The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm

v2 Chapter 433: Large array of institutions

Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

Zhang Wei, they rushed in before the zombie sea formed an encirclement of the capital of Ordos. 【】

Looking at the flank and pressing the endless zombie sea, Zhang Hao and others looked extremely dignified.

"It seems that Su Rui is telling the truth, and looking at this quantity, it is very likely that there will be more than two million."

Zhang Yan roughly glanced at it and judged the approximate number of zombie seas that had been surrounded.

Suddenly he found that Hakaki’s eyes were extremely gloomy. He looked at the position where the zombies rolled over and had not heard for a long time. He held the red blood reins in his hand and the blue veins were violent.

"City Lord....."

When Peng Shu opened his head, he was interrupted by Ha Chimu and speeded up again.

The full speed of the red blood is very exaggerated. The people riding the ordinary horses are far behind, and one goes ahead and goes straight to the capital of Ordos.

"What's up with him?"

Zhang Wei still didn't realize what happened. The location was all zombies. What is different?

Behind him, Peng’s low and sad voice was heard, and Zhang Hao suddenly opened his eyes.

"The direction that the location is over, must pass through the Ejin Holo Banner. The Ejin Holo Banner is equivalent to a satellite city in the capital of Ordos.

This zombie sea can form a complete encirclement, which means that the Ejin Hollow flag has been broken. ”

It should have been guessed that during the four days they went out, the eight sub-districts should all be swallowed up by the huge zombie sea, and the city residents who stayed behind did not have the opportunity to escape to heaven.

Eight sub-districts, all fall!

Only the last two capitals are left, isolated and helpless. Do you want to be swallowed up by the zombie sea that cannot see this margin?

Great handwriting!

No wonder Ha Chimu would be so excited, and he was awakened by Peng Shu. He just returned to the city and did not notice the face of Qi Qidal. It suddenly became dark.

The mood of other second-order evolutionists is extremely heavy, and there are always a few drag-and-drops.

In this extremely silent atmosphere, everyone quickly rushed to the city of Ordos, only to take a breath.

It seems that the zombie sea is only ten minutes away from them.


The people standing on the wall heard the sound of red blood, and all turned their heads to look at the direction of the sound.

"It’s the city owners, they are back!"

"Great, it is the red blood of the leader, it can't be wrong, Lin Qing, you go down and pick them up, don't let them go into the traps, you should know the secret."

"Yes, Meng Lao."

The young man who was called Lin Qing flew to Meng's old fist and flew down from the high wall.

He is the general manager of the earth trap, and he is a soil evolutionary. The soil column rises straight up, the height decreases in turn, catches Lin Qing, and then a few flashes, it comes. In front of Hachimu.

The upset and happily saw the clothes of Lin Qing, frowning and saying, "The man riding the wolf?"

"Yes, the wolf rides Lin Qing, the commander of the war era, Meng Lao, to meet the leader and return to the city. The two kilometers near the place have been laid down by us with a complicated and large earthen trap to deal with the zombie sea."

When I heard that the capital of Ordos was ready, Hachimu’s brow was only slightly relieved. He glanced at the thousands of soil evolutionists who were still working nearby and nodded slightly.

"Lin Qing is right, you are doing very well, but you have to hurry up. The enemy is only about 12 minutes away from here. The traps can be arranged best. If you can't arrange them, then evacuate quickly."

"I understand, Hajimu City Lord, I will urge them to complete the assigned tasks within eight minutes."

(Look at the genuine chapter ◇e on the c coolsmith $} net hd

At this time, Zhang Wei and others who were a little slower in the line rushed to see the earthly evolutionary people who were busy outside the city secretly nodding their heads.

“How is this fortification arranged so quickly?”

Seeing the return of the peak power of the capital city of Ordos, Lin Qing was a little nervous and quickly explained.

"These fortifications are not what we are rushing to arrange now. When we built the capital, we actually buried the ground and continued to increase it, in order to prevent this.

However, it is not called normally, it is inactive, and there is no obstacle to entry. This matter is also absolutely confidential. Only the ten people appointed by the leader of Zhang Yida knew the activation method, and there must be six of ten people. In order to stimulate, the more people, the higher the level of activation.

Because of this event, all of us have arrived in ten, so now we have opened all the traps. After activation, we only need the work of the soil evolutionists to repair and strengthen, so it will be so fast. ”

The people nodded. The idea was a decision of Zhang Yiyi. Hachimu and Qiqidal also heard about it, but they did not expect that the opening of the organs outside the city would be so spectacular.

Suddenly, Lin Qing, who had scanned the circle in the crowd, found something wrong and asked quickly.

"Two city owners, we are Su Rui's leader? Why didn't you see him?"

Everyone looked different, no one spoke first, and the atmosphere fell into a stalemate.

"Su Rui led him, was attacked by the enemy, and died in battle."

It is the voice of Zhang Wei.

Everyone did not dare to look at Zhang Wei’s position. He knew that Su Rui had almost killed him once. This one was actually whitewashing Su Rui and said that he was murdered and killed.

"How is it possible? Impossible, Su Ruicheng is the strongest of our wolves, his archery is unparalleled, he will not die, you are lying to me, you must be lying to me."

The young Lin Qing obviously couldn’t accept the death of Su Rui, and looked at Zhang Hao’s glare on the black locust.

At this time, Peng Shu stood up and took the horse under his body and said slowly.

"What he said is true. You Su Rui’s leader is dead, and Huang Yan’s leader is also unfortunate.”

Lin Qing knows Peng Shu. It is the well-known red flame wolf riding the second leader. Even he talked, it is true.

"Impossible, impossible..."

Lin Qing’s eyes have been lost, and the four words that are impossible have been repeated.

Ha Chimu looked annoyed, and directly raised the axe, and took an axe to shoot his head and drank the road.

"That is stupid, to be sad, and to wait until the war has passed. It is now the biggest crisis for all human beings in Inner Mongolia."

The matter of Su Rui’s leader will be explained again. There is no time now, and the zombie sea is coming over.

Still not taking us into the city! After delaying the warplane, Laozi directly smashed you. ”

Ha Chimu’s axe was to wake up Lin Qing’s eyes, and his distracted eyes rejoined again. He looked at the people on the horse’s back, and the zombie sea that was getting closer behind them, groaning, “Everybody Adult, come with me."

After that, I began to keep moving in the direction of the organs that have not yet appeared in the face, and everyone kept up.

"Zhang Hao brothers, why not tell the story of Su Rui and Huang Yan's two bastards."

Zhang Wei looked at the city wall that was getting closer and closer, and the tone was very low.

"The chances of winning now are less than 20%. If you shake the heart again, Hajimu brother, I think you know the consequences better than me, saying that they are fighting to death, but can stimulate the bloodiness of two wolves.

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