The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm

v2 Chapter 288: Start to evolve

Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

The change of the mother-in-law's gourd was really unexpected. He always thought that the mother-in-law's gourd had become part of the blood vine lotus. Now it seems that this is not the case.

Blood vine lotus, this is completely a disaster, so that the seed that wants to expand and sprout and the hoist in the body of their own body fight.

Near the body of the miniature mother gourd, the familiar mask suddenly rose, and the rattan body with the blood vine lotus was not let go, and directly excluded everything that was still around.

The blood vine is still better, but it is bounced off, and the strange smell of the child directly becomes the object of the gull's venting, and the energy with the annihilation breaths out, covering the seed without the withdrawal. The part that is intended to be dyed.

Smash! break down!

For a moment, the electric light flint, the kind of child has not reacted, and part of the germination grows into a powder, which is free from the mask of the mother gourd.

The energy of that part of the root system has been absorbed by the red mist in the mask when it is shaken into powder, and there is no left.

The remaining roots of the plant seeds were suddenly bounced off, but a part of the body of the blood vine that was close to the mother's gourd was actually shaken out of the vine body of the blood vine.

The first-order mother-in-law hoist, on the second-order strange plant seeds.


Is this the bottom of the blood vine lotus?

The second-order seed has no ingenuity, and at the moment of being shocked, it mobilizes the energy that has just been absorbed, and it has mobilized its power without warning.

At the tip of the bud, a black dripping liquid began to drip down, and when the roots flowed onto some of the vines of the blood vine, a burst of blue smoke emerged, and all the places touched were corroded. There is also a tendency to spread out.

This venom is really hard to corrode, and the blood vines are sore, and the main vines can't help but twitch.

But even so, the blood vine is still dying with its own small roots wrapped around the second-order seed long open body, refused to let go.

Zhang Wei felt the pain of the blood vine, knew the typhoon's hegemony, suddenly his eyes smashed and looked at the little things that looked like a creeper attached to the core of the vine.

Is the ability of this second-order mutant plant corrosive tissue fluid?

Is it second-order or first-order awakening ability? So, what is its ability?

But why do you want to do this mutant plant?

Without the body of the blood vine, is it not without a source of energy?

After carefully watching it for a second, Zhang Hao suddenly understood the intention of this child.

It wants to break away from the body of the blood vine, and drill into the soil to grow roots.

This sprouted seed has already taken enough nutrients to grow in the blood vine, and now is the best time to leave.

If you continue to say that it will not be assimilated by the blood vine, it picks the perfect time, even if Zhang Wei is constantly providing blood food nourishment, it is not at all nostalgic.

The procedure set by the epoch store is that it cannot be transplanted to other places after rooting and germination in the fixed soil. To prevent a mutated plant from being used repeatedly, if it is forcibly transplanted, it will only cause the plant to die and lose its activity.

No matter how many times this mutant plant is, how strong is the ability to adapt, once forced transplant, it is a withering end, this is the brand left in the deepest part of the era store, the source is controlled by the set program.

This point, the leader of the gathering place who did not believe in evil in the later generations tried, but wasted a waste of plant seeds.

This kind of child is not the same as the plant seeds that have just been discovered. It is actually smart when it is just sprouting!

And definitely not low!

The function set by the Epoch Store is not to let it be swallowed up in vain.

Without rushing, the blood vine must have noticed this and motivated the mother to gourd.

Between them, it seems to be a symbiotic relationship. No one has swallowed anyone, but S. sinensis has taken the initiative. If the mother-in-law is still listening to the blood vine, the body has been shaking, and the red mist is filled. But it has no effect on the body of the blood vine.

The seed felt the crisis, and the oozing oozing liquid was flowing down before it was now directly compressed and sprayed toward the red mist.

However, perhaps even it did not think of it, its venom, in the moment of touching the red fog, struggling a few interest, directly annihilated!

Yes, it is annihilated!

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There is nothing special at all, just like other common substances, it is digested into a most primitive energy under the decomposition of red mist.

The quilt is hoisted, so it is absorbed!

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