The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1001: Blues in action (3)

The training is in full swing, and the confrontation between the Mumbai Blue Army and the participating troops continues. Kunal and the Indians learned a lot, and then they realized that the war can still be fought like this!

Brigade raids, squad battles, midnight sneak attacks, ambushes...everything was done. The Indians were defeated and defeated. If their backbone was Chinese, and the officers and noncommissioned officers were Chinese, they would support the troops and always cheer them up, both soft and hard. I am afraid that Indians would rather not be soldiers than face such enemies.

The Blue Army is a friendly force, so Kunal accompanied the officer to visit the Blue Army garrison, which was an eye-opener.

The Blue Army is quite flexible, with grass-roots officers more autonomous, and the participation of soldiers is also strong. They do not need to be watched by higher-level leading organs in training on weekdays. Officers and soldiers often "compete" for combat plans.

Everyone had heated discussions before the war, and the same was true for the post-war resumption. From individual soldiers to single equipment, squad platoons, and battalions, discussions will be held on the size of the battle damage, the use of terrain, and whether typical actions are in place.

Their training is also very hard. The intensity of the training has made the Indians ashamed. Such long-term training has made the Blues confidently enter the "battle".

The officers of the Blue Army said very clearly: "If you go back with gongs and drums happy, hello, hello, hello, everyone, our army has no value, because we can’t find any problems, so we say that you have to be strong. We, the blue army. It will be fierce and will not let you go!"

"The value of the Blue Army's existence is not to defeat you, but to better hone you and let you know how to fight!" The officer said, if the subtext is not for this kind of training, I'm afraid to go to the battlefield and use the Indians. The aptitude of the big collapse is more than enough!

The “Tatar cavalry” in the Blue Army is the Punjabi. Kunal has a relationship with them, and only then learned that every time the participating troops lose, some allowances will be deducted, and those allowances will become the Blue Army’s Subsidies, so your participating troops cannot afford to lose!


The salary is not much, and then one-third of the floating allowance is deducted, that's it!

For the money, the Indians are fighting better than the other. From the officers’ concept of actual combat, the deployment of troops, the actions of the troops, the awareness of the enemy, and the protection of the battlefield, the battle loss rate is getting lower and lower, and the troops are getting better and better. At last it looked like it.

They learned how to walk in groups when the team was dispatched, how to carefully observe the signs of abnormal surroundings, to see if there were any traps laid by the enemy, and to find out the problem from a little bit of abnormality, and to send out top soldiers to search. Keeping enough guards on guard, officers and non-commissioned officers have worked tirelessly, checking the guards from time to time, and they have gradually matured.

The Chinese gradually caught the lifeblood of the Indians, and they were afraid of deducting money!

He is not afraid of you hitting him, but if the money is deducted, they will be afraid.

For example, the phenomenon of lateness, Indians are very lazy, late is commonplace, but as long as a deduction of money, they are very concerned, so when the Chinese use Indians, the salary is linked to performance, and the effect is not bad.


The Tatar cavalry roared in the distance, and the rising cloud of smoke was half a day high, and it came out like a tooth and a claw.

Set foot on the exercise field again, familiar scenes, familiar enemies, the difference is that the Indian soldiers finally look like a look!

Under the command of Kunal, the Marathi battalion first formed an array and lined up the battle line. Three rows of soldiers were arrayed here.

Seeing that they were already in the battle, the Tatars on the other side were not in a hurry to clash, so they sent a small unit to try.

Kunal calmly judged the distance accurately and did not order to fire.

The soldiers held the trigger with their fingers, calmly waiting for each other.

After rigorous training, the soldiers trusted the commander, and even if the Tatars shot arrows at them and the arrows fell on them, they did not open fire.

Only after entering range did Kunal order the shot.

There was a bang, and a volley of bullets fired on the opposing team.

The beating caused people to shout, and a signal flare hit the sky in the distance, indicating that the team was judged to have lost combat effectiveness and withdrew from the exercise.

So the Tatars came to the Marathi camp and flew with two wings. The soldiers of the Marathi camp immediately formed a round formation to resist and started an attack with the Tatars.

The Tatars fired arrows randomly, the Marathi camp was tightly formed, and the muskets kept firing. Their bullets were not powerful enough. The judges in the distance judged their success mainly based on their response performance and the density of gunshots.

It can't be done accurately, after all, this is a drill.

The sound of Mingjin came from a distance, indicating the end of the exercise.

As a member of the judging team, he came over to celebrate the passing of Marathi Camp. He said: “The exercise is the most practical training, but it is definitely not a real battlefield. So this result does not mean that you will be able to succeed on the battlefield. There are many rapidly changing situations on the battlefield that need to be tested by blood and fire, and we still have a long way to go."


The new exercise began. This time the site of the exercise was changed. Marathi Camp defended a long wall that was three meters high, two meters wide, and two hundred meters long.

They had just stepped on the long wall when they found a large group of "enemies" carrying ladders flooding like a tide. Looking around, good guys, there are at least two thousand people based on experience!

Too much worthy of Marathi camp, only more than four hundred and less than five hundred troops to deal with so many enemies.

Worse things happened. All the Chinese commanders and noncommissioned officers in the army were transferred away by military orders, and the Marathi camp was set up for the All India squad.

The Marathi camp was once again caught in the nightmare of entering the exercise site. The officers stopped moving the soldiers, and the soldiers were in a mess.

Without the backbone of the Chinese, the Indian soldiers would simply not be able to fight!

Needless to say, the "enemy" rushed to the top of the wall, and the soldiers of the Marathi camp jumped down in fright, and landed heavily one after another. Fortunately, they were three meters high. If the wall was ten meters high, would you dare to jump down?

Head An was so angry that he wanted to hit the wall. He took out ten silver dollars listlessly and handed them to a staff officer next to him. The staff officer laughed to the ears and said: "Thank you for your attention! Come again, as long as it's India. People, I will buy them and lose!"

Qin Lian bet with the staff. The staff said that without the Chinese backing, the Indian soldiers would be like dogs without their masters. They would not have the courage to face strong enemies. They would not believe them and bet ten silver dollars.

I really don’t believe Lian spent a lot of effort in the Marathi camp. The level of this camp rose steadily and even surpassed the Sikh camp. Get back to its original form!

He found the Indian officers and said: "What are you panicking about? Take out your usual abilities, fight for a while, and then retreat slowly, even if you win!"

Kunal was extremely ashamed, but he honestly said: "I don't know what to do. When there are no officers around, there is a feeling of impetuousness and panic. My head is so dizzy!"

Yes, dizzy, won't fight anymore!

Seniority An shook his head with a wry smile!

So the officers strengthened the training of the Indian soldiers and sent them the "All India squad" to train them to fight independently when they did not have a Chinese officer.

As a result, the performance of the Indians stunned the Chinese officials!

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