The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm

v2 Chapter 226: Strange situation

Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

 : : : : Dozens of people who are full of greed, killing, killing, Zhang Wei has no psychological burden.

 : : : : Looking at the crowd under the turmoil is full of awe-inspiring eyes, Zhang Wei knows that the purpose of this time has been completely achieved, then he did not continue to stay to blow the cold wind, directly with the black 曜The worm is gone.

 : : : : The rest of the matter is handed over to Long Er to lead her team to handle it. Zhang Wei now wants to rest.

 : : : : As for what Long Er should do, it’s not Zhang Jian who needs to worry about it.

 : : : : There aren't so many things in the world that are satisfying.

 : : : : He originally wanted to complete the mission of the epoch businessman in the low-key city of Shanxi, and then evacuated back to Luoyang City. After all, now his most important thing is to complete the promotion task of the junior actor.

 : : : : However, when he entered the city, he was forcibly recruited because he wanted to be low-key exposed to the ability of the animal, and then he met with the dragon and then became involved in the war in Jinzhongcheng. Just now, his face has been firmly remembered by the ordinary evolution of nearly 10,000 people. After that, it is a bit difficult to do. I don’t know if I can get a human skin mask like the next generation. It is reasonable for pigs to be strong.

 : : : : First, I went to the tent and gave Yuan Rui a peace. Zhang Wei let the black mites and the mutant wolf dogs stay in the tent, let Yuan Rui and he quietly walked out of the camp.

 : : : : This time, it is also the first epoch businessman task of Yuan Rui, but Zhang Wei’s speed of completing the task, she is estimated to be unreachable, one is that the current price is gradually adjusting to a gentle In the period, the other is that Yuan Ji’s epoch agency merchant number is too late. If it wasn’t for the city’s epoch store, there was a problem. At that point, it was not the turn of the yuan, so Yuan Rui was buying the goods. At the time, there was no concession at all, which made her cost nearly 20% less than Zhang Wei.

 : : : : However, Zhang’s idea is to take Yuan Rui together with him as an epoch businessman, so Yuan Rui only needs to follow himself and do it according to his own command. Most transactions will not be a problem. of.

 : : : :Thinking of this, Zhang Wei suddenly found that the agent of the era of the Shanxi city did not seem to have been mentioned by Long Qi, is he deliberately concealing? However, if this is the case, his actions will be a little troublesome. The feeling of his own thorns is really real. He feels that he must be monitored, but it is not because of the identity of the ecclesiasm agent. To be verified.

 : : : :Just, Zhang Wei feels a bit strange. It is reasonable to say that as long as the ecclesiass in the city of Shanxi have an exposed one, in the face of the old fox with such a sense of smell, Long Qi and Long Er will definitely be thoroughly Control is in the hands. In fact, in the early days of the last days, many of the epoch-agent merchants were controlled by the big forces.

 : : : : This situation, until they became the agent of the junior era, won the recognition of the epoch merchants, gave them the absolute freedom in the city, this does not have any power and personal control Jiyuan agent businessman, even if Zhang Jian is at the lowest level of the era of the agent agent, with the help of the invisibility cloak, there is no person and power to leave him, even if there is, as long as you want to get the protection of the era store, a little clearer This will not ruin this last line of defense for this benefit.

 : : : : Zhang Wei relied on the epoch businessman ring to sense the location of the epoch store, and quickly found the position. He changed his attire. Now he has figured out the reality of Shanxi City and his strength. As long as the squad is dead, as long as the dragon seven and the dragon two, they certainly have no time to manage themselves, and they do not dare.

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 : : : : Zhang Wei looked at this position, which is the location in his memory, but now the inner city is not established, the original heaven and earth are naturally not open, and Zhang Wei does not want it to appear.

 : : : :Because the extravagant life is the beginning of the fall of mankind, when the merchants of the era have given up on human beings, human beings will really destroy the tribe. Although the attack on Jinzhongcheng failed, it makes Zhang Wei feel a trace. The hope that human beings can counterattack, only need to take everything to fight the fate at the beginning, and it can be done.

 : : : : There is a residential area, Zhang Hao does not know why the Jiyuan store here does not exclude human beings in his range, his brows instantly wrinkled.

 : : : : This means that he will be exposed to the eyes of everyone to enter the era store, now he has no invisibility cloak, how to do it so that people around you do not find it?

 : : : : You can't kill all the people around you in order to keep this secret.

 : : : : There is indeed a temper in Zhang Xin’s heart, but Zhang Wei can’t do it directly for him to slaughter innocent people for his own benefit, but standing here is not the way.

 : : : : If you forget it, you will see it when you are seen. I will not be seen. Later, when other local empire agents come back, they will definitely be discovered. I don’t know how this epoch store is. I thought that there was no rejection of the human being who was not an agent of the eccle, and it was really doing things for him.

 : : : : No matter what, let's go!

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