The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1119: Inferior rebels

Casavilla Emil rejected the demands of the two ministers, Imad and Lugman, and he agreed to the opening of Oriental University in Cairo. Imad and Lugman were killed!

In their view, Casavilla has deviated from Egypt's supreme interests, he is a traitor to God!

For the traitor, the solution in this land is to let him see God and confess his crime!

Destroy him!

Imad and Lugman began to connect, looking for like-minded people---the screening method is very simple. You can know one or two by looking at the attitude of those people towards God. As long as the pious, with a little contact and guidance, they are comrades.

They think that Casavila Emil has become an accomplice of the heretics. He is a heresy. He helps the heretics clean the land of God and must not stay!

Decided to kill him, not only that, the former mayor of Cairo and the current prime minister of the new dynasty, Vizier Abdullah Faisal, are also heretics and cannot be spared either!

Abdullah Faisal has turned to the Chinese and has become a microphone and agent of the Chinese, so let him go to **** with his emir!

The conspirators decided to get rid of them, as well as the rebels who belonged to the Chinese, and swept them all. The time was set after the main force of the Southeast Army left. They launched an uprising, attacked the palace, and wiped out the heretics in the old city of Cairo. .

Then they returned to the warm embrace of the Ottoman Empire.

The most ideal state is when the Ottoman Empire is at war with the Southeastern country. They believe that the Ottoman Empire will definitely go to war with the Southeastern country. By then, the Southeastern country will be given a severe blow!

But their plan was doomed to failure. When Casavilla Emir and Abdullah Faisal jointly visited the Southeast Army barracks east of the old city of Cairo, everyone around them was rejected. One named Liu Xu's Southeast Army's senior intelligence officers exposed to them the intelligence of the rebel group headed by Imad and Lugman.

They thought they were doing it perfectly, but they were full of mistakes and omissions in front of the intelligence system of the Southeastern country!

There is always a certain big and young man who wants to harm me with bad thoughts. Using his knowledge of selling rare and rare intelligence, he has established his CIA and MIB. After so many years of construction, he has grown a lot. The world's largest intelligence system.

Become his eyes and ears, monitor his country, and abroad.

Intelligence officers are proficient in their business. Many diplomats and businessmen are intelligence personnel, and they have also bought a large number of informants. Thanks to the generosity of a certain young and old, and the expenditure is not a problem.

There are many people who are willing to sell information for the Chinese. After all, the Chinese give money happily, and no one can't get along with the money.

Even abroad, there are huge espionage systems in action. What Imad and Lugman had never expected in their dreams was that when they started their activities on the first day, their intelligence continuously flowed into the Intelligence Division of the Southeast Army. .

The Chinese used informants to break into the inside of the conspirators and successfully collected their information.

Some of the people who acted impassioned and hated the Chinese in front of Imade, Lugman and others are actually Chinese spies. They are all dramatists and convince others.

Imade and Lugman have been hitting rocks with pebbles, recklessly contending with masters who are good at cruel games, like a bare child lying in a lion's den.

Now their list was placed in front of Casavilla Emil, making him pale. He saw that 60% of his senior officials were involved in this conspiracy, many of which were pierced by familiar names. It hurts his eyes, and he was so good to them, and entrusted them with an important task!

For example, Faisal Pasha, his father Ali’s old tribe, was loyal to Ali. He used to rebel against the Ottoman Empire with Ali, and was promoted to one of the highest commanders of the new Egyptian army by Casavila Emir. One of Pasha, he did not expect to rebel too.

Another unexpected thing was that the other of the two Pashas, ​​Maher Pasha, a devout believer, was not on the list. He was still loyal to him, which surprised him.

"What did Emir say?" Liu Xu asked him in fluent Arabic.

"Kill!" Casavilla Emil said nervously: "Kill, kill all!"

Liu Xu bowed: "As you wish!"

And Abdullah Faisal was fortunate, because many people tried to win him over, but fortunately he was not fooled.

The Chinese have been firmly in control of the political situation, and they will never be soft on opponents!

On the same day, Casavilla Emil led a crowd to the New City of Cairo as a guest. In the early morning of the next day, the Southeast Army sent a large number of troops to surround the Old City of Cairo, and the whole city was struck!

According to the list, they wiped out all the conspirators and arrested them.

Since the people who were dispatched were all Chinese, the action was not detected by the conspirators, and none of them ran away as a result of not being leaked.

Their resistance was scattered, unable to organize effective resistance, and they were all arrested.

After arresting them, Casavila Emil formed a special court. After a simple trial, without any mercy, they were all sentenced to death. Casavila Emil signed the execution order.

More than 5,000 people were killed and executed in public at Caishikou. The heads fell to the ground with blood dripping. The entire old city of Cairo was chilly, and the people did not dare to make any noise when they passed by!

In the face of death, some people were brave and unyielding. For example, Imade kept swearing, but his teeth were broken by the jailer!

Lugman remained silent, and remained silent until his death.

The commander Faisal Pasha pleaded bitterly and was dragged out like a dead dog and taken to the execution ground.

The rupture of the conspiracy of rebellion also shows that Casavilla Emir’s ruling foundation is weak. Even though he participated in the defense of Cairo New City and fought the Ottomans, his prestige is still insufficient!

There are many ways to increase prestige. One is to win battles. This is not good for Casavilla Emil. Firstly, he is not expected to fight, and secondly, if he has outstanding won't it be true? Will threaten his Chinese master!

Another way is to develop the economy and make people prosperous, such as increasing food production, mining, doing business, developing handicrafts, etc. For example, in a Chinese country, people always laugh at the poor but never laugh at the prostitution and respect the rich.

According to the view of the Chinese, the Egyptians have less land and more land, especially there is a lot of fertile soil on the banks of the Nile, and there is a lot to do in agricultural production!

But in a country where the current social atmosphere is to chant sutras for food, the Egyptians belong to the type of "you have money and I have gods". It is a joke that you want them to work diligently to change their lives.

The Chinese have laid a heavy burden on Casavilla Emir, hoping that he can last and become a stable ally in the Southeast. They racked their brains to think about how to strengthen his rule.

The Chief of Staff of the Southeast Army, Mr. David David, is a rambling fan, but he is very familiar with Chinese history. He summarized how China strengthened its rule and wrote a long article eloquently, including:

The imperial system strengthens centralized rule; the system of three publics and nine officials to select talents; the system of prefectures and counties; law; army and war; unify writing, currency, weights and measures; develop the economy; build a world miracle, etc.

Show it to Yan Changwu, Yan Changwu smiled and said, "You play the game "Civilization"?"

Mr. David is accustomed to his nonsensical remarks. If he can understand, he will understand, and if he can’t understand he will listen.

So Yan Changwu smiled and said, "Many things are not suitable for use in Egypt, so let me have an idea."

"Please show me the king!" Mr. David wanted to hear what the leader had to say, but he was not disappointed to hear: "Shengshi antique chaotic world gold, let it be!"

"How do you say it?" Mr. David asked urgently.

"Appoint Faqiu Zhonglang to dig out the Valley of the Emperors!" Yan Changwu smiled and said, he wanted to get this vote a long time ago!