The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1062: The community picks the army? !

The army is an organized criminal group and the natural enemy of other criminal groups.

No matter how bold Huili was, he did not dare to fight with the Southeast Army with real swords and guns. The army could not beat the Southeast Army, and even the figures in his organization were not successful.

He has the mind to find out the weakness of the Chinese, and that is their fleet!

The Southeast Army was so daring that they dared to drive their warships into the Arabian River. Although the Arabian River was as wide as several kilometers, even the battleships had a lot of room for maneuver.

However, the river is the river!

The sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is wide by the leaping of fish. Only in the sea can a battleship get in the water like a fish. When entering a river, like a dragon swimming in shallow water, it is easy to be taken advantage of.

Since it is not the sea, it is dangerous to sail in the river at night. The battleship has to anchor and stay overnight. The goal is very obvious!

In the sea, you can sail non-stop at night, driving from east to west and driving from west to east. Anyway, three shifts are considered sports, and you are not afraid of running out of bounds in the sea.

The start-up of a battleship is troublesome. Their anchors are several tons, and the anchor cables are as thick as 50 centimeters. When lifting the anchor, at the double-plate anchorage in the middle of the ship, it is necessary to lift the heavy iron anchor and hang it on the anchor rod.

On the drum wheel of the anchor plate, there are many long locust wood rods as the driving handle of the winch. Dozens of people walk together like a pile mill. At the same time, they push the winch and pull up the anchor. A non-commissioned officer stands on the drum and shouts. Slogan, coordinate everyone to work hard together.

The sail area on the battleship reached several thousand square meters. To raise them, hundreds of people worked hard together, and then the battleship slowly accelerated its launch.

It takes at least three hours from the start to the sailing. This is still when there is wind. If there is no wind, it is a living target!

As long as the fire ship is next to the battleship, the Basrah people can enjoy the magnificent torch!

The role and significance of battleships can be understood by thinking about them with their buttocks. Even if one burns one, Huili is a national hero!

Heyri wants to attack with fire, of course, he will not work hard. It is not appropriate to sail at night. The charge during the day is to die. He plans to go down the river before dawn when the first rays of light are generated, and take the battleship directly to send the Chinese. Return to the west.

He used two groups of people, each group of three sloops, each with ten people maneuvering the ship, the bows were densely covered with large nails, used to nail each other after colliding with the ship, loaded with hay and firewood, filled with oil, and topped with sulphur. Fire-causing objects such as gunpowder and gunpowder are covered by cloth covers, and a small boat is attached to the stern for escape.

There is no shortage of desperadoes in his society. Under the heavy money, there must be a brave man. It is just to summon the manpower to tell the matter and declare the operation fee of 100 silver dollars per person. If the wind fails to return, he will be given 200 silver dollars.

Applicants are enthusiastic, arguing about their abilities. One says they are strong, the other says they are shrewd, and the third says they have luck...

The silver dollar sounds sweet and full of magic power, and everyone is rushing for their lives.

At that time, the purchasing power of silver dollars was strong, 10 silver dollars can buy a life, 200 silver dollars is definitely a consideration.

Will go down the river before dawn and take the opposing fleet directly.

Because Chabir failed to host the assassination, he redeemed his merits and voluntarily led a team. The other succeeded in helping Kajia to break the spotlight with him and was willing to lead the other team members to burn the ship.

Heyri was overjoyed, each handed out half of the silver dollar, and the other half waited for it to come back. The captain doubled it, and everyone liked it the same.

On the morning of the operation, the sky was still pitch black. It was on a secret pier by a small river 10 kilometers away from the southeast fleet berth. The torch flashed in the wind. Heyri personally mobilized the people and said: "The heretics come Here, we want to drive him away and let them know how good we are!"

Everyone looked at their boss intently and listened to him: "We are fighting for our God, and we are fighting for our hometown. Therefore, even if we abandon our lives, we don’t hesitate to succeed. We are warriors even if we succeed. It is a failure, we are still warriors, ascended to heaven and favored by God!"

"Fight for God!" he whispered.

The people uttered a low growl in their throats: "Fight for God!"

I have to say that the influence of religion is extremely powerful. Even if they work in a society, they are not well-born and don't know any great principles, but everyone's eyes are shining with fanaticism, and their will is agitated.

Heyri is not very demanding, just burn a battleship, everyone thinks that the goal is not difficult!

"Go!" Heyri waved his hand, and everyone rushed forward and embarked on a big step.

The boss of each boat is a good player on the river, they are responsible for sailing, and their faces are gloomy compared to the figures in the community.

They don't want to accompany this group of guys to go crazy. Compared with this group of guys, what they think is that if the government is not in the front, what are you underworld?

The problem is that the underworld has a way to deal with them --- Do you give money to do it? Kill them all if you don't do it!

Are they the underworld?

A religious fanatic! In modern times, they are used to punch cards full of explosives. For such fanatics, even the U.S. leader can only condemn them and then condemn them!

Well, it's too late to think about everything, everyone rushed towards the goal.

They had dreams of infatuation. On the other hand, the Southeast Fleet was also prepared for a possible enemy attack.

If the enemy may come, how can the staff of the Southeast Army eat for nothing and take multiple measures to safeguard the fleet.

Basra is on the west side of the Shatt al-Arab, and the Southeast Fleet is moored on the east bank of the river. A small position has been established on the east bank of the river to prohibit others from approaching.

Cut off traffic on the Arabian River and list military restricted zones. Ships are strictly prohibited from entering or leaving the berth ten miles upstream and ten miles downstream, otherwise the ship will not be arrested or sunk.

The frigate will inspect the upper and lower reaches of the Arabian River, and if suspicious ships are found, they will be inspected.

In the anchorage, the battleships are moored separately to prevent the enemy from burning the serial ships.

Outside the battleship are other ships. Outside the anchorage, some local anchored ships are placed, and they are surrounded by ropes for protection.

Even at night, the lights are brightly lit, and the searchlights of the local law are used to illuminate the light from afar, and the guard is very strict.

So, the enemy wants to steal the camp? !

Let’s also say that the two ship burning crews went downstream. The boss of the ship was capable of sailing at night. They gradually approached the anchorage of the Southeast Army and began to be out of the light. The Southeast Army did not find them, but when they entered the searchlight range , Was immediately discovered.

But seeing the fireworks flying up the night was shining, and then whistles, gongs, and shouts sounded together. The ships responded, and the anchorage burst into flames!

Due to the slower speed of the Chabir group of ships, the Kaga was faster, and first approached the anchorage of the Southeast Fleet. Before they cut the ropes of the road, the frigate quickly opened the oars and came in aggressively.

The ending is no suspense!

The frigate fired its cannon and rushed over and threw bombs at the enemy ship, which ignited the enemy ship. In less than five minutes, three "torches" appeared on the river!

Want to see the big torch of the Chinese?

Look at their little torch first!

All those diving on board were shot and killed by the Southeast Army, and only a few people could escape.

Kaga went to the left of the attacking anchorage, and Chabir went to the right. Seeing this situation, it was not a broken heart. Suddenly, he saw some cargo ships anchored outside the anchorage. He lost his courage and did not dare to fight the warships. , Simply direct the ships to burn those cargo ships!
