s because of the pressure from the dragon seven points, but still can barely stand in the same place, keep the original position, just look at The eyes of Long Qi are full of anxiety.

 : : : :Although she usually calls for the Dragon Seven, but the feelings between them, there is no way to describe it with simple vocabulary. The reason why Long Qi is injured so badly is that he took her now. In my heart, suddenly there is a trace of remorse. If Long Qi is not trying to find her an advanced to second-order opportunity, she will not fall into such a situation, and she is anxious, and actually has a trap of a beast.

 : : : : If you are now second-order, it’s not necessary to be subject to them, and you will suffer from the mental pressure of a semi-same powerhouse, but now she resists the rest. Half, have they reached the limit, or is it a question of strength?

 : : : :The black yarn woman smiles bitterly. She has no strength to use her little prophecy. The original ability she is proud of can predict the future of divination. Now because there is no supply of energy. , completely lost its role.

 : : : : So, can you wait until you die now?

 : : : : The black-skinned woman’s eyes are now completely closed, ready to welcome the arrival of death. 【】

 : : : : At this moment, Zhang Yu slowly came over from a long slender bamboo in the distance, at this time his black worms stayed on his shoulders and swayed The bamboo leaves in front of him came out with a harmless smile of humans and animals, and said hello to the deadly four people. "That, you are good."

 : : : : The eyes of the zombies, the white fox, and the dragon seven, they all looked at the direction of Zhang Wei.

 : : : :The white fox is full of fierceness. Immediately, it will eat the delicious food of Dragon Seven, and the appearance of Zhang Wei completely disturbs its Yaxing. As for the first-order black yarn woman In the eyes of the white fox, it is just a small dessert. On the side of the monks and zombies, but can not see a trace of emotional fluctuations, or directly look at the black yarn woman who just reminded Long Qi to escape his offensive, he did not know the principle of the small prophecy, so it is unknown.

 : : : : The Dragon Seven is still full of blood, staring at Zhang Wei, the face is incredible, it seems that Zhang Yi how it will appear here, eyes are blind.

 : : : : Zhang Weiming is a first-order evolutionary who has the ability to train animals. How to have a new root is the awakening ability of the two fields. The small prophecy of the woman behind him is in the spirit. Derived from it, but it is already extremely rare, because her own mental strength has no additional attributes, but the attack on mental power itself is defensive. 【】

 : : : : His eyes are like asking Zhang Huan, "How could it be you?"

 : : : :Because of this bamboo forest environment, just in the battle, he and the woman behind him are also in communication. I feel like I am getting into a trap that others have carefully prepared. They are like two small ones. The mouse, the tempting cheese of the white fox, was introduced step by step into the traps carefully prepared by the hunters.

 : : : : This Zhang Huan, now should be attacking the city with the ability evolutionist outside the city, but I don’t know why I entered the Jinzhong City, I also came to this abandoned Zhenguo Temple, and I also entered this In the bamboo forest illusion.

 : : : : Now his dagger plan has failed, and his troops outside the city should have been defeated. This is his order, the order he had ordered to give to his adjutant, whether he can come out When the casualties of the troops reach a certain amount, they must be evacuated. This is an order.

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 : : : : However, Zhang Wei just smiled at him mysteriously, squinting as if answering his question, slowly said, "Yes, it is me."

 : : : : While laughing, Zhang Wei is slowly moving in that direction.

 : : : : At this time, the dragon's hand on the ground is trying to move. He looks at Zhang Wei's meaning to come over. His pair of bell-bellied eyes slammed and glared. Zhang Wei, let him leave here.

 : : : : This Zhang Huan, I don’t know how dangerous it is here, you know, the magical array here, and the mental pressure of the white fox and the scorpion zombies, just because they put their goals on them. On the body, once they can't hold it here, then their mental power venting objects will all be placed on Zhang Wei.

 : : : : He should not know the depth of this bamboo forest now, and accidentally hit it in. The Dragon Seven does not believe that Zhang Wei’s strength is the same as that of them. By.

 : : : : Although Zhang Wei is very embarrassed to go here, he has no time to think about it. He just wants Zhang Jian to realize the danger here. He will leave soon and leave the right and wrong place.

 : : : : But Zhang Wei still seems to have not seen it, and Long Qi is sighing heavily.

 : : : : It was only necessary to kill them both. Now I have to catch up with a bad Zhang Huan. He doesn’t want Zhang Yu’s accident, because he is also a descendant of Long Qi’s old man. His original The plan is to take care of a little more care, but now he is also difficult to protect himself, it seems impossible.

 : : : : He even closed his eyes, and Zhang Hao came closer, and he will die. He is also dying, trying to lick the white fox and they have not been able to withdraw their mental strength from themselves. Zhang Hao can react and go quickly.

 : : : : Zhang Hao shook his head helplessly, watching Long Qi’s heart whisper, “I’m going to die, I want to drive me away, you so I swallowed your things, my heart is very Uneasy."

 : : : : It is expected that Zhang Hao’s death will not come. He is still stepping in step by step toward the direction of the white fox. This is really stunned.

 : : : : Zhang Wei completely ignored the white fox's eye deterrence, and greeted the gaze that he would eat him, and walked to the place just three meters away from the white fox and stopped.

 : : : :He, actually, is really mental, and still second-order!

 : : : : Is this his true strength?

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