The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1032: Accusation of the Great God Statue Incid

Popular science, the Turkish official system, the "Grand Vizier" is equivalent to the prime minister, can replace Sudan as the marshal, under it there is "Vizier" as the deputy.

The official title of "Pasha" originally refers to high-ranking military officials, but later it can be used by any high-ranking officials and unofficial people as required by the court. Belabeyi (general ruler) and Vali (ordinary chief) can obtain Pasha title. .

Belle Bey: Official title, chief of the administrative unit of the Ottoman Empire.

Sanjak Bey: Official title, chief of the administrative unit of the Ottoman Empire.

Alaibeyi: Official title, chief of a primary-level unit in the Ottoman Empire.

The official position of Faris is Sanjak Bay, who is responsible for managing the Port of France and Australia. He is in his forties. Before he took office, he was a tall and thin man. Now he is like a fat pig's brain. He is still panting when he walks. There is no way he can do it. , Too much money, too good to eat!

Right now in his Yamen office, he is summoning his assistants to discuss countermeasures and prepare to deal with the high-level inspection team sent from Istanbul.

"What is bad for the visitor!" Faris drank the Biluochun of Dongting Lake in China, which is green tea that can lower the fire, but I still feel bored after drinking it!

"They want to check religious affairs, saying that someone is blasphemy; they also check the port accounts, saying that someone is guilty of corruption." Faris tweeted.

As for his three assistants are "Tash", which means the boss, they are called McNeil, Ilfani, and Asim. They think "blasphemous", that's for sure. As long as you trade, you will believe in People from different gods must be allowed to believe in freedom, otherwise it is best to close trade and not communicate with each other.

It is necessary to make money from outsiders and obedient outsiders, hey, you can do it!

Don’t you see the trade dispute between the above and Hongmao, they simply find a new way to start maritime trade, and will not let you make money!

Corruption and perverting the law?

Even if you don't want to be greedy, you have to pay tribute to those Vizier and Pasha. Most of the money you receive goes to the upper class guys with good looks.

"...There are also civil inspections, hehe, saying that someone is standing on the side of the Chinese and suppressing the brothers of the fellow teachers. We don't care about them, and we sue in Istanbul!" Lord Faris banged the table excitedly and shook the things on the table and him. The fat on his face trembled together.

He was full of anger and said: "Those merchants are substandard. The Chinese want a boat of good dates. They bring in a boat of inferior goods, which they don’t need to feed the livestock. They force the Chinese to receive the goods, and they show up. The knife threatens the Chinese!"

Naturally, the Chinese did not follow the official procedures. Faris ruled that the Chinese did not have to accept the goods, let alone pay, so the dates were all rotten and there was no market.

Those businessmen refused to accept it and filed a complaint to Istanbul, saying that Reese would not turn his arm inward but out, and work with the Chinese to oppress fellow brothers!

This charge is serious, but Faris is also full of grievances. If he really helped those businessmen, yes, businessmen have scimitars, but Chinese have gunboats!

Their gunboats came to the door, blocked the port, and the trade was interrupted. This is what the Chinese did!

For the Chinese leader far away, Faris is full of awe. He knows the truth and knows that the face is the favorite of the big men. If he hits him in the face, will he return?

No money, all those Vizier and Pasha screamed.

The highest jump is the imperial court!

They don't have taxes to support their extravagant and desperate lives. Without the good Chinese goods, how can they live?

By then, when the Chinese gunboats were placed overseas, Faris could fully imagine what kind of crime he would be charged: looting the border, dismissing and investigating!

In this matter, he felt that he did a good job, because it was a word of "reason", not all of it. The key is that the Chinese have guns in their hands, so the Chinese are justified.

Instead, it’s an Indian to try, and there is no need for those merchants of their own to show off their scimitars. Master Faris has ruled 100% that Indians must pay the price!

Obviously it is the political infighting of the Istanbul court. They fight with the gods, and the little ghosts are caught!

Someone pours tea for Faris, and Faris taps on the table with his fingers according to Chinese etiquette---that is the etiquette of Cantonese drinking tea. Some people offer tea to themselves, regardless of the level, they will tap on the table with their fingers. In return, you don't have to say "thank you" continuously and save trouble. This custom has spread, and it has been learned in many places.

He kept tapping nervously, and the more he tapped, he said angrily: "He's X, he's been accused of eating, and all Chinese restaurants in the city have to be closed!"

"No!" the assistants shouted.

In the past, the Port City of France and Australia used pasta and rice as the main food, and beef and mutton as a non-staple food. The most common pasta was grilled dough cakes, which were used to sandwich meat or cucumbers.

The Chinese traveled all over the world, and Chinese food became popular in the local area immediately, and the French-Australian Port City is no exception.

Chinese food, rich dishes, delicious, unparalleled!

The problem is that almost any condiment can be used for Chinese food. It is important to know that Chuanghai people are mostly Cantonese, and the virtue of Cantonese cooking is hehe.

For example, the locals don't eat crabs. If they encounter crabs hanging on the net, they all pick them off and throw them back into the sea.

Nowadays, the locals make fried crabs at the pier to sell them, and deep-fry the crabs in oil to make them golden and crispy, delicious!

Chicken wings and chicken feet turned out to be rubbish. Since the Chinese came, they knew that they could also be sold for money.

There is no frozen chicken feet. Would you like to eat chicken feet with pickled pepper?

The chicken wings are eaten directly, and the Chinese buy a lot of chicken feet. As much as they receive, they are processed locally into pickled pepper chicken feet, braised chicken feet, etc., which can withstand long-term transportation.

No matter how many chicken feet are made, they are all sold out.

So the price of crabs, chicken wings, and chicken feet doubled in one fell swoop---it was not worth a lot of money. After doubling, it was still not expensive. The locals were satisfied. Looking at gadgets is worth it, and their profits are high.

There are also bastards. On both sides of the roads in Port Fao, there are many small river ditches. No one pays attention to them. They are basking on the shore in piles, or swimming up and down in groups on the surface of the water. With his head, the shell half-floats on the water, very pleasant.

When the Chinese arrive, the "eight" of the eight characters is written upside down, and the Chinese will let them accompany them with red dates, wolfberries, etc...

Hmm, local officials don’t eat Chinese food cooked by Chinese, yes, don’t eat...

The problem is that you can’t eat without food. When someone wants to find a ballast, everything will be a So the owners of Chinese restaurants all got an arrow in the knee...

However, you have to let the Chinese eat. It is necessary to go to the countryside to do the same, but people are used to eating the delicacies of the mountains and the sea. That is reluctant.

Besides, Chinese people can collect taxes when they open restaurants. Who will make more money? !

Local officials allowed Chinese people to open Chinese restaurants, which turned out to be a crime!

Faris and the other officials are dark enough. I didn't expect the big figures in Istanbul to be even darker than them, and they even care about eating!

He also has a backstage, otherwise he would not be an official in this fatal position. The paper in his hand lists the "accusations" of the officials of France-Australia Port City. The backstage wants him to settle down quickly!

Faris waved his hand weakly and said, "Let the Chinese restaurant temporarily close down!"

However, neither he nor his assistants expected that the Chinese reaction would be so fierce: they would go home for the New Year without food!