The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1035: Return of the Great God Statue Incident

I don't believe it, there is no big problem to find out! "The young Issam yelled at the internal meeting of the inspection team.

"Check, be sure to check the results!" Issam slammed the table and said.

He was young and energetic, and was about to make a contribution, so he used Fario to do it.

Fario has a fat pig's brain, and looks like a corrupt official, don't catch him and catch anyone!

Max Oudpi, who was sitting opposite him, smiled and said without a smile: "Check, how to check? We have been here for three days. You have seen the streets in the city. They are all purely Chinese-style streets. There is nothing wrong with it. Something decent!"

He was right, everyone went to the street to check, and their eyes would not be deceiving.

Chinese restaurants and Indian temples were closed, and Catholic churches turned into parks. Compared with the cities in the interior, the whole city looked no different except for more foreigners.

After checking the accounts, the experienced accountants brought from Istanbul show that the accounts are not problematic.

Accounts are just things on paper, and the key depends on the real thing, but it is not easy to check the real thing.

Of course, Fario has been an official for so long. There is no such means, and he is no longer an official, but Issam is not without the ability to control him, coldly snorted: "Organize manpower, check warehouses, and store goods I count the locations one by one, and I don’t believe that there is no problem!"

Seeing Max Oud’s face changed in disbelief, Issam was overwhelmed. He thought it would be best to catch the fat man on the other side as well. If he found the fat man and the fat man in the city for the guilt of colluding with each other, Will he be polite!

There are all kinds of officials in the officialdom. The foreign trade of Port Fao is booming, and the taxes paid to the Ottoman Empire are huge, but some people are not pleasing to the eye.

Opening up trade with the East is a reflection of the empire's failure to deal with the West.

After the Turks won the country, they were displeased with countries that believed in God, especially their capital, Istanbul, was formerly Constantinople of the Byzantine Empire!

There are countries like France and Spain who believe in Catholicism, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands who believe in Protestantism, and the Byzantine empire who believes in Orthodox Church. Although everyone believes in God, they still bite dogs badly. The Pope of Catholicism and the Patriarch of Orthodox Church. After expelling each other’s membership, they rushed to accuse each other of being heretics. After their letters were disclosed, the friends who were eating melons on the bench were told to eat three watermelons in a row. It was enjoyable and very happy, everyone might as well. Go check it out.

After the fall of Constantinople, the Red Haired Kingdoms found an excuse and kept saying that they wanted to avenge the Byzantine Empire.

The Ottoman Empire was in the early days of its founding. It was good at dealing with all kinds of dissatisfaction. It practiced with the Hong Maofan countries and went back and forth. The hatred between the two sides was deepened.

The Ottoman Empire occupied the land passage between East and West, so the land trade between Hong Maofan and the East was interrupted.

The red hair fan was naturally unhappy, so it opened the era of great navigation, which put the finances of the Ottoman Empire into a dilemma, and even silver coins could not be minted, giving up the country's minting power.

When the great eastern powers emerged, some insightful people in the Ottoman Empire advocated opening up and reform. Port Fao was such a product. There used to be some foundations. After the Chinese came, trade became more prosperous.

With the goods from the East, the logistics started, and the silver was coming in. Not only was it the trade between the Ottoman Empire and the great eastern countries, but it could even go through the city of Suez and directly take the goods overland to the Mediterranean, so that the goods don’t have to go through the game. go with.

However, in the empire, there are always some factions that are extremely hostile to all reforms and progress. They oppose heretics and infidels. They send inspection teams to Port Fao to investigate things in name. In fact, it is the conservative factions that reform reforms. The counterattack!

However, the relationship in the officialdom is complicated, so Max Oud also got involved in the inspection team, saying that this man supports reform and opening up?

No, no, whoever can give him money, he will support whoever!

If the old school said that they supported him to become governor and gave him the title of Pasha, yes, he is the old school!

Issam, a brave man, opposes reform and opening up?

Not necessarily, he hasn't entered the world deeply, he is not contaminated by the big dye vat of officialdom, he just can't see the big dye vat.

Now that Jihad is a senior judge of the empire, he belongs to the conservative camp, and is only one step away from the title of "Pasha". This time he is sent to make him do meritorious service.

However, people are complex and have two sides. Jihad pays attention to the law, but people are steady and fair. He is an acceptable candidate in all aspects, so he was sent.

Let’s talk about the dispute between Issam and Max Oud. Issam insists on inspecting all the warehouses and vowing not to stop without revealing the matter completely!

Max Oud is not opposed to inspecting the warehouse, but thinks that the full inspection is too cumbersome, so spot inspections are okay.

"If Max Oud thinks it is troublesome, the Chinese warehouses are the most suspicious, Lord Jihad, I request a thorough investigation of their warehouses!" Issam pleaded.

"Only check the Chinese, you don't even need to check, just check silk, porcelain, tea, sugar!" Issam said firmly, and this was also privately, he had discussed with Jihad.

These four kinds of goods are the bulk of the goods exported by the Chinese to the Ottoman Empire. If you don't check it, there will be no problem, but there will definitely be a problem if you check it.

Unexpectedly, Jihad shook his head and said: "The account matters, let them go first!"

Issam was taken aback. He cheered up and talked about the merchant Harisi’s accusation that the government of Port Fao had sheltered the Chinese. He wanted to give the Chinese the rotten dates to the Chinese. The Chinese did not accept it. The government judged the Chinese to be justified. The complaint was filed in Istanbul, and the inspection team went to Port Fao and asked both parties about the matter.

Originally, it is common for people not to fight with officials in any country. However, some people behind Harisi instigated and insisted on insisting that his dates are good, even if Fario pulled out a large number of witnesses to prove his innocence. He is still reluctant, and Issam thinks this can be used as an entry point to kill Fario.

What disappointed Issam was that Jihad was negative about the matter, and the discussion that day was over, the meeting adjourned!

Back in the room, Issam was a little angry, and even wondered if Jihad had collected the money?

Unexpectedly, the Jihad people looked like honest and fair before, but behind them was another one!

Or did Jihad have other plans?

The young man Issam couldn't help it, and went directly to Jihad's room to ask him. Anyway, young man, it doesn't matter if he says something wrong.

Jihad was sipping tea in the room. He was not surprised to see him coming, and he reached out and asked, "Come on, drink tea!"

Port Fao City is better to the east and south. The place where they stayed is the hotel on the seaside in the southeast corner of the city. The decoration is luxurious and the sea can be seen through the large floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

Luxury rooms are not only as simple as installing gold and silver, but you can see the number of glass windows at the time. Although the Chinese made glass in large quantities, the domestic demand is strong, the export volume is small, and the shipping is not easy, so only this glass window is the price. It's so Drinking tea and looking at the landscape, Issam calms down and speaks out his doubts.

Jihad smiled calmly and said, "There are many things that need attention in the officialdom. Do you remember the restaurant where we ate on the first day? It's also near the sea!"

"Yes, I remember, is there any problem?" Issam asked.

"It seems that you still haven't noticed!" Jihad said indifferently: "I saw the gunboat in the sea in the distance, the Chinese gunboat!"

Issam remembered, and exclaimed, "That's right!"

He became angry and said: "The Chinese dared to threaten us, it's not right, it was Fario who took China to self-respect!"

Jihad nodded and said, "Yes, if something happens, Fario can push it to our heads!"

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