The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1069: The Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire has lost the wealthy Egypt. It must not be taken lightly. It must complete its military deployment as soon as possible, counterattack Egypt, and retake Cairo.

   The Egyptian province was captured by Cairo, which is equivalent to the fall of the entire province. Those local power factions were tribes, rebellious, and took the opportunity to get rid of the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

   The Ottoman Empire had many dependent countries of different sizes. The subject country must pay taxes to Sudan and send troops to support it during the war. Many dependent countries later became provinces of the Ottoman Empire.

   As the military power of the empire weakens, the empire will lose control of its subject countries. This happened in North Africa, Tunisia and Algeria are in a state of "regent rule". These are the end of imperial rule. The local tribes respect the Sultan, but it is unknown how many people have heard.

   So the key to regaining rule in Egypt is to retake Cairo!

Everyone from Kosem down to ordinary officials understands this. In fact, the deployment before the offensive has been intensively prepared, and the candidate for the chief general —— Farhad Pasha, this is a The veteran who has been on the front lines of Europe for many years, has been on the battlefield, and the courtiers considered it to be a suitable candidate.

  Actually, although Farhad Pasha is old, he doesn't have much record.

   If he had a brilliant record, the Turks would have played Vienna a long time ago, and the reason why he was reused was because of his epic loyalty to Kosem Sultan, he would bow his head to his ears completely, and be extremely flattering!

   Chaotang stands on the ground, loyalty is supreme!

The monarchs discussed the various troops sent, including which generals to use and how much money to use. For the generals and the person in charge, the Viziers had a fierce argument, and they were fighting each other, and they were irritable. A candidate was appointed, and the DPRK was dispersed without incident.

Koplulu Pasha left the palace, and someone stopped him behind him. Looking back, it was the sixth Vizier Essim Pasha. The two Viziers saluted each other and walked along the palace road. Walked slowly outside.

   There is no one next to him, and Ai Ximu Pasha whispered: "Coplu Pasha doesn't seem to be very optimistic about the choice of the leader for this attack?"

   Coplulu Pasha was on the alert. He knew that Ai Ximu Pasha was the empress dowager Duhen Hattie. This was really unpleasant for the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Empress Dowager Kossim Sultan and her daughter-in-law, Queen Dowager Khatij, are at odds. According to Doha Khatij, her son should have been in power by his mother, but Kosem Sultan’s grandmother should be the ruler of her son. Sun Tzu is in power, is there such a reason?

However, Kesem Sultan is strong. She has been in business for a long time and has a huge power. Duhen Hattie can only tolerate. The six Viziers in the North Korea are under her control. Only Aisim Pasha is under her control. The first four are all Ke Sam Sultan this person.

   is not a monolithic one, the four Viziers are loyal to Kesem Sultan, but they are not divided into two factions, the second and the fourth are against the boss and the third.

This is the law of officialdom. The second child wants to further become the boss, and the third child wants to get rid of the second child and wants to go further. He often joins hands with the boss, but when the third child becomes the second child, the alliance relationship between him and the boss immediately disappears, repeating the boss and the boss. The third child dealt with his second child.

   As for Coplulu Pasha, he is a capable and intelligent man.

  He is very capable. He is a good player in the political army. The smart thing is that he will not fight against Kosem Sultan, so he has saved himself.

   He is not on anyone's side, but his role is very important!

When the two factions of Vizier were arguing about the same level, Coplulu Pasha’s words were very important. He was on the matter and did not comment on the two candidates. Kosem Sultan adopted it and considered it a suitable candidate.

   He would not take the initiative to express his opinion, but when Kesem Sultan asked, his opinion made people feel reasonable.

In fact, Grand Vizier Bashir Pasha was very jealous of Koplulu Pasha. He repeatedly spoke ill of him in front of Kosem Sultan and wanted to denounce him. However, Koplulu Pasha’s methods were smooth. Without dripping, Grand Vizier could not achieve his goal.

   He sternly said: "The Chinese occupation of Cairo, by no means burned our beards, but chopped off one of our arms!"

   The analogy of beard and arms made Coplulu Pasha smile involuntarily.

There is an allusion here. It was in 1571 that the Spanish navy defeated the Turkish navy in the Battle of Lepanto, but the Turkish Grand Vizier Sokuru Memit Pasha confronted the Venetian envoy after the war. Said: "You only slightly scorched my beard---referring to the Ottoman navy fleet, and I cut off your arms---referring to the Turks taking Cyprus, my beard can grow out, but you I don’t have the ability to grow another arm!"

Nowadays, Cairo’s general candidate is not trivial. It was seen by Asim Pasha that he did not approve of Fahad Pasha’s battle. Koplulu Pasha was shocked, and he secretly reviewed what he had let the opponent see the flaws. He said: "I very much agree with the decision made by Kosem Sultan!"

Aiximu Pasha knew that this man was always treacherous. He asked: "If Fahad Pasha is defeated and the Chinese are fierce, the empire is afraid to lose the entire Africa, and Coplu Pasha will have to go early. Make plans!"

   Koplulu Pasha calmly said: "How should I plan? May the public teach me!"

   "If something happens, what about the dude?" Aixim Pasha's words shocked Coplulu Pasha's heart!

  He pretended to be confused: "Under the rule of Kesem Sultan, what will happen?"

Aisim Pasha smiled slightly, did not say anything about it, but talked about the other side: "I deeply admire the personal character and talent of Coplu I am ashamed. Not as good! With you, the empire will be able to cope with the invasion of powerful enemies in the years to come. The empire can't live without you. You will preside over the government, I'm afraid it will be much better than that guy!"

   "Don't dare to be ashamed!" Coplulu Pasha said modestly.

   Approaching the gate of the palace, there are people next to them. The two of them stopped talking, and each left.

   What Aisim Pasha said, let Koplulu Pasha know that the empire will soon be stormy, and it will only be launched after Fahad Pasha is defeated!

   Farhad Pasha’s defeat is likely to be a high probability event, and something will happen in the future!

   As for Aiximu Pasha said that he admires Coplulu Pasha's ability, Coplulu Pasha understands what he means, this is a show of good, to buy!

The situation that they got together quickly spread to the ears of Grand Vizier Bashir Pasha. After hearing that they didn’t hear what they said, Bashir Pasha snorted coldly: “It’s definitely not. Good thing!"

In his opinion, Kosem Sultan should have solved Duhen Hatijie and Coplulu Pasha long ago, but Kossem Sultan was worried about the influence and he did not start. If something happens, he will act as Kosei. The capable man of Sultan cannot escape liquidation!

  Although Bashir Pasha was stupid, he also knew that the battle of Cairo had far-reaching influence. He was very ruthless and asked the officials to do their best to make no trouble!

  All people must actively support the work of the army, and if there is anything unfavorable to the army, they will be severely investigated and never let go!

  All in all, waiting for the result of the war!